This is example code for integrating Stack overFlow api with Django and Django rest framework using cache and throtling.
Read more about Stack overflow APi here: Stack APi offical docs
Read more about Django rest framework: DRF offical docs
Read more about Angular js : Learn Angularjs from w3school
- Stack Api integration
- Cache managemnt using Redis
- Custom Throtling like 5 hits per minuter or 100 hits per day
- Integrate Angulrjs as frontend with Django template.
- Angular 6 integration with CORS
I have just upploaded angular 6 src not all app. So you have to setup angular 2+
- Install angular using cli
npm install -g @angular/cli
ng new my-app
ng serve --open
- clone this repository
- Install requirement file
- open directory where file is present
- open terminal type the following command
pip3 install -r requirement.txt python3 runserver