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Hey there !
My name is Romain Keramitas, I’m a Data Scientist by trade (whatever that means) and an Applied Mathematics Engineer by education, living in Paris.
I’m passionate about AI as a whole, but have been focusing mainly on NLP due to my work - although I'm quite interested in the less sexy aspects of ML, e.g. data scraping, data consolidation, or model serving.
I work at PriceHubble source{d} Artur'In and mainly code in Python.
If you're wondering how I built this site, I used the static site generator Jekyll, with the minima theme (the unreleased version 3 on the master branch). You can go checkout the source code of the website if you're curious 🤗 The website itself is hosted on a Scaleway instance, deployed using CircleCI, and served using nginx. Additionally, I used Gandi to register my domain name and configure DNS, certbot to get HTTPS certificates, and I use Plausible to gather analytics.
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Disclaimer: Opinions :o