This is a beta version of an upcoming release. All features may not be stable. Use at your own risk!
Requirements: PHP version 5.3 or higher, WordPress version 4.1 or higher
WP Advanced Search can be configured as a 'must-use' plugin in the 'mu-plugins' directory.
- Clone or copy this repository to a folder named 'wp-advanced-search' inside /wp-content/mu-plugins
- Create a file 'load.php' in 'wp-content/mu-plugins/' and add the following:
require_once WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR.'/wp-advanced-search/wpas.php';
Clone or copy the repository to a folder named 'wp-advanced-search' inside your theme directory.
Add the following to your theme's functions.php file:
See the included demo template under /demo/wp-advanced-search-demo.php for an example of how to create your own forms.