A quick example showing how to use the Vision
system-framework in iOS 13 and Swift 5.
- Xcode 13 and later
First, import the Vision
import Vision
Next, create a barcode-request that will call the completion-handler asynchronously when it detects a code:
// Create a barcode detection-request
let barcodeRequest = VNDetectBarcodesRequest(completionHandler: { request, error in
guard let results = request.results else { return }
// Loop through the found results
for result in results {
// Cast the result to a barcode-observation
if let barcode = result as? VNBarcodeObservation {
// Print barcode-values
print("Symbology: \(barcode.symbology.rawValue)")
if let desc = barcode.barcodeDescriptor as? CIQRCodeDescriptor {
print("Error-Correction-Level: \(desc.errorCorrectionLevel)")
print("Symbol-Version: \(desc.symbolVersion)")
Finally, call the image-request-handler with the previously create barcode-request:
// Create an image handler and use the CGImage your UIImage instance.
guard let image = myImage.cgImage else { return }
let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: image, options: [:])
// Perform the barcode-request. This will call the completion-handler of the barcode-request.
guard let _ = try? handler.perform([barcodeRequest]) else {
return print("Could not perform barcode-request!")
That's it! Run the app on the simulator / device and detect QR-codes.
Dineshkumar Kandasamy