This folder holds the code for a dev-only, standalone app for Chrome for iOS development. It showcases (and is restricted to) UI elements used and developed for Chrome for iOS. Goals for this app are to be as simple, as easy to maintain, and as useful as possible.
This is a standalone app that is built by the bots, much like ios_web_shell
and chrome_clean_skeleton
Much like experimental/
, the app lives in its own folder. It depends on
Chrome UI code for the production code, but the architecture of the Showcase app
is separate.
Objective-C++ needed to interact with the view controller classes likely to be in Objective-C++ as well.
GN and Ninja. The showcase and
targets are linked togn_all
Class and use cases Table of use cases demoing view controller classes under different sets of entry data. There can be several use cases for the same class so each gets an entry. Cells on homepage display the use case name and the class name of the view controller they link to.
Search Search box at the top to filter the cells based on the class and use case name.
Simple, tailor-made coordinators Coordinators handle flow, so Showcase shouldn't host any of Chrome's coordinators. Instead, simple and lightweight coordinators will be used in Showcase. They will handle the initialization of a production view controller, and setup all mock data needed to display this view controller.
View controllers in the New Architecture shouldn't need the BrowserProfile, etc. So mocking the inputs and outputs of a single VC should be easy and not require the core of Chrome.
Table views with TableViewModel/CollectionViewModel?- We want to make the app as small and simple as possible. The fewer dependencies the better.
Can we configure from within the app what these inputs and outputs are?- Not desirable. Too complex for what we want to achieve.
The following nomenclature is used:
- A feature is a Chrome UI feature such as a full-screen or partial-screen view controller, a cell, a view, or a UI control (such as a custom button).
Add an entry to the Showcase configuration file, which requires 3 pieces of information:
ClassForDisplay - The UI feature that you want to showcase, such as a SettingsViewController, or AccountCell, or TabContainer. It appears as the title of the cell in Showcase.
- ClassForInstantiation - The actual class that is instantiated by Showcase. This is either a view controller or a custom coordinator. (More information below).
UseCase - A short description that is helpful to the user about what is being showcased.
@{ showcase::kClassForDisplayKey : @"SettingsViewController", showcase::kClassForInstantiationKey : @"SettingsCoordinator", showcase::kUseCaseKey : @"Main settings screen", },
Add the target that contains ClassForInstantiation to
.group("features") { deps = [ "//ios/chrome/browser/ui/tools:tools_ui", "//ios/showcase/settings", "//ios/showcase/tab_bottom", "//ios/showcase/tab_grid", "//ios/showcase/tab_top", "//ios/showcase/uikit_table_view_cell", # Insert additional feature targets here. ] }
Add the target that contains Earl Grey tests (if any) to
.ios_eg_test("ios_showcase_egtests") { deps = [ "//ios/showcase/core:eg_tests", "//ios/showcase/tab_grid:eg_tests", # Insert additional feature eg_tests targets here. ] }
There are 3 scenarios for adding features to Showcase:
Directly use the ClassForDisplay when it can be fully initialized with a call to
.showcase::kClassForDisplayKey : @"FeatureViewController", showcase::kClassForInstantiationKey : @"FeatureViewController",
Use a custom coordinator when you need to showcase a view controller that requires special initialization or setup (e.g., requires model objects).
showcase::kClassForDisplayKey : @"FeatureViewController", showcase::kClassForInstantiationKey : @"FeatureCoordinator",
Use a custom view controller when you need to showcase a cell, view, or UI control.
showcase::kClassForDisplayKey : @"FeatureView", showcase::kClassForInstantiationKey : @"FeatureViewViewController",
See example: SettingsCoordinator - Main settings screen
Create a folder for
. -
Must conform to the
protocol provided under/showcase/common/
. -
Must support being initialized with
. -
In the
method, instantiate and setup yourFeatureViewController
with all the mock data necessary to recreate the use case you are showcasing. Then the view controller is pushed onto the navigation controller.
.source_set("feature) { sources = [ "feature_use_case_coordinator.h", "", ] deps = [ "//ios/showcase/common", # Insert target for ClassForDisplay here. ] frameworks = [ "UIKit.framework" ] configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ] }
See example: UIKitTableViewCellViewController - UIKit Table Cells
You will need a glue view controller.
Create a folder for
. -
Must support being initialized with
. -
Add your view to the view controller and set it up the way you want (usually in
.source_set("feature) { sources = [ "feature_view_view_controller.h", "", ] deps = [ # Insert target for ClassForDisplay here. ] frameworks = [ "UIKit.framework" ] configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ] }