- WEEK1 - Finding euclidean distance between images using width and height as features [dir]
- WEEK2 - Implementing a CBIR system using statistical features extracted from color as features [dir]
- WEEK3 - Implementing a CBIR system using color histogram descriptors as features [dir]
- WEEK4 - Implementing a CBIR system using color auto correlogram descriptors as features [dir]
- WEEK5 - Implementing a CBIR system using color coherence vector descriptors as features [dir]
- WEEK6 - Implementing a CBIR system using GLCM descriptors as features [dir]
- WEEK7 - Feature extraction and shape analysis on shape images [dir]
- WEEK8 - Implementing various distance/similarity measures [dir]
- WEEK9 - Performance evaluation of previous labs [dir]
- WEEK10 - Implementing a CBIR system using LBP descriptors as features [dir]
- GLCM - Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix
- LBP - Local Binary Pattern
- CBIR - Content Based Image Retrieval