- Vue toy project.
- Provides components for creating and listing orders.
Currently you have some features to use.
- Two labels can be selected: input, textarea
- Sorting columns
- Add, edit and delete orders.
- Column validation.
- Define your columns
title: "",
default: "",
tag: input/ textarea,
sort: true/ false,
required: true/ false,
options: {
type: text/ number,
sortBy: ASC/ DESC,
onkeyup: ""
- Create your main view.
<OrderList :columns="columns"></OrderList>
import OrderList from "../Orders";
export default {
name: "<YourName>",
components: {
data() {
return {
columns: [
title: "<YourColumnName>",
default: "<InitialValue>",
tag: "input",
sort: true,
required: true,
options: {
type: "text",
sortBy: "ASC"
For example: