diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d41b449380291..6161add7f5eb3 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@ docker/distroless/bazel-*
diff --git a/core/creator/src/main/java/io/quarkus/creator/phase/generateconfig/GenerateConfigPhase.java b/core/creator/src/main/java/io/quarkus/creator/phase/generateconfig/GenerateConfigPhase.java
index 725a421d99f4f..7ac54ba30b44e 100644
--- a/core/creator/src/main/java/io/quarkus/creator/phase/generateconfig/GenerateConfigPhase.java
+++ b/core/creator/src/main/java/io/quarkus/creator/phase/generateconfig/GenerateConfigPhase.java
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ private void doProcess(CurateOutcome appState) throws AppCreatorException {
- sb.append(i.getDocs());
+ sb.append(formatDocs(i.getDocs()));
sb.append(i.getPropertyName() + "=" + i.getDefaultValue());
@@ -191,6 +193,69 @@ private void doProcess(CurateOutcome appState) throws AppCreatorException {
+ private String formatDocs(String docs) {
+ if (docs == null) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+ boolean lastEmpty = false;
+ boolean first = true;
+ for (String line : docs.replace("
", "\n").split("\n")) {
+ //process line by line
+ String trimmed = line.trim();
+ //if the lines are empty we only include a single empty line at most, and add a # character
+ if (trimmed.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!lastEmpty && !first) {
+ lastEmpty = true;
+ builder.append("\n#");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ //add the newlines
+ lastEmpty = false;
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ builder.append("\n");
+ }
+ //replace some special characters, others are taken care of by regex below
+ builder.append("# " + trimmed.replace("\n", "\n#")
+ .replace("
", "")
+ .replace("", " - ")
+ .replace("", ""));
+ }
+ String ret = builder.toString();
+ //replace @code
+ ret = Pattern.compile("\\{@code (.*?)\\}").matcher(ret).replaceAll("'$1'");
+ //replace @link with a reference to the field name
+ Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\{@link #(.*?)\\}").matcher(ret);
+ while (matcher.find()) {
+ ret = ret.replace(matcher.group(0), "'" + configify(matcher.group(1)) + "'");
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private String configify(String group) {
+ //replace uppercase characters with a - followed by lowercase
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int i = 0; i < group.length(); ++i) {
+ char c = group.charAt(i);
+ if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
+ ret.append("-");
+ ret.append(Character.toLowerCase(c));
+ } else {
+ ret.append(c);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret.toString();
+ }
public String getConfigPropertyName() {
return "augment";
diff --git a/core/processor/pom.xml b/core/processor/pom.xml
index 7afe6d9223610..5809ac2e84027 100644
--- a/core/processor/pom.xml
+++ b/core/processor/pom.xml
@@ -20,6 +20,25 @@
+ org.jsoup
+ jsoup
+ 1.12.1
+ com.github.javaparser
+ javaparser-core
+ 3.14.10
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
diff --git a/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/Constants.java b/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/Constants.java
index 9a08e1f1b0720..533794b7d8916 100644
--- a/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/Constants.java
+++ b/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/Constants.java
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package io.quarkus.annotation.processor;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.nio.file.Path;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
@@ -10,13 +13,21 @@
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Constants {
+ public static final char DOT = '.';
+ public static final String EMPTY = "";
+ public static final String DASH = "-";
+ public static final String CORE = "core-";
+ public static final String ADOC_EXTENSION = ".adoc";
+ public static final String DIGIT_OR_LOWERCASE = "^[a-z0-9]+$";
public static final String PARENT = "<>";
public static final String NO_DEFAULT = "<>";
public static final String HYPHENATED_ELEMENT_NAME = "<>";
- public static final Pattern JAVA_DOC_SEE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("@see\\s+(.+)\\s*");
- public static final Pattern JAVA_DOC_CODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\{@code (.*?)\\}");
- public static final Pattern JAVA_DOC_LINK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\{@link #(.*?)\\}");
+ public static final String COMMON = "common";
+ public static final String RUNTIME = "runtime";
+ public static final String DEPLOYMENT = "deployment";
