I have recently discovered this website containing SPICE models for different devices: The most of these models could be converted to Qucs-S libraries. The models requires porting to Ngspice notation (replace IF
by ternary operator etc.).
The following models are especially interesting:
- Vacuum tube models
- PWM controller models
The presented PWM controller models (UC3844, TL494 etc.) don't contain LTspice digital gates extensions and should work with Ngspice after minor tweaks.
TODO list from @ra3xdh:
- Add Ge diodes library
- Add Mixer ICs library (SA612 model)
- Add PWM controller library (MC34063, UC384x, TL494) PWM controller library #855
- Update existing Tubes library
- Add library with Neon bulb model
- Add MOC3052/MOC3063 models in Optocoupler.lib
- Add ACPLK30T model Update, VERSION, and library #927