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[BUG] arm64 builds failing because of file-clobbering issues between 'xorg-xorgproto' and 'xorg-xproto' #800



Describe the bug

conda-cpp-build jobs (arm64 only) are failing for releases 24.12 and 25.02, with errors like this:

This transaction has incompatible packages due to a shared path.
  packages: conda-forge/linux-aarch64::xorg-xorgproto-2024.1-h86ecc28_1, conda-forge/linux-aarch64::xorg-xproto-7.0.31-h57736b2_1008
  path: 'include/X11/Xprotostr.h'

(24.12 build link)

(25.02 build link)

The corresponding amd64 jobs are not failing in this way.

Steps/Code to reproduce bug

See those CI links above.

Expected behavior

Builds to succeed.

Environment details (please complete the following information):

See logs from those build links above.

conda env from the 24.12 job (click me)
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    _openmp_mutex:             4.5-2_gnu            conda-forge
    bzip2:                     1.0.8-h68df207_7     conda-forge
    cairo:                     1.18.2-hb60a174_0    conda-forge
    cuda-version:              11.8-h70ddcb2_3      conda-forge
    font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono: 2.37-hab24e00_0      conda-forge
    font-ttf-inconsolata:      3.000-h77eed37_0     conda-forge
    font-ttf-source-code-pro:  2.038-h77eed37_0     conda-forge
    font-ttf-ubuntu:           0.83-h77eed37_3      conda-forge
    fontconfig:                2.15.0-h8dda3cd_1    conda-forge
    fonts-conda-ecosystem:     1-0                  conda-forge
    fonts-conda-forge:         1-0                  conda-forge
    freetype:                  2.12.1-hf0a5ef3_2    conda-forge
    gdk-pixbuf:                2.42.12-ha61d561_0   conda-forge
    icu:                       75.1-hf9b3779_0      conda-forge
    lerc:                      4.0.0-h4de3ea5_0     conda-forge
    libdeflate:                1.22-h86ecc28_0      conda-forge
    libdicom:                  1.0.5-h31becfc_1     conda-forge
    libexpat:                  2.6.4-h5ad3122_0     conda-forge
    libffi:                    3.4.2-h3557bc0_5     conda-forge
    libgcc:                    14.2.0-he277a41_1    conda-forge
    libgcc-ng:                 14.2.0-he[943](    conda-forge
    libglib:                   2.82.2-hc486b8e_0    conda-forge
    libgomp:                   14.2.0-he277a41_1    conda-forge
    libiconv:                  1.17-h31becfc_2      conda-forge
    libjpeg-turbo:             3.0.0-h31becfc_1     conda-forge
    liblzma:                   5.6.3-h86ecc28_1     conda-forge
    libnvjpeg:        nvidia     
    libnvjpeg-dev:    nvidia     
    libpng:                    1.6.44-hc4a20ef_0    conda-forge
    libsqlite:                 3.47.0-hc4a20ef_1    conda-forge
    libstdcxx:                 14.2.0-h3f4de04_1    conda-forge
    libstdcxx-ng:              14.2.0-hf1166c9_1    conda-forge
    libtiff:                   4.7.0-hca96517_2     conda-forge
    libuuid:                   2.38.1-hb4cce97_0    conda-forge
    libwebp-base:              1.4.0-h31becfc_0     conda-forge
    libxcb:                    1.16-h57736b2_1      conda-forge
    libxml2:                   2.13.5-h2e0c361_1    conda-forge
    libzlib:                   1.3.1-h86ecc28_2     conda-forge
    nvtx-c:                    3.1.0-h8af1aa0_1     conda-forge
    openjpeg:                  2.5.2-h0d9d63b_0     conda-forge
    openslide:                 4.0.0-h8d5e3c6_1     conda-forge
    pcre2:                     10.44-h070dd5b_2     conda-forge
    pixman:                    0.44.2-h86a87f0_0    conda-forge
    pthread-stubs:             0.4-h86ecc28_1002    conda-forge
    xorg-kbproto:              1.0.7-h57736b2_1003  conda-forge
    xorg-libice:               1.1.1-h57736b2_1     conda-forge
    xorg-libsm:                1.2.4-hbac51e1_1     conda-forge
    xorg-libx11:               1.8.9-h08be655_1     conda-forge
    xorg-libxau:               1.0.11-h86ecc28_1    conda-forge
    xorg-libxdmcp:             1.1.5-h57736b2_0     conda-forge
    xorg-libxext:              1.3.6-h57736b2_0     conda-forge
    xorg-libxrender:           0.9.11-h57736b2_1    conda-forge
    xorg-xextproto:            7.3.0-h57736b2_1004  conda-forge
    xorg-xorgproto:            2024.1-h86ecc28_1    conda-forge
    xorg-xproto:               7.0.31-h57736b2_1008 conda-forge
    zlib:                      1.3.1-h86ecc28_2     conda-forge
    zstd:                      1.5.6-h02f22dd_0     conda-forge

Additional context

The last time this happened, the root cause was "some migration in the xorg-* projects is in progress, just give it a bit more time to reach all the projects":

That might be happening now, too.



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    bugSomething isn't working


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