All content directly comes from the website, no content changed, some decorative elements and the comment section is removed for better readability.
Please consider supporting the website here learncpp-about
since it specifically states that a pdf version should not be spread out by anyone and people should instead make pdf on their own, this tool is hence created.
please consider give a star to this project if you like it!
Fast Download and Convertion time, Download all content within 5s with 20 concurrent requests. Comple the whole process within 90s.
- install wkhtmltopdf for ubuntu/debian users, do:
sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf
as a user who uses a different os than ubuntu/debian, you might see more details on this page wkhtmltopdf-download
- clone the repo
git clone '' && cd learncpp_pdf
- execute the application
make book
or, to re-run the application, do
make run
You can create a '.env' file under the project root, the program will read them.
key | type | default |
COMPUTE_PROCESS_MAX | int | os.cpu_count() |
BOOK_NAME | str | 'learncpp.pdf' |
Note: setting DOWNLOAD_CONCURRENT_MAX to higher number might boost download speed, but some requests might fail as it exerts more pressure on the website
You can use cli with following options to force-redo an action.
pixi run python -m book --help
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-D, --download Downloading articles from, ignore cache
-C, --convert Converting downloaded htmls to pdfs, ignore cache
-M, --merge Merging Chapters into a single book, ignore cache
-R, --rmcache Remove the cache folder
-A, --all Download, convert and merge
-S, --showerrors show error log in the console
example: re-run the convert process and remove the cache folder
pixi run python -m book --convert --rmcache
if not command specified, all actions will be taken(cache would be applied to avoid uncessary requests).
It is possible that the download process and/or the convert process might fail due to various reason, for example, the target site is overloaded, in most cases, you can simply just re-run the program to solve these problems. However, if you do think it is a bug, always feel free to post an issue.
You might want to compress the pdf book for performance and storage. check pdfsizeopt out.
- Ultra fast, utilize concurrency for scraping and parallel for making PDF, the whole process is expected to finish within a few minutes.
- Rich cli interface showing realtime progress of the application
- Cache on fail, you can just re-run the application without worrying about redundant IO or calcualtion.
This does not utilize concurrent requests and multiprocessing, so it takes substantially more time to do the job.