public static final Pattern CONFIG_ROOT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(\\w+)Config(uration)?");
public static final Pattern PKG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^io\\.quarkus\\.(\\w+)\\.?(\\w+)?\\.?(\\w+)?");
@@ -28,12 +39,18 @@ public class Constants {
public static final String ANNOTATION_TEMPLATE = "io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.Template";
public static final String ANNOTATION_RECORDER = "io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.Recorder";
public static final String INSTANCE_SYM = "__instance";
- public static final String QUARKUS = "quarkus.";
+ public static final String QUARKUS = "quarkus";
- public static final Set SUPPOERTED_ANNOTATIONS_TYPES = new HashSet<>();
+ public static final Set SUPPORTED_ANNOTATIONS_TYPES = new HashSet<>();
public static final Map OPTIONAL_NUMBER_TYPES = new HashMap<>();
public static final String DOCS_SRC_MAIN_ASCIIDOC_GENERATED = "/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/";
- public static final String MAVEN_MULTI_MODULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY = "maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory";
+ public static final Path GENERATED_DOCS_PATH = Paths
+ .get(System.getProperties().getProperty("maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory")
+ public static final File GENERATED_DOCS_DIR = GENERATED_DOCS_PATH.toFile();
+ .resolve("all-configuration-roots-generated-doc.properties").toFile();
public static final String SEE_DURATION_NOTE_BELOW = ". _See duration note below_";
public static final String SEE_MEMORY_SIZE_NOTE_BELOW = ". _See memory size note below_";
@@ -59,11 +76,11 @@ public class Constants {
OPTIONAL_NUMBER_TYPES.put(OptionalLong.class.getName(), Long.class.getName());
OPTIONAL_NUMBER_TYPES.put(OptionalInt.class.getName(), Integer.class.getName());
OPTIONAL_NUMBER_TYPES.put(OptionalDouble.class.getName(), Double.class.getName());
diff --git a/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/ExtensionAnnotationProcessor.java b/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/ExtensionAnnotationProcessor.java
index 0c13ba8716e18..4f3d2677aa950 100644
--- a/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/ExtensionAnnotationProcessor.java
+++ b/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/ExtensionAnnotationProcessor.java
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
@@ -24,18 +22,17 @@
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import javax.annotation.processing.*;
+import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
+import javax.annotation.processing.Completion;
+import javax.annotation.processing.Filer;
+import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
@@ -69,23 +66,10 @@
import io.quarkus.annotation.processor.generate_doc.GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc;
public class ExtensionAnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
- public static final String RUNTIME = "runtime";
- public static final String DEPLOYMENT = "deployment";
- public static final String COMMON = "common";
+ private final JavaDocParser javaDocParser = new JavaDocParser();
private final Set generatedAccessors = new ConcurrentHashMap().keySet(Boolean.TRUE);
private final Set generatedJavaDocs = new ConcurrentHashMap().keySet(Boolean.TRUE);
private final GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc generateExtensionConfigurationDoc = new GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc();
- private static final Path GENERATED_DOCS_PATH = Paths
- .get(System.getProperties().getProperty(Constants.MAVEN_MULTI_MODULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY)
- private static final File GENERATED_DOCS_DIR = GENERATED_DOCS_PATH.toFile();
- private final Set processorMembers = new HashSet<>();
- static {
- if (!GENERATED_DOCS_DIR.exists()) {
- }
- }
public ExtensionAnnotationProcessor() {
@@ -97,7 +81,7 @@ public Set getSupportedOptions() {
public Set getSupportedAnnotationTypes() {
@@ -144,7 +128,7 @@ void doFinish() {
final Filer filer = processingEnv.getFiler();
final FileObject tempResource;
try {
- tempResource = filer.createResource(StandardLocation.SOURCE_OUTPUT, "", "ignore.tmp");
+ tempResource = filer.createResource(StandardLocation.SOURCE_OUTPUT, Constants.EMPTY, "ignore.tmp");
} catch (IOException e) {
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Unable to create temp output file: " + e);
@@ -232,104 +216,22 @@ public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(final Path dir, final IOException exc)
try (BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os)) {
