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Twitter.jl is a Julia package to work with the Twitter API v1.1. The beginning focus of development will be accessing data from the Twitter API, leaving the 'application' method calls to be developed into functions at a later date (or perhaps, never).

##Twitter.jl API

In general, the theme of the functions in this package is to require one main argument in the function call, then have a second optional keyword argument that takes a Dict of arguments to customize the API call. This is done to keep the function signatures from being huge, as well as to make it simple to get data from the Twitter API for the most common use cases.

While in development, most function calls will return one long string of JSON (but of Julia type ASCIIString). It is planned to write parsers for each type of call to return either JSON, a Dict or a DataFrame.

Also note that the API is subject to change at will until this package is regestered on METADATA.


Authentication is accomplished by creating an application on Once your application is setup, you can access your consumer_key, consumer_token, oauth_token and oauth_secret from the "Details" tab of the application.

This package does not currently support on-the-fly, pop-up a browser-type OAuth authentication.

##Code examples

  using Twitter

#Authentication using only consumer_key and consumer_secret
#Will only allow authentication of application_only endpoints, not user specific
twitterauth("6nOtpXmf...", "sES5Zlj096St...")

#Authentication using all 4 credentials
            oauth_token = "98689850-Hj...",
            oauth_secret = "UroqCVpWKIt...")

#Search by user
get_user_timeline_tweets = get_user_timeline("randyzwitch")

#Search for tweets containing search term '#Duke'
search_tweets_result = search_tweets("#Duke")

#Get id numbers for friends
get_friends_ids_result = get_friends_ids("randyzwitch")

#Get id numbers for followers
get_followers_ids_result = get_followers_ids("randyzwitch")

#Get friends list
get_friends_list_result = get_friends_list("randyzwitch")

#Get followers list
get_followers_list_result = get_followers_list("randyzwitch")

#Configuration settings
get_help_configuration_results = get_help_configuration()

get_help_languages_results = get_help_languages()

#Privacy Policy
get_help_privacy_results = get_help_privacy()

#Terms of Service
get_help_tos_results = get_help_tos()

#Application rate limit status
rate_limit = get_application_rate_limit_status()

#Post tweet to timeline
post_tweet = post_status_update("If this is annoying, sorry. Tweeting from inside #julialang using only Julia code.")

#Get n most recent tweets mentioning you
last_20_mentions = mentions_timeline(20)

#Get most recent tweets in your timeline
timeline_tweets = mentions_timeline(20)

#Get n most recent retweets
my_retweets = retweets_of_me(10)

#Get n most recent direct messages
my_dms = get_direct_messages(10)

#Get n most recent direct messages sent
my_dms_sent = get_direct_messages_sent(10)

#Get account settings
account_settings = get_account_settings()

#Validate credentials
validated_credentials = validate_credentials()

#Get Blocks List
blocked_users = get_blocks_list()

#Get Blocks IDs
blocked_ids = get_blocks_ids()

#Get Users Search
philly_users = get_users_search("philly")

#Get users contributees
user_contributees = get_users_contributees("randyzwitch")


Given the authenticated nature of the Twitter API, it's unlikely that testing will be built into Travis-CI. Rather, a test file will be provided in the future for testing, which will also serve as detailed examples.


Twitter.jl is licensed under the MIT "Expat" license


Everything, including:

  • Working API calls for most functions, returning string/JSON
  • Extend functions from just taking a single argument to incorporating options Dict
  • Refactor code where it makes sense
  • Parser for returned data/custom types
  • Keyword arguments for type of data structure desired as returned object (JSON, Dict, DataFrame, etc.)
  • Make interface more Julian, clean up any oddities
  • Ability to save keys to file, remove need for authentication each time
  • Create Read The Docs documentation