Obtaining data sounds simple but rarely is (in my experience) so I've created a repository to remind me of the processes as this is something I don't do very often since I usually create my own data.
NCBI stores raw DNA sequences in .sra format, which need to be converted into fastq for whole genome processing pipelines. I followed the SRA Toolkit documentation but only managed to create files that were binary. Having no clue what this was about I went in search of someone who had also experienced this and found a GREAT article by the Edwards Lab at SDSU https://edwards.sdsu.edu/research/fastq-dump/ that explains why the NCBI documentation is so bad and how to get the files you need. Thank you https://github.com/linsalrob/EdwardsLab!
Splitting reads
--split-spot (splits spots into individual L and R reads, and puts them in the same singular file)
--split-files (separates read into L and R ends, and puts FWD and REV reads in two separate files)
--split-3 (separates read into L and R ends but if a L has not got a matching R, or vice versa, they will be put into a single file)
-I | --readids (appends read ID after spot ID as 'accession.spot.readid' on defline -> ID.1 = FWD read and ID.2 REV read)
NB. --readids breaks BWA in downstream applications so this parameter may need to be omitted if BWA is in your pipeline. See Original format for more details.
Technical sequences
--skip-technical (dumps only biological reads)
-W | --clip (applies L and R clips to remove SRA tags used in the whole genome amplification)
Read filtering
--read-filter (filters out reads recorded as N). Options are: pass | reject | criteria | redacted
Original format
-F | --origfmt (retains formatting of original definition line)
SRA archive rewrites definition line in the seq. to include SRA ID and length if this parameter is omitted - this is a problem for BWA alignment as it doesn't recognize the new format and errors out >> i.e. [mem_sam_pe] paired reads have different names: "SRR849970.3.1", "SRR849970.3.2")
Sequence data formatting
-B | --dumpbase (ensures that output is A, T, C and G instead of color space (used for SOLiD))
Output to a specific directory
-O | --outdir
cd ~/PATH/sratoolkit/bin
./fastq-dump < SRRxxxxxx > --outdir < ~/PATH > --gzip --skip-technical --readids --dumpbase --split-files --clip --origfmt --read-filter pass