try (OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(bos, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
try (BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(osw)) {
- javaDocProperties.store(bw, "");
+ javaDocProperties.store(bw, Constants.EMPTY);
- Map>> extensionsConfigurations = findExtensionsConfiguration(
- javaDocProperties);
- writeExtensionConfiguration(extensionsConfigurations);
} catch (IOException e) {
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Failed to write javadoc properties: " + e);
- }
- private Map>> findExtensionsConfiguration(Properties javaDocProperties)
- throws IOException {
- Map usedConfigurationRootWithGeneratedDoc = new HashMap<>();
- Map inMemoryOutput = generateExtensionConfigurationDoc
- .generateInMemoryConfigDocs(javaDocProperties);
- for (Map.Entry entry : inMemoryOutput.entrySet()) {
- if (processorMembers.contains(entry.getKey())) {
- usedConfigurationRootWithGeneratedDoc.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
- } else {
- try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(
- GENERATED_DOCS_PATH.resolve(entry.getKey() + ".adoc").toFile())) {
- out.write(entry.getValue().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
- }
- }
- }
- for (String member : processorMembers) {
- Path generatedDocPath = GENERATED_DOCS_PATH.resolve(member + ".adoc");
- if (Files.notExists(generatedDocPath)) {
- continue;
- }
- String cachedGeneratedDoc = new String(Files.readAllBytes(generatedDocPath));
- usedConfigurationRootWithGeneratedDoc.put(member, cachedGeneratedDoc);
- }
- return usedConfigurationRootWithGeneratedDoc
- .entrySet()
- .stream()
- .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(entry -> {
- Matcher matcher = Constants.PKG_PATTERN.matcher(entry.getKey());
- if (matcher.find()) {
- String extensionName = matcher.group(1);
- String subgroup = matcher.group(2);
- StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder("quarkus-");
- if (DEPLOYMENT.equals(extensionName) || RUNTIME.equals(extensionName)) {
- String configClass = entry.getKey().substring(entry.getKey().lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
- extensionName = StringUtil.hyphenate(configClass);
- key.append("core-");
- key.append(extensionName);
- } else if (subgroup != null && !DEPLOYMENT.equals(subgroup) && !RUNTIME.equals(subgroup) &&
- !COMMON.equals(subgroup) && subgroup.matches("^[a-z0-9]+$")) {
- key.append(extensionName);
- key.append("-");
- key.append(subgroup);
- String qualifier = matcher.group(3);
- if (qualifier != null && !DEPLOYMENT.equals(qualifier) && !RUNTIME.equals(qualifier)
- && !COMMON.equals(qualifier) && qualifier.matches("^[a-z0-9]+$")) {
- key.append("-");
- key.append(qualifier);
- }
- } else {
- key.append(extensionName);
- }
- key.append(".adoc");
- return key.toString();
- }
- return entry.getKey();
- }));
- }
- private void writeExtensionConfiguration(Map>> extensionsConfigurations)
- throws IOException {
- for (Map.Entry>> entry : extensionsConfigurations.entrySet()) {
- String generatedConfig = entry.getValue().stream().map(Map.Entry::getValue).collect(Collectors.joining());
- if (generatedConfig.contains(Constants.SEE_DURATION_NOTE_BELOW)) {
- generatedConfig += Constants.DURATION_FORMAT_NOTE;
- }
- if (generatedConfig.contains(Constants.SEE_MEMORY_SIZE_NOTE_BELOW)) {
- generatedConfig += Constants.MEMORY_SIZE_FORMAT_NOTE;
- }
- try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(GENERATED_DOCS_PATH.resolve(entry.getKey()).toFile())) {
- out.write(generatedConfig.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
- }
+ try {
+ generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.writeExtensionConfiguration(javaDocProperties);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Failed to generate extension doc: " + e);
+ return;
@@ -373,7 +275,7 @@ private void processBuildStep(RoundEnvironment roundEnv, TypeElement annotation)
for (VariableElement variableElement : i.getParameters()) {
- processorMembers.add(variableElement.asType().toString());
+ generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.addProcessorClassMember(variableElement.asType().toString());
final PackageElement pkg = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageOf(clazz);
@@ -388,7 +290,7 @@ private void processBuildStep(RoundEnvironment roundEnv, TypeElement annotation)
// new class
for (Element element : clazz.getEnclosedElements()) {
if (element.getKind().isField()) {
- processorMembers.add(element.asType().toString());
+ generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.addProcessorClassMember(element.asType().toString());
@@ -472,7 +374,7 @@ private void recordConfigJavadoc(TypeElement clazz) {
try (Writer writer = file.openWriter()) {
