This sample SpringBoot Java project uses the Twilio SMS and Voice APIs to allow users to interact with the Algorand Blockchain Purestake API. Through text and phone calls you are able to:
- get the supply on MainNet/TestNet/BetaNet through SMS and Voice
- get the last round on MainNet/TestNet/BetaNet through SMS and Voice
This sample implementation can be expanded to many more features and interactions.
- Maven
- JDK 8
- Ngrok (to expose your localhost:8080):
- Twilio Developer API account:
- PureStake Developer API account:
git clone
cd algorand-purestake-twilio-sms
mvn clean install
If you want more detailed instructions:
Expose your localhost:8080 port with ngrok (windows command). The exposed url will be used in the Twilio Developer Console:
ngrok http 8080
Configure your Twilio Messaging webhook to use exposed ngrok address:
In the Twilio Dev Console, Go to Manage Numbers -> Active Numbers and click on the number you are going to use for this project
Scroll down to the Voice & Fax section
- Add your ngrok url
- Add '/voice' at the end of your url (this the endpoint defined in our controller)
- Set the WebHook to
- Click save
Scroll down to the Messaging section
- Add your ngrok url
- Add '/text' at the end of your url (this the endpoint defined in our controller)
- Set the WebHook to
- Click save
Modify the src/main/resources/
# Twilio API Keys and relevant variables
spring.twilioAccountSid= # Add your AccountSID here
spring.twilioAuthToken= # Add your AuthToken here
spring.twilioNumber= # Add your twilioNumber here
spring.myNumber= # Add your Number here (optional)
#PureStake API keys and relevant variables
spring.algodApiAddress.url= # Add your PureStake API Address here
spring.algodApiKey= # Add your PureStake API Key here
From the project directory in the command terminal:
mvn spring-boot:run
Text 'supply' to your Twilio number:
Text 'lastround' to your Twilio number:
Call your Twilio number:
- Press any number (to bypass trial introduction statment)
- Follow the voice command (Press 1 for the supply, press 2 for the lastround)
- a voice will provide the result and hangup.