Switch Access is a Chrome OS feature to control the computer with 1 or 2 switches, or button-like inputs. It is targeted at supporting users with motor or mobility impairments, for whom other methods of controlling the device are not feasible.
Go to Chrome OS settings > Accessibility settings > "Manage accessibility features" > Enable "Switch Access". You can assign switches to actions and enable or disable automatic scanning on the Switch Access settings subpage. For most development purposes, buttons on either the built-in keyboard or an external keyboard can be used as switches, rather than needing a dedicated switch device.
With this feature enabled, you can navigate to and interact with actionable elements (or nodes) onscreen. Because there are so many nodes onscreen at any given moment, they are organized into a nested system of groups based on proximity and other semantic information.
Switch Access supports two methods of navigation between nodes: manual scanning and automatic scanning (or auto-scan). Manual scanning means the user navigates from one element to the next by pressing one of their switches. Automatic scanning means that Switch Access moves from one element to the next after a set period of time (the scanning speed).
The user can identify which element is currently focused because it is surrounded by a focus ring, which is two concentric rounded rectangles of contrasting colors (currently fixed at light and dark blue) that surround the element. Sometimes, a second focus ring will appear onscreen, which has dashed line for the inner rectangle. This dashed focus ring provides a preview of which node will be focused next, if the user selects the current node. It also provides a hint that the current node is a navigational node, and is not directly actionable.
There are two types of navigational nodes: nodes that group other nodes together, and the back button. The back button allows a user to exit the current group, and move outwards towards the top-level node.
All users have one switch dedicated to selecting elements. For some users, this is the only input they have (they rely on auto-scan to advance to the next node). So a user needs to be able to perform any action based on some series of select actions. To support this, when multiple actions are available for a single actionable node, we open the action menu, which displays the available actions for the given node. The user can then navigate to the action they wish to perform, and when they select an action the action is performed, and in most cases the menu is closed.
Sometimes there is only one action available for a given node. In this case, the action menu does not open. Instead, the available action is performed automatically when the user presses select.
Use bugs.chromium.org, filing bugs under the component OS>Accessibility>SwitchAccess.
Switch Access code lives mainly in four places:
A component extension to do the bulk of the logic and processing,
In the
The Switch Access menu and back button code, in
The Switch Access settings page,
Tests are in unit_tests
, ash_unittests
, and browser_tests
out/Release/unit_tests --gtest_filter="*SwitchAccess*"
out/Release/ash_unittests --gtest_filter="*SwitchAccess*"
out/Release/browser_tests --gtest_filter="*SwitchAccess*"
Developers can add log lines to any of the C++ files and see output in the console. To debug the Switch Access extension, the easiest way is from an external browser. Start Chrome OS on Linux with this command-line flag:
out/Release/chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
Now open http://localhost:9222 in a separate browser, and debug the Switch Access extension background page from there.
Like Chromevox and Select to Speak, Switch Access is implemented mainly as a component Chrome extension which is always loaded and running in the background when enabled, and unloaded when disabled. Unlike Chromevox and Select to Speak, the settings for Switch Access are not located within the component extension. Instead, they are found with the other settings in the Settings app.
There are a handful of tasks which, for various reasons, are handled in C++ code. These are:
Event forwarding. In order to capture the events before other system functions, we use an Event Rewriter (shared with Chromevox).
Rendering the menu. To allow the menu UI to match other system UI, the process of creating the menu UI is done in C++.
The Switch Access extension does the following, at a high level:
Listens for SwitchAccessCommands, which are the user-initiated commands like "select" or "next" that the user performs by pressing their switch.
Maps those commands to the appropriate behavior:
If it is a navigation command, the focused node is changed and focus rings are updated.
If it is a select command, the available actions are determined.
If there is only one action, it is performed (Note that for navigational nodes, this means entering or exiting a group). If more than one action is available, the menu is opened and focus jumps into the menu.
Listens for focus events, and moves Switch Access focus to follow system focus.
Listens for location changes and other tree changes that affect the current node or its parent or siblings, and update the focused node and focus rings when necessary.
Switch Access divides tasks by function, each being handled by a manager class. This section details what those managers are, their guiding principle, and what tasks they are responsible for.
The ActionManager is responsible for what happens after a user presses their Select switch. This includes determining what actions are available, performing actions, and specifying what actions to display in and where to show the action menu and sub-menus when needed.
The specifics of opening and closing the menu are not handled here, but are encapsulated in the MenuManager. However, all calls to open or close the menu should be made on the ActionManager, rather than the MenuManager directly, because the ActionManager maintains state about sub-menus and similar, which needs to remain in sync with the menu displayed.
The AutoScanManager handles the process of automatically scanning from one
element to the next. If the user has enabled auto-scan, it sets an interval
to call NavigationManager.moveForward()
periodically. It also resets the
interval each time a command is received, or a focus event causes the focused
node to change.
The FocusRingManager determines what focus rings should be drawn and where to
show them, and calls the accessibilityPrivate
The MenuManager handles the details of displaying the action menu, given a list of actions and a location. It also waits for the menu to load, and jumps Switch Access focus to the menu when it is ready.
Calls to open or close a menu should be handled by the ActionManager, rather than by the MenuManager directly, to keep state in sync.