- javadocProps.store(writer, "");
+ javadocProps.store(writer, Constants.EMPTY);
} catch (IOException e) {
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Failed to persist resource " + rbn + ": " + e);
@@ -480,14 +382,14 @@ private void recordConfigJavadoc(TypeElement clazz) {
private void processFieldConfigItem(VariableElement field, Properties javadocProps, String className) {
- javadocProps.put(className + "." + field.getSimpleName().toString(), getRequiredJavadoc(field));
+ javadocProps.put(className + Constants.DOT + field.getSimpleName().toString(), getRequiredJavadoc(field));
private void processCtorConfigItem(ExecutableElement ctor, Properties javadocProps, String className) {
final String docComment = getRequiredJavadoc(ctor);
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
appendParamTypes(ctor, buf);
- javadocProps.put(className + "." + buf.toString(), docComment);
+ javadocProps.put(className + Constants.DOT + buf.toString(), docComment);
private void processMethodConfigItem(ExecutableElement method, Properties javadocProps, String className) {
@@ -495,7 +397,7 @@ private void processMethodConfigItem(ExecutableElement method, Properties javado
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
appendParamTypes(method, buf);
- javadocProps.put(className + "." + buf.toString(), docComment);
+ javadocProps.put(className + Constants.DOT + buf.toString(), docComment);
private void processConfigGroup(RoundEnvironment roundEnv, TypeElement annotation) {
@@ -504,7 +406,7 @@ private void processConfigGroup(RoundEnvironment roundEnv, TypeElement annotatio
if (groupClassNames.add(i.getQualifiedName().toString())) {
- generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.putConfigGroups(i);
+ generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.addConfigGroups(i);
@@ -686,74 +588,7 @@ private String getRequiredJavadoc(Element e) {
return "";
- return formatDocs(docComment.trim());
- }
- /**
- * TODO - properly parse JavaDoc
- */
- private String formatDocs(String docs) {
- if (docs == null) {
- return "";
- }
- StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
- boolean lastEmpty = false;
- boolean first = true;
- for (String line : docs.replace("", "\n").split("\n")) {
- //process line by line
- String trimmed = line.trim();
- //if the lines are empty we only include a single empty line at most, and add a # character
- if (trimmed.isEmpty()) {
- if (!lastEmpty && !first) {
- lastEmpty = true;
- builder.append("\n");
- }
- continue;
- }
- //add the newlines
- lastEmpty = false;
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- } else {
- builder.append("\n");
- }
- //replace some special characters, others are taken care of by regex below
- builder.append(trimmed.replace("\n", "\n")
- .replace("
", "")
- .replace("", " - ")
- .replace("", ""));
- }
- String ret = builder.toString();
- //replace @code
- ret = Constants.JAVA_DOC_CODE_PATTERN.matcher(ret).replaceAll("`$1`");
- //replace @see
- ret = Constants.JAVA_DOC_SEE_PATTERN.matcher(ret).replaceAll("see `$1`");
- //replace @link with a reference to the field name
- Matcher matcher = Constants.JAVA_DOC_LINK_PATTERN.matcher(ret);
- while (matcher.find()) {
- ret = ret.replace(matcher.group(0), "`" + configify(matcher.group(1)) + "`");
- }
- return ret;
- }
- private String configify(String group) {
- //replace uppercase characters with a - followed by lowercase
- StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < group.length(); ++i) {
- char c = group.charAt(i);
- if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
- ret.append("-");
- ret.append(Character.toLowerCase(c));
- } else {
- ret.append(c);
- }
- }
- return ret.toString();
+ return javaDocParser.parse(docComment);
private static boolean hasParameterAnnotated(ExecutableElement ex, String annotationName) {
diff --git a/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/JavaDocParser.java b/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/JavaDocParser.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f2f489cba68f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/JavaDocParser.java
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+package io.quarkus.annotation.processor;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
+import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
+import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
+import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode;
+import com.github.javaparser.javadoc.description.JavadocDescription;
+import com.github.javaparser.javadoc.description.JavadocInlineTag;
+public class JavaDocParser {
+ private static final String HASH = "#";
