$ whoami
> ravachol
$ help --info
> A student who is interested in Computer Science, Philosophy & Magick
> ** However my skills are poor **
> ^-^
$ help --contact
> Telegram: @ravachol_y
> E-Mail: ravachol.yang@gmail.com
$ whoami
> ravachol
$ help --info
> A student who is interested in Computer Science, Philosophy & Magick
> ** However my skills are poor **
> ^-^
$ help --contact
> Telegram: @ravachol_y
> E-Mail: ravachol.yang@gmail.com
My journey through the Wizard Book SICP ( Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs )
Racket 1
A telegram bot to generate random stuff, I built this to chat with my friend randomly
Python 2
$ whoami
> ravachol
$ help --info
> A student who is interested in Computer Science, Philosophy & Magick
> ** However my skills are poor **
> ^-^
$ help --contact
> Telegram: @ravachol_y
> E-Mail: ravachol.yang@gmail.com
My journey through the Wizard Book SICP ( Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs )
Racket 1
A telegram bot to generate random stuff, I built this to chat with my friend randomly
Python 2