DSA Visualization is a project on data structures and algorithms. In this project all points of data structures and algorithms like as working approach, properties, operations, applications, advantages and disadvantages are well explained and visualize the operations for better understanding.
Visualization is the better way to understand of the things
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Linked List | Linked List Operations | Linked List Properties | Linked List Applications | Linked List Visualization
A linked list is a linear data structure as well as a dynamic data structure.A linked list consists of nodes where each node contains a data field and reference(address) to the next node in the list
- Single Linked List: A single linked list is the most common type of linked list. Each node have data and an address field that contains a reference to the next node
- Double Linked List: In the double linked list, there are three fields that are the previous pointer, that contain a reference to the previous node.Then there is the data, and last you have the next pointer, that containes a reference to the next node. Thus you can go in both direction
- Circular Linked List: The circular linked listis extremely similar to the single linked list. The only difference is that the last node is connected with first node, forming a circular loop in the circular linked list
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Sort
- Search
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