My first Lua game, a short maze game.
Trapped in a maze, avoid being killed by monsters and traps and reach the exit with the good key!
To play this game, you must
- Fork this repo only the first time
- Start a command line in the repo
- Run
lua maze.lua
- u or up arrow: move up (north)
- d or down arrow: move down (south)
- l or left arrow: move left (east)
- r or right arrow: move right (west)
- w: take what's on your room and take attention to what's near (aka, skip a turn)
- m: print the map
- h: help
- suicide: suicide (also reset the map)
- q: quit :(
Follow every instruction by a hit to the enter key. Multiple commands are not supported as of yet.
See the docs
The line pointed by this documentation can be inexact.
- Every build is tested on xterm, and should work on rxvt. To have the best render if you don't use these, test if your terminal accepts the following (Lua-style) escape codes:
- Bold: \27[01m
- Faint: \27[02m not working on RXVT
- Reset faint/bold: \27[22m
- Reverse video (background <-> foreground colors) (this is mostly used to render walls): \27[07m
- Crossed-out: \27[09m not working on RXVT
- Foreground colors: \27[3cm -styled (where c is the color, a whole number between 0 and 7)
- Background colors: \27[4cm -styled (where c is the color, a whole number between 0 and 7)
- Cursor UDLR movements: \27[1A \27[1B \27[1D \27[1C
- Cursor absolute horizontal: \27[G
- Cursor save state: \27[s
- Cursor load state: \27[u
- You may want italic (used for lores): \27[3m
- If you want to change the starting level:
- To play a real level, write a whole number > 0 instead of 1 in level.lua@line376
- To play a test level, write a whole number < 0 instead of -1 in level.lua@line374 and set
in the advanced settings (optionlevelManager/loadTestLevels
- If you want to interact with the game after ending it, see
- If you want to create a level, see docs/ levels
- If you want to contribute, see docs/, docs/ and docs/