- ✉️ You can contact me at r@me0.biz
- 🧠 I'm learning Kubernetes, Go
- 🔭 I’m currently working on:
- 🚀 Chrome extension (with nativ messaging backend for corporate stuff)
- 🚀 Testing and learning system to prevent phishing (front, back, extensions)
- JS (Vue, Node.JS), Kubernetes, python, Go
- Projects mostly on hold and support
- CRM/WCS system that manages relations with wholesale customers
- Couple retail E-commers websites
- 🤔 Both uses on Apache + PHP + MySQL + JS (JQuery) (partially JS ES6 modules) + SCSS.
- Developing WMS/CRM for transport company from scratch
- 🛠 Test environment runs inside Docker containers and VMs and includes:
- XDebug for debuging
- Tideways Xhprof + Xhgui for profiling
- Gulp/Webpack for building JS and CSS
- Windows and Linux VMs