+ private static final String STAR = "*";
+ private static final String S_NODE = "s";
+ private static final String UNDERSCORE = "_";
+ private static final String NEW_LINE = "\n";
+ private static final String LINK_NODE = "a";
+ private static final String BOLD_NODE = "b";
+ private static final String BIG_NODE = "big";
+ private static final String DEL_NODE = "del";
+ private static final String ITALICS_NODE = "i";
+ private static final String TEXT_NODE = "#text";
+ private static final String UNDERLINE_NODE = "u";
+ private static final String NEW_LINE_NODE = "br";
+ private static final String PARAGRAPH_NODE = "p";
+ private static final String SMALL_NODE = "small";
+ private static final String EMPHASIS_NODE = "em";
+ private static final String LIST_ITEM_NODE = "li";
+ private static final String HREF_ATTRIBUTE = "href";
+ private static final String STRIKE_NODE = "strike";
+ private static final String SUB_SCRIPT_NODE = "sub";
+ private static final String ORDERED_LIST_NODE = "ol";
+ private static final String SUPER_SCRIPT_NODE = "sup";
+ private static final String UN_ORDERED_LIST_NODE = "ul";
+ private static final String INLINE_JAVA_DOC_TAG_FORMAT = "`%s`";
+ private static final String BIG_ASCIDOC_STYLE = "[.big]";
+ private static final String LINK_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT = "[%s]";
+ private static final String SUB_SCRIPT_ASCIDOC_STYLE = "~";
+ private static final String SUPER_SCRIPT_ASCIDOC_STYLE = "^";
+ private static final String SMALL_ASCIDOC_STYLE = "[.small]";
+ private static final String ORDERED_LIST_ITEM_ASCIDOC_STYLE = " . ";
+ private static final String UNORDERED_LIST_ITEM_ASCIDOC_STYLE = " - ";
+ private static final String UNDERLINE_ASCIDOC_STYLE = "[.underline]";
+ private static final String LINE_THROUGH_ASCIDOC_STYLE = "[.line-through]";
+ public String parse(String javaDoc) {
+ if (javaDoc == null) {
+ return Constants.EMPTY;
+ }
+ final Document document = Jsoup.parse(javaDoc);
+ final StringBuilder docBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ parseJavaDoc(document.body(), docBuilder);
+ return docBuilder.toString().trim();
+ }
+ private void parseJavaDoc(Node root, StringBuilder docBuilder) {
+ for (Node node : root.childNodes()) {
+ switch (node.nodeName()) {
+ docBuilder.append(NEW_LINE);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ break;
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ break;
+ final String marker = node.parent().nodeName().equals(ORDERED_LIST_NODE)
+ docBuilder.append(NEW_LINE);
+ docBuilder.append(marker);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ break;
+ case LINK_NODE:
+ final String link = node.attr(HREF_ATTRIBUTE);
+ docBuilder.append(link);
+ final StringBuilder caption = new StringBuilder();
+ parseJavaDoc(node, caption);
+ docBuilder.append(String.format(LINK_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT, caption.toString().trim()));
+ break;
+ case BOLD_NODE:
+ docBuilder.append(STAR);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ docBuilder.append(STAR);
+ break;
+ docBuilder.append(UNDERSCORE);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ docBuilder.append(UNDERSCORE);
+ break;
+ docBuilder.append(UNDERLINE_ASCIDOC_STYLE);
+ docBuilder.append(HASH);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ docBuilder.append(HASH);
+ break;
+ case SMALL_NODE:
+ docBuilder.append(SMALL_ASCIDOC_STYLE);
+ docBuilder.append(HASH);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ docBuilder.append(HASH);
+ break;
+ case BIG_NODE:
+ docBuilder.append(BIG_ASCIDOC_STYLE);
+ docBuilder.append(HASH);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ docBuilder.append(HASH);
+ break;
+ docBuilder.append(SUB_SCRIPT_ASCIDOC_STYLE);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ docBuilder.append(SUB_SCRIPT_ASCIDOC_STYLE);
+ break;
+ docBuilder.append(SUPER_SCRIPT_ASCIDOC_STYLE);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ docBuilder.append(SUPER_SCRIPT_ASCIDOC_STYLE);
+ break;
+ case DEL_NODE:
+ case S_NODE:
+ docBuilder.append(LINE_THROUGH_ASCIDOC_STYLE);
+ docBuilder.append(HASH);
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ docBuilder.append(HASH);
+ break;
+ docBuilder.append(NEW_LINE);
+ break;
+ case TEXT_NODE:
+ final TextNode textNode = (TextNode) node;
+ docBuilder.append(getJavaDocDescription(textNode));
+ break;
+ default: {
+ parseJavaDoc(node, docBuilder);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String getJavaDocDescription(TextNode node) {
+ JavadocDescription javadocDescription = JavadocDescription.parseText(node.text());
+ return javadocDescription
+ .getElements()
+ .stream()
