Neovim plugin that adds an operator which allows adding printing/logging statements with text from textobjects / visual range based on the filetype
- With lazy
config = function()
keymap = "gp" -- Plugin doesn't have any keymaps by default
- With packer.nvim
use {
config = function()
keymap = "gp" -- Plugin doesn't have any keymaps by default
Use your keymap followed by a motion to quickly print/log the text from the motion.
behavior = "insert_below", -- default behaviour either "insert_below" for inserting the debug print below or "yank" for yanking the debug print
formatters = {}, -- check lua/formatters.lua for default value of formatters
add_to_inside = function default_addtoinside(text) return string.format("[%s:%s] %s", vim.fn.expand("%"), vim.fn.line("."), text) end,
-- function with signature (string) -> string which adds some text to the string inside print statement by default it adds the filename and line from
default_register = [["]], -- if register is not specified to which register should "yank" put debug print
use {
config = function()
keymap = "gp", -- Plugin doesn't have any keymaps by default
behavior = "insert_below", -- how operator should behave
-- "insert_below" will insert the text below the cursor
-- "yank" will not insert but instead put text into the default '"' register
formatters = {
-- you can define your formatters for specific filetypes
-- by assigning function that takes two strings
-- one text modified by 'add_to_inside' function
-- second the variable (thing) you want to print out
-- see examples in lua/formatters.lua
lua = function(inside, variable)
return string.format('print("%s: " .. %s)', inside, variable)
-- function which modifies the text inside string in the print statement, by default it adds the path and line number
add_to_inside = function(text)
return string.format("[%s:%s] %s", vim.fn.expand("%"), vim.fn.line("."), text)
-- to turn off default behaviour and add nothing
-- add_to_inside = function(text)
-- return text
-- end,
-- keymap to always yank the debug print
vim.keymap.set("n", "gp", "<Plug>(printer_yank)")
vim.keymap.set("v", "gp", "<Plug>(printer_yank)")
-- keymap to always insert below the debug print
vim.keymap.set("n", "gp", "<Plug>(printer_below)")
vim.keymap.set("v", "gp", "<Plug>(printer_below)")
-- You can use use '<Plug>printer_print' to call the pluging inside more advanced keymaps
-- for example a keymap that always adds a prnt statement based on 'iw'
vim.keymap.set("n", "gP", "<Plug>(printer_print)iw")