A SSH key is a stardard component of the secure shell protocal suite found on Unix like and Microsoft window computer systems.
This is important to know because if you wish to be able to connect without a password to one server from within another server, you will need to forward your SSH key information.
This helps you connect to another server from your local computer. It will all make sense if it does not already when you create your first GitHub Blog.
This is used with GitHub Repositories.
When working with a GitHub repository, you'll often need to identify yourself to GitHub using your username and password. An SSH key is an alternate way to identify yourself that doesn't require you to enter you username and password every time.
I will reflect on the process of creating the GitHub as my instructor gave me the following instructions.
"Here are your next steps:
Create a profile on the bloc platform, "John Doe" will send you a link that you will use to create a login to the site.
- I had no idea what the bloc platform was.
- BLOC Platform "A Rails and Firebase beta platform for BLOC students and partners."
- I am still not really sure what this is so I will have to do more research but I must have done it haha
Create a resume on the website, as we work through the internship the big idea is to track your skill acquisition by updating your profile and resume
- I still need to do this. I am a little older and am more so focused on doing this for my business but I still think this is important for understanding what skills I am aquiring.
Create a Github Account
- I had already had a GitHub account. At the time I started I had some issues navigating GitHub. The key is to understand what each tab is used for
- This is on my tasks to explore GitHub more
- The main thing I use in this program is the Repo
Create a Github Page with your account - you will use this to blog daily about the progress you are making on your project
- I struggled initially with figuring out how to create a github page. It felt like there were so many moving parts and navigating each one while learning what everything meant and what it was was overwhelming
- You have to take your time and figure out how to navigate bugs. Use support if you need to.
Take the version of the resume you created on the Bloc website and move it to the about section of the Github Page - Example - Markdown Cheatsheet"
- I still have to execute this task so I will let you know how it turns out once I do it.
For your first post create the outline for your project, and find a dataset (1-CSV spreadsheet) - Include
- I have a post where we did this but it was not my first post. I will look through and share which post this is soon.
What is the question you are trying to ask with the project? Ex: I would like to understand all of the legislation or lack thereof historically that have prevented Black Americans from exercising full citizenship
- This is the question I have came up with. If Steph Curry is really the best shooter ever?
Think through what data would help you answer this question and examine what columns exist and ensure that your data matches a reasonable answer to your question, for instance: In the prior example I would look for a data set with columns of the names of legislation, year passed, significance (right to vote, school integration). Most likely one data set will not contain every column that you need and you will need to combine data for the information to make sense.
- The data is still a process. I am in the explore phase right now. I will report back once I have a handle on what data is useful.
I realize that this list is not all-encompassing and you probably have many questions about the process, so please send those questions my way. If you have any questions at all using certain tools or setting up your GitHub page, please share those questions here so that I am sure to send over a full explanation to you. If there is some part of this process that does not make sense to you there are certainly going to students to whom this process is confusing as well.
- The questions I had were really about how things work together. It will seem like a bunch of things you are doing and you have to find out how they are interconnected.