Simply put web apps are sites that the user installs onto their machine mimicking a native app installed on their respective operating system.
Sites that meet our install promotion requirements will have an install prompt appear in the omnibox on the right. Users can also install any site they like via Menu > More tools > Create shortcut
- Example site:
Users can see all of their web apps on chrome://apps (viewable on non-ChromeOS).
Sites customize how their installed site integrates at the OS level using a web app manifest. See developer guides for in depth overviews:
See for presentation slides.
See Web Apps - Concepts.
Use chrome://web-app-internals to inspect internal web app state. For Chromium versions prior to M93 use chrome://internals/web-app.
- Markdown documentation (files like this):
- Contains information that can't be documented in class-level documentation.
- Answers questions like: What is the goal of a group of classes together? How does a group of classes work together?
- Explains concepts that are used across different files.
- Should be unlkely to become out-of-date.
- Any source links should link to a codesearch 'search' page and not the specific line number.
- Avoid implementation details.
- Class-level documentation (documentation in header files):
- Answers questions like: Why does this class exist? What is the responsibility of this class? If this class involves a process with stages, what are those stages / steps?
- Should be updated actively when that given file is changed.
- Documentation inside of methods
- Should explain the "why" of code if it is not clear.
- Should be avoided otherwise.
The task of turning websites into "apps" in the user's OS environment has many parts to it. Before going into the parts, here is where they live:
See source here.
- The
core system lives on theProfile
object. - The
also lives on theProfile
object (to avoid deps issues). - The
for our interests) lives on theBrowser
object. - The
lives on theWebContents
While most on-disk storage is done in the WebAppSyncBridge
, the system also sometimes uses the PrefService
. Most of these prefs live on the Profile
), but some prefs are in the global browser prefs (g_browser_process->local_state()
Older presentation:
There are a lot of great guidelines within Chromium
Other than general guidance of minimal complexity and having single-responsibility classes, some goals of our system:
- Tests should operate on the public interface as much as possible. Refactors to the internal system should not involve fixing / modifying tests.
- External dependencies should be behind fake-able interfaces, allowing unit & browser tests to swap these out. However, internal parts of our system should not be mocked out or faked - this tightly couples the internal implementation to our tests. If it is impossible to trigger a condition with the public interface, then that condition should be removed (or the public interface improved).
- Here is a nice presentation about testing that might clarify our approach.
This public interface should (and will) be improved, however this is the basic state as of 2022/11/09:
. Internally this schedulesWebAppCommand
s to do safe operations on the system.- This already includes a variety of operations like installation, launching, etc.
- Observers like the
. However, users of these MUST NOT modify the web app system in the observation call - this can cause race conditions and weird re-entry bugs. - Items exposed from the locks given to commands or callbacks:
- Writing to the database using
and theWebAppSyncBridge
. - Pref reading & writing
- etc - see the documentation on the lock for more guidance.
supports icon fetch for a given web app. This isn't yet normally protected in a command / lock, and due to performance needs with things like right-click menus this integration might happen last.
Some parts of the system that are used within commands:
are used in commands, but this interface could be improved & does not have a formal factory yet.WebAppInstallFinalizer
is used in commands and could be improved.
The goal is to have all of these behind an abstraction that has a fake to allow easy unit testing of our system. Some of these dependencies are behind a nice fake-able interface, and some are not (yet).
- Extensions - Some of our code still talks to the extensions system, specifically the
. content::WebContents
- load a given url in aWebContents
. Faked byFakeWebAppUrlLoader
- retrieve installability information, the manifest, or icons from aWebContents
. Faked byFakeWebAppDataRetriever
.- Misc:
- Navigation completion in WebAppTabHelper, used to kick off update commands.
- Listening to destruction.
- IsPrimaryMainFrame() and other filtering.
- etc
- OS Integration: Each OS integration has fairly custom code on each OS to do the operation. This is difficult to coordinate and test. Currently the
manages this, which has a fake version. - Sync system
- There is a tight coupling between our system and the sync system through the WebAppSyncBridge.
- Faking this is easy and is handled by the
- UI: There are parts of the system that are coupled to UI, like showing dialogs, determining information about app windows, etc. These are put behind the
, and faked by theFakeWebAppUiManager
. - Policy: Our code depends on the policy system setting it's policies in appropriate prefs for us to read. Because we just look at prefs, we don't need a "fake" here.
These store data for our system. Some of it is per-web-app, and some of it is global.
