InputHelper provides a few methods for getting and setting actions.
InputHelper.get_keyboard_inputs_for_action(action: String) -> Array[InputEvent]
Get all of the inputs for an action that use a keyboard or mouse.
InputHelper.get_keyboard_input_for_action(action: String) -> InputEvent
Get the primary key or mouse button used for an action.
InputHelper.set_keyboard_input_for_action(action: String, input: InputEvent, swap_if_taken: bool = true) -> Error
Set the primary key or mouse button used for a given action. This emits
keyboard_input_changed(action, event)
for the new key or mouse button (and a separate one if a clashing action was swapped). -
InputHelper.replace_action_key(action: String, current_input: InputEvent, input: InputEvent, swap_if_taken: bool = true) -> Error
Set the key or mouse button used for a given action where
is the currently mapped input event. This emitskeyboard_input_changed(action, event)
for the new key or mouse button (and a separate one if a clashing action was swapped). -
InputHelper.replace_keyboard_input_at_index(action: String, index: int, input: InputEvent, swap_if_taken: bool = true) -> Error
Set the key or mouse button used for a given action replacing the input at
(where the indexed list only contains keys and mouse buttons used for the action). This emitskeyboard_input_changed(action, event)
for the new key or mouse button (and a separate one if a clashing action was swapped).
InputHelper.get_joypad_inputs_for_action(action: String) -> Array[InputEvent]
Get all buttons used for an action.
InputHelper.get_joypad_input_for_action(action: String) -> InputEvent
Get the primary button used for an action.
InputHelper.set_joypad_input_for_action(action: String, input: InputEvent, swap_if_taken: bool = true) -> Error
Set the button used for a given action. This emits
joypad_input_changed(action, event)
for the new button (and a separate one if a clashing action was swapped). -
InputHelper.replace_joypad_input_for_action(action: String, current_input: InputEvent, input: InputEvent, swap_if_taken: bool = true) -> Error
Set the button used for a given action replacing
. This emitsjoypad_input_changed(action, event)
for the new button (and a separate one if a clashing action was swapped). -
InputHelper.replace_joypad_input_at_index(action: String, index: int, input: InputEvent, swap_if_taken: bool = true) -> Error
Set the button used for a given action replacing the button at
(where the indexed list only contains joypad buttons). This emitsjoypad_input_changed(action, event)
for the new button (and a separate one if a clashing action was swapped).
InputHelper.reset_all_actions() -> void
Resets all actions to the game defaults. This will emit
signals for any actions that were reset.
Somewhere in your user interface you might have a popup that says "press a key or button" when remapping input. There you could have something similar to this for grabbing the next input event to map that action to:
func _unhandled_input(event) -> void:
if (event is InputEventKey or event is InputEventMouseButton) and event.is_pressed():
InputHelper.set_keyboard_input_for_action(action, event)
if event is InputEventJoypadButton and event.is_pressed():
InputHelper.set_joypad_input_for_action(action, event)