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- Tell me about your work! - あなたの作品を教えてください!
- How to use and set up? - 設定方法などについての雑談・相談の場
- Request Features and Samples - 機能やサンプルのリクエスト
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Kawaii Physics is a pseudo-physical plug-in created for Unreal Engine 4 & 5.
You can sway your hair, skirt, chest, etc easily and in a Kawaii way.
She is Gray-chan http://rarihoma.xvs.jp/products/graychan
She is MiraiKomachi https://www.bandainamcostudios.com/works/miraikomachi/
- Controls each bone physically while respecting the pre-physics shape
- All you need to do is add Kawaii Node to AnimGraph and adjust few parameters.
- Sway the specified bone and the bone below it according to the movement of the character.
- Much easier to set up than AnimDynamics
- You can use sphere, capsule, plane collision
- You can adjust the position, orientation and size of each collision in the animation editor viewport
- Since the bone length is maintained, even if the calculation is broken, the bone does not expand or contract.
- Uses a simple algorithm without using PhysX, so the cost is lower compared to the engine's standard physical system.
Reference materials
UE4.27, UE5
UE4.27, UE5(Only Plugin) https://github.com/pafuhana1213/KawaiiPhysics/releases/
UE4.24~4.26(Only Plugin) https://github.com/pafuhana1213/KawaiiPhysics/releases/tag/20201202-v1.7.0
- Put the KawaiiPhysics folder in the PROJECT's Plugins folder
- About each parameters:https://github.com/pafuhana1213/KawaiiPhysics/wiki/%E5%90%84%E3%83%91%E3%83%A9%E3%83%A1%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A4%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6
- In case of BP project, an error occurs when packaging. Try converting your prohject to C ++ project
- Content/KawaiiPhysicsSample/KawaiiPhysicsSample
- She is Gray-chan http://rarihoma.xvs.jp/products/graychan