This folder holds a variety of examples and proof-of-concepts using Flow.
Flow makes it easy to write tests that verify the end-to-end behaviors of catalog collections. We recommend that every Flow catalog include tests, and these examples are no exception:
$ flowctl test --source examples/all.flow.yaml
You can also directly test catalog sources which are hosted remotely:
$ flowctl test --source
- citi-bike/ is a comprehensive example using Citi Bike system data.
- net-trace/ works with packet data to materialize service status in a network.
- re-key/ models the problem of marrying events captured before a user sign-up, when the user is keyed on a temporary ID, with events after sign-up where a stable user ID is now known.
- segment/ is a comprehensive example drawn from the marketing segmentation domain.
- shopping/ models a shopping cart and purchase interactions.
- stock-stats/ models per-day market security statistics that update with ticks.
- wiki/ rolls up Wikipedia page edits. It's based on an old Druid example, that we'll be updating to MediaWiki's live API.
- derive-patterns/ demonstrates common patterns and approaches in building derivations.
- reduction-types/ discusses reduction annotations available in Flow.