The NavigationManager handles tracking and changing the current Switch Access focus. This includes handling moving forward or backward from a user command, moving forward from auto-scan, jumping to a UI element when opened (such as the keyboard or action menu), and following system focus. It also handles entering and exiting groups when navigational nodes are selected.
The NavigationManager also has a method getTreeForDebugging()
which can be
used to print either the current group or the entire tree to the console, to
help with debugging.
The PreferenceManager handles accessing user preferences, and updating Switch Access' behavior accordingly. It also verifies whether the user has a configuration that allows for full navigation.
The TextNavigationManager handles tasks surrounding navigating through text.
Currently only text within editable text fields is supported, and only behind
the flag enable-experimental-accessibility-switch-access-text
In addition to dividing the tasks by function, Switch Access delegates many tasks to the nodes themselves. This allows specific behaviors to be changed by changing what nodes are created based on the circumstances, and keeps the ActionManager and NavigationManager from getting bloated with special cases, and all the permutations of those special cases.
All of the nodes used by Switch Access have some relation to an automation node, the underlying tree structure shared by all accessibility component extensions. Most have a one-to-one association (one automation node for each Switch Access node), but sometimes there are multiple Switch Access nodes for the same automation node (such as when breaking a long list into smaller groups).
These are the two base types. They define the functions available on nodes when they are functioning as either a selectable node, or the current group.
SAChildNode is an abstract class, but SARootNode can be used directly to represent a group that does not have an underlying automation node.
These types implement a default behavior for nodes that have a one-to-one association with an automation node. Information is derived directly from the automation node to implement the interface provided by SAChildNode and SARootNode.
The BackButtonNode is special because it is part of Switch Access' UI, and it is shown for each group. Therefore, it automatically finds the automation node corresponding to the back button by searching the tree, and instead takes the SARootNode for its group in its constructor. It uses this to determine where to show the back button, and what to do if it is selected.
ComboBoxNode extends BasicNode, and only overrides a small number of functions where combo boxes have special behavior. Specifically, combo boxes require some special logic around moving focus into the dropdown when it opens.
Represents the largest group possible, the entire computer desktop. Behaves mostly like a SARootNode, but does not have a back button.
Editable text nodes have a very different set of actions. Currently supported
are opening the keyboard and using dictation, but many more actions (such as
selection and copy/paste) are available with the flag
A GroupNode represents a subset of the children of a single automation node, used to break a single node with many children into intermediate nodes for easier navigation.
Currently the only place this is used is to break the keyboard into rows, but ideally this should be done for any group with more than some number of children.
A KeyboardNode represents a button within the virtual keyboard. Because the keys do not support actions through the automation API, the KeyboardNode simulate a mouse press at the center of the button.
The KeyboardRootNode represents the keyboard as a whole. It handles finding the buttons from the keyboard and grouping them into rows, as well as finding the automation node representing the virtual keyboard and monitoring the visibility of the keyboard, so if the user opens/closes the keyboard other than via Switch Access we still detect it.
Currently used when a menu is opened, it behaves exactly like a BasicRootNode except that when the user exits, it fires an ESC key event to close the menu or modal dialog.
Adds support for custom sliders by sending left/right arrow key events to decrement/increment.
These two classes are primarily to allow the close button to both be accessible via Switch Access while clearly displaying visually how to select the tab. This is done by having TabNode be a group (when it contains a button), and create an ActionableTabNode as a child whose location is just the portion of the tab that doesn't overlap with the close button.
The WindowRootNode focuses a window when it is entered. Otherwise it behaves exactly like a BasicRootNode.
There are some other classes that support Switch Access without being a manager or node type directly.
This file is the first one run. Its primary job is to create an instance of SwitchAccess, although it also overifies that there is not more than one instance of Switch Access running simultaneously (this would normally happen on the sign in page).
Commands translates a SwitchAccessCommand from the user into a call to the appropriate function.
History helps store and recover state about what the current node and group are. When a group is exited, the history provides the previous position to return to (after verifying that it is still valid). It also builds a new history when focus moves, capturing how the user would have gotten to that same node.
A utility for recording metrics.
Implements a dynamic programming strategy for when walking the automation tree to find interesting nodes. A cache is created for a single query, and should not be used in nonconsecutive function calls, as the underlying data can change and the SACache does not account for this.
This file contains most or all of the constants used throughout Switch Access.
Primarily, this class creates the managers that need to be explicitly initialized, as well as the Commands object. It also handles creating errors (so we can track metrics on how often different errors happen), and has a function to find a node matching a predicate (or wait for it to be created).
Has a variety of predicates determining things about automation nodes, all generally specific to Switch Access. Many of these functions utilize SACache. It also creates the restrictions that can be passed to AutomationTreeWalker to find the appropriate children for a given group node.
For more, Googlers could check out the Switch Access feature design docs for more details on design as well as UMA.
Overall product design, go/cros-switch
The navigation strategy, go/cros-switch-navigation
The action menu, go/cros-switch-menu
The "preview" dashed focus ring, go/cros-switch-dashed-focus
The UX description slideshow, go/cros-switch-access-ux
The UI specification, go/cros-switch-spec
Testing, go/cros-switch-testing
Improved Text Input (still experimental), go/cros-switch-text-input
Point Scanning (still under development), go/cros-switch-point-scanning