At its core, MapRules' goal is to support all mappers, regardless of expertise or background. That same concept of being supportive applies to contributing to the project. We want this to be a code base where anyone who contributes feels those time was were appreciated, meaningful, and not without support of other MapRules developers and users.
- Have fun!
- Use respectful, inclusive language in tickets and pull requests.
- Contributors are diverse, coming from all walks of life and lines of work. Respect and consider their ideas as it will only make this tool better.
- Take and provide constructive criticism with grace. If somebody reviewed your code, just remember their suggestions will help you a learn as a programmer. If you are working through a pull request with another contributor, read others' code thoroughly. Try to understand what is going on before asking why. Hey, maybe even read some of these suggestions for writing good pull request review comments.
- Like OSM. this is a volunteer effort. Be patient if a new feature or bug fix doesn't come right away.
- If you are worried what you are going to say might be mean, don't say it or find another way to get your point across. A wise person once said - think, think, think, then speak.
- Be empathetic.
- Sexual language or imagery
- Public or private harassment
- Plagiarism (if you were stuck and found a solution on stack exchange, make it known in a comment!)
- Discriminatory actions (regardless of intention) directed at someone's race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, age, or any other attribute.
- Trolling
- Hate speech
- Unprofessional conduct
If you feel an instance is requisite with one of the above scenarios, contact the maintainers. They'll investigate and respond as deemed necessary. Responses may include:
- editing or deleting comments, code, issues, or other sorts of contributions
- banning offenders temporarily or permanently
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at