: This attempts to unify the reading of much of this data, and also holds an in-memory copy of the database data (in WebApp objects).WebAppDatabase
: This stores the web_app.proto object in a database, which is the preferred place to store information about a web app.- Icons on disk: These are managed by the
and stored on disk in the user's profile. - Prefs: The
is used to store information that is either global, or needs to persist after a web app is uninstalled. Most of these prefs live on theProfile
), but some prefs are in the global browser prefs (g_browser_process->local_state()
). Some users of prefs:- AppShimRegistry
- UserUninstalledPreinstalledWebAppPrefs
- OS Integration: Various OS integration requires storing state on the operating system. Sometimes we are able to read this state back, sometimes not.
None of this information should be accessed without an applicable 'lock' on the system.
These are used to encapsulate common responsibilities or in-memory state that needs to be stored.
Commands are used to encapsulate operations in the system, and use Locks to ensure that your operation has isolation from other operations.
- If you need to change something in the WebAppProvider system, you should probably use a command.
- Commands talk to the system using locks they are granted. The locks should offer access to "managers" that the commands can use.
Locks allow operations to receive appropriate protections for what they are doing. For example, an AppLock
will guarantee that no one is modifying (or uninstalling) an app while it is granted.
Locks contain assessors that allow the user to access parts of the web app system. This is the safest way to read from the system.
Anything that involves talking to the operating system. Usually has to do with adding, modifying, or removing the os entity that we register for the web app.
- /docs/webapps/
- /docs/webapps/
- /docs/webapps/
- /docs/webapps/
- /docs/webapps/
- /docs/webapps/
See the public interface section about which areas are generally "publicly available".
The system is generally unit-test-compabible through the FakeWebAppProvider
, which is created by default in the TestingProfile
. Sometimes tests require using the AwaitStartWebAppProviderAndSubsystems
function in the setup function of the test to actually start the web app system & wait for it to complete startup.
There is a long-term goal of having the system be easily fake-able for customers using it. The best current 'public interface' distinction of the system is the WebAppCommandScheduler
, but this hopefully will get more clear in the future.
To access or change information about a web app:
- Obtain a lock from the
, or (preferably) create a command with the relevant lock description. - When the lock is obtained (or the command is started with the lock), use the lock to access the data you need.
- Generally, you should use the
to get the data you need. This unifies many of our data sources into one place.
- Generally, you should use the
- If changing data, change the data depending on the source of truth.
- For information in the database, use a
. - Otherwise use the relevant manager / helper to modify the data.
- Some things expect "observers" to be notified. That integration is currently in
, but can be pulled out.
- For information in the database, use a
Other guides:
Please read Testing In Chromium for general guidance on writing tests in chromium.
The following tests are expected for writing code in this system:
- Unit tests
- Browser tests
- Integration tests
Unit tests have the following benefits:
- They are very efficient.
- They run on all relevant CQ trybots.
- They will always be supported by the code coverage framework.
Unit tests are the fastest tests to execute and are expected to be used to test most cases, especially error cases. They are usually built on the WebAppTest
base class, and use the FakeWebAppProvider
to customize (or not) the dependencies of the WebAppProvider
- WebContents and other UI elements do not work in unit tests, and the appropriate fakes must be used (see External Dependencies).
- If one of the external dependencies of the system cannot be faked out yet or the feature is tightly coupled to this, then it might make sense to use a browser test instead (or make that dependency fake-able).
With improved web app test support, most of the components should using unittests to cover the detailed test cases.
Creating an integration test (using the integration framework) should satisfy the need for end-to-end tests for major use-cases of your feature. However, you may need to create one due to:
- The unittest framework doesn’t support certain needs.
- You need end-to-end test, but using integration test framework has too much overhead in current state.
Browser tests are much more expensive to run, as they basically run a fully functional browser with it's own profile directory. These tests are usually only created to test functionality that requires multiple parts of the system to be running or dependencies like the Sync service to be fully running and functional. It is good practice to have browsertests be as true-to-user-action as possible, to make sure that as much of our stack is exercised.
An example set of browser tests are in
We have a custom integration testing framework that we use due to the complexity of our use-cases. See for more information.
It is a good idea to think about your integration tests early & figure out your CUJs with the team. Having your CUJs and integration tests working early greatly speeds up development & launch time.
A class that starts with Fake
or Test
is meant to completely replace a component of the system. They should be inheriting from a base class (often pure virtual) and then implement a version of that component that will seem to be working correctly to other system components, but not actually do anything.
