ApplicationContext is a global singleton. It gives access to other global objects and settings that are shared by all user sessions. Those settings are called "local settings" as they are not synchronised and only affect the current device (as the settings are shared by all sessions there is no account to sync them to).
The corresponding object on desktop is BrowserProcess.
ChromeBrowserState objects correspond to a user browsing session. There is one for the off-the-record session, and one per user created in the UI (at the time this document is written, there is only one user on iOS so at most there are two ChromeBrowserStates).
The ChromeBrowserState objects are owned by the ChromeBrowserStateManager that can be accessed via the ApplicationContext. It is possible to access the off-the-record ChromeBrowserState from a non-incognito instance.
Each ChromeBrowserState, including the off-the-record ChromeBrowserState, have a directory used to store some state (current session, settings, ...). The settings may be synchronised if the user has logged in and has enabled the synchronisation (thus they are non-local).
The off-the-record ChromeBrowserState needs to record some state because the application can be killed at any time when the application is in the background and the state needs to be persisted as this termination should be transparent to the user. The state is deleted when the last off-the-record tab is closed and the off-the-record ChromeBrowserState is deleted.
The ChromeBrowserStates support attaching base::SupportsUserData::Data objects to tie some objects to the ChromeBrowserState lifetime. Check the documentation of base::SupportsUserData for more information.
A special case of base::SupportsUserData::Data is the KeyedService. They are managed by the BrowserStateKeyedServiceFactory infrastructure. This infrastructure allows to declare dependencies between services and ensure that they are created and destroyed in an order compatible with those dependencies.
It should never be required to extend ChromeBrowserState. Instead consider adding a preference to the settings, a base::SupportsUserData::Data if the change is just to add some data or a KeyedService if behaviour needs to be added.
The corresponding object on desktop is Profile.
BrowserList is a container owning Browser instances. It is owned by the ChromeBrowserState and each ChromeBrowserState has one associated BrowserList.
The BrowserList owns the WebStateListDelegate that is passed to all the created Browsers (and then forwarded to their WebStateList).
The corresponding object on desktop is BrowserList but the API is different. On desktop, it is a singleton and it points to all the Browsers instances whereas on iOS there is one per ChromeBrowserState.
Browser is the model for a window containing multiple tabs. Currently on iOS there is only one window per ChromeBrowserState, thus there is a single Browser per BrowserList.
The Browser owns a WebStateList and thus indirectly owns all the tabs (aka WebState and their associated tab helpers). The Browser also owns the CommandDispatcher and ChromeBroadcaster used for dispatching UI commands and property synchronisation.
The corresponding object on desktop is Browser.
WebStateList represents a list of WebStates. It maintains a notion of an active WebState and opener-opened relationship between WebStates.
The WebStateList exposes an API to observe modification to the list of WebStates (additions, moves, removals, replacements).
The WebStateList also has a delegate that is invoked when a WebState when WebStates are added to or removed from the WebStateList. This is used to attach all necessary tab helpers to the WebState.
The corresponding object on desktop is TabStripModel.
WebStateListDelegate is the delegate for WebStateList. It is invoked before a WebState is inserted to or after a WebState is removed from the WebStateList.
Each WebStateList points to a WebStateListDelegate but does not own it to allow sharing the same delegate for multiple WebStateList. In general, the WebStateListDelegate role is to attach tab helpers to the WebState when it is added to the WebStateList (and optionally to shut them down).
The corresponding object on desktop is TabStripModelDelegate.
WebState wraps a WKWebView and allows navigation. A WebState can have many tab helpers attached. A WebState in a WebStateList corresponds to an open tab and the corresponding tab helpers can be assumed to be created.
As the tab helpers are only added to a WebState upon insertion into a WebStateList (or in a limited number of code paths), code should not assume that a tab helper will be available when using a WebState but instead should support the tab helper being unavailable.
A WebState and all the attached tab helpers are sometimes called a tab because they implement what the user sees and interacts with in a browser tab.
The corresponding object on desktop is WebContents.