- Codes for calculating the physical-bath Hamiltonians of 1D and 2D (homeycomb) models
- Ref: "Quantum simulation for thermodynamics of infinite-size many-body systems by O(10) sites" (arXiv:1810.01612)
- The Hamiltonains are given by Hermitian matrices in the computational basis (the eigenstates of the z-component of spin-1/2 operator)
Step 1. prepare 'Parameter.m'; one may edit the physical and computational parameters as your wish;
Step 2. run 'MainBH.m';
Step 3. Load the mat file in the current folder; the physical-bath Hamiltonians are saved inside as a cell.
Step 1. prepare Parameter.m. One may edit the physical and computational parameters as your wish (first 22 rows);
Step 2. run 'MainBH.m';
Step 3. load the mat file in the current folder; the physical-bath Hamiltonians are saved inside as a cell.