An example is fake_os_integration_manager.h, which pretends to successfully do install, update, and uninstall operations, but actually just does nothing.
A class that start with Mock
is a gmock version of the class. This allows the user to have complete control of exactly what that class does, verify it is called exactly as expected, etc. These tend to be much more powerful to use than a Fake
, as you can easily specify every possible case you might want to check, like which arguments are called and the exact calling order of multiple functions, even across multiple mocks. The downsides are
- They end up being very verbose to use, often at the expense of test readiability
- They require creating a mock class & learning how to use gmock.
These are generally not preferred to a "Fake".
The FakeWebAppProvider
is basically a fake version of the WebAppProvider system, that uses the WebAppProvider
root class to set up subsystems and can be used to selectively set fake subsystems or shut them
down on a per-demand basis to test system shutdown use-cases.
Sometimes classes use a dependency that either doesn't work or isn't fake-able in our system.
- Can you just not depend on that? The best way is to remove the dependency entirely if possible.
- If there is a way to easily fake the dependency that is already supported, then do that next.
- e.g. if it's a
, and the authors have a fake version you can use, then use that. See how it is used elsewhere.
- e.g. if it's a
- Create a new interface for this new external dependency, put it on the
, and create a fake for it so that you can test with it faked. - If all else fails, use a browser test.
This is a per-profile object housing all the various web app subsystems. This is the "main()" of the web app implementation where everything starts.
This is the representation of an installed web app in RAM. Its member fields largely reflect all the ways a site can configure their web app manifest plus miscellaneous internal bookkeeping and user settings.
This is where all the WebApps
live in memory, and what many other subsystems query to look up any given web app's fields. Mutations to the registry have to go via ScopedRegistryUpdate or WebAppSyncBridge.
Accessing the registrar should happen through a Lock. If you access it through the WebAppProvider
, then know that you are reading uncommitted (and thus unsafe) data.
Why is it full of GetAppXYZ()
getters for every field instead of just returning a WebApp
reference? This is primarily done because the value may depend on multiple sources of truth. For example, whether the app should be run on OS login depends on both the user preference (stored in our database) and the administrator's policy (stored separately & given to us in-memory using prefs) Historically this was originally done because WebApps used be stored both in our database and extensions, and this served to unify the two.
This is "bridge" between the WebAppProvider system's in-memory representation of web apps and the sync system's database representation (along with sync system functionality like add/remove/modify operations). This integration is a little complex and deserves it's own document, but it basically: Stores all WebApps into a database and updates the database if any fields change. Updates the system when there are changes from the sync system. Installs new apps, uninstalls apps the user uninstalled elsewhere, updates metadata like user display mode preference, etc. Tells the sync system if there are local changes (installs, uninstalls, etc).
There is also a slide in a presentation here which illustrates how this system works, but it may be out of date.
Note: This only stores per-web-app data, and that data will be deleted if the web app is uninstalled. To store data that persists after uninstall, or applies to a more general scope than a single web app, then the PrefService
can be used, either on the Profile
object (per-profile data, profile->GetPrefs()
) or on the browser process (
g_browser_process->local_state()``). Example of needing prefs: Storing if an app was previously installed as a preinstalled app in the past. Information is needed during chrome startup before profiles are loaded. A feature needs to store global data - e.g. "When was the last time we showed the in-product-help banner for any webapp?"
This is for all installs that are not initiated by the user. This includes preinstalled apps, policy installed apps and system web apps.
These all specify a set of install URLs which the ExternallyManagedAppManager
synchronises the set of currently installed web apps with.
This is the tail end of the installation process where we write all our web app metadata to disk and deploy OS integrations (like desktop shortcuts and file handlers using the OsIntegrationManager
This also manages the uninstallation process.
Sometimes we need to query window state from chrome/browser/ui land even though our targets disallow this as it would be a circular dependency. This abstract class + impl injects the dependency at link time (see [WebAppUiManager::Create()
declaration and definition locations`).
On Mac OS we sometimes need to reason about the state of installed PWAs in all profiles without loading those profiles into memory. For this purpose, AppShimRegistry
stores the needed information in Chrome's "Local State" (global preferences). The information stored here includes:
- All profiles a particular web app is installed in.
- What profiles a particular web app was open in when it was last used.
- What file and protocol handlers are enabled for a web app in each profile it is installed in.
This information is used when launching a web app (to determine what profile or profiles to open the web app in), as well as when updating an App Shim (to make sure all file and protocol handlers for the app are accounted for).