+ .map((javadocDescriptionElement) -> {
+ if (javadocDescriptionElement instanceof JavadocInlineTag) {
+ JavadocInlineTag inlineTag = (JavadocInlineTag) javadocDescriptionElement;
+ String content = inlineTag.getContent().trim();
+ switch (inlineTag.getType()) {
+ case CODE:
+ case VALUE:
+ case LITERAL:
+ return String.format(INLINE_JAVA_DOC_TAG_FORMAT, content);
+ case LINK:
+ if (content.startsWith(HASH)) {
+ content = StringUtil.hyphenate(content.substring(1));
+ }
+ return String.format(INLINE_JAVA_DOC_TAG_FORMAT, content);
+ default:
+ return content;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return javadocDescriptionElement.toText();
+ }
+ }).collect(Collectors.joining());
+ }
diff --git a/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/generate_doc/GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc.java b/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/generate_doc/GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc.java
index c665ebb148078..9278892a4e852 100644
--- a/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/generate_doc/GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc.java
+++ b/core/processor/src/main/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/generate_doc/GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc.java
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
package io.quarkus.annotation.processor.generate_doc;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.BufferedWriter;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
@@ -10,7 +16,13 @@
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import javax.lang.model.element.*;
+import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
+import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
+import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
+import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
+import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
+import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
+import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
@@ -18,10 +30,21 @@
import io.quarkus.annotation.processor.StringUtil;
public class GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc {
- public static final String STATIC_MODIFIER = "static";
+ private static final String NAMED_MAP_CONFIG_ITEM_FORMAT = ".\"<%s>\"";
+ private static final String WILDCARD_MAP_CONFIG_ITEM_FORMAT = ".{*}";
private final Set configRoots = new HashSet<>();
+ private final Set processorClassMembers = new HashSet<>();
private final Map configGroups = new HashMap<>();
+ public void addProcessorClassMember(String member) {
+ processorClassMembers.add(member);
+ }
+ public void addConfigGroups(TypeElement configGroup) {
+ configGroups.put(configGroup.getQualifiedName().toString(), configGroup);
+ }
public void addConfigRoot(final PackageElement pkg, TypeElement clazz) {
final Matcher pkgMatcher = Constants.PKG_PATTERN.matcher(pkg.toString());
if (!pkgMatcher.find()) {
@@ -35,12 +58,12 @@ public void addConfigRoot(final PackageElement pkg, TypeElement clazz) {
if (annotationName.equals(Constants.ANNOTATION_CONFIG_ROOT)) {
final Map extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> elementValues = annotationMirror
- String name = "";
+ String name = Constants.EMPTY;
for (Map.Entry extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> entry : elementValues.entrySet()) {
final String key = entry.getKey().toString();
final String value = entry.getValue().getValue().toString();
if ("name()".equals(key)) {
- name = Constants.QUARKUS + value;
+ name = Constants.QUARKUS + Constants.DOT + value;
} else if ("phase()".equals(key)) {
visibility = ConfigVisibility.valueOf(value);
@@ -49,7 +72,7 @@ public void addConfigRoot(final PackageElement pkg, TypeElement clazz) {
if (name.isEmpty()) {
final Matcher nameMatcher = Constants.CONFIG_ROOT_PATTERN.matcher(clazz.getSimpleName());
if (nameMatcher.find()) {
- name = Constants.QUARKUS + StringUtil.hyphenate(nameMatcher.group(1));
+ name = Constants.QUARKUS + Constants.DOT + StringUtil.hyphenate(nameMatcher.group(1));
@@ -61,11 +84,77 @@ public void addConfigRoot(final PackageElement pkg, TypeElement clazz) {
- public void putConfigGroups(TypeElement configGroup) {
- configGroups.put(configGroup.getQualifiedName().toString(), configGroup);
+ public void writeExtensionConfiguration(Properties javaDocProperties) throws IOException {
+ Map extensionsConfigurations = findExtensionsConfiguration(javaDocProperties);
+ for (Map.Entry entry : extensionsConfigurations.entrySet()) {
+ final StringBuilder doc = new StringBuilder(entry.getValue());
+ if (entry.getValue().contains(Constants.SEE_DURATION_NOTE_BELOW