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Validate Documents

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What is it?

This project, is a lib to validate oficial documents in Brazil. This validate CPF and CNPJ.

What technologies this project use?

  • Node.Js
    • TypeScript
    • Jest

How install it?

It's simple, just run the command in the terminal, example:

# Installing package

# Yarn
$ yarn add validate-documents

# npm
$ npm install validate-documents

Exemple of use:

Validate Documents

import { validateCpf } from 'validate-documents'

const isValidCpf = validateCpf('72994324040')

if(isValidCpf) {
    // Follow the flow with valid CPF, how create user
    // Follow the flow with invalid CPF, how return response with error and status code 400 

Create Fake Document Number

import { createFakeCpf } from 'validate-documents'

try {
    const cpfCreated = createFakeCpf()
    console.log('created CPF:', cpfCreated)
} catch (error) {
        error_name:, // Error
        error_message: error.message, // Max retry to create fake cpf was hit
Made with Love by Ramon Paolo Maram :3