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Chaos Test

This test assesses Serve's availability under hostile conditions– where nodes are intentionally killed periodically.


  • Receiver service
    • 3 Ray cluster nodes
      • 1 head node, 2 worker nodes
      • Each node must have the following custom resources:
        • 1 "alpha_singleton" custom resource
        • 1 "beta_singleton" custom resource
    • 3 Receiver replicas
      • Trivial workload (returns a string or asks NodeKiller to kill a node)
      • Assigns one replica per node using custom_resources
        • Prevents all replicas from getting stuck on one node
    • 1 NodeKiller replica
      • Kills its node with either ray stop --head or sudo halt --force
  • Pinger service
    • 1 Ray cluster node (just the head node)
    • 1 Pinger replica
      • Sends requests to the Receiver service at a constant QPS
    • 1 Reaper replica
      • Periodically sends a request to the Receiver service asking the NodeKiller to kill a node
    • 1 ReceiverHelmsman replica
      • Periodically upgrades the Receiver service with a new import_path. This changes the string that the Receiver replica returns and the specific type of custom resource that the Receiver replicas use.
      • Watches the Receiver service's status.

Instructions to run the workload

  1. Launch the Receiver service. Its Serve config is in receiver_config.yaml.
  2. Get the Receiver service's URL and any authentication token needed to access it.
  3. Fill in pinger_config.yaml with the Receiver service's info. You can omit the authentication token in the config if your Receiver doesn't need one.
  4. Launch the Pinger service using pinger_config.yaml.
  5. Import the Grafana dashboard from grafana_dashboard.json if you're running a Grafana server.
  6. You can check Pinger's metrics either through the Grafana dashboard or by sending a GET request to the Pinger service's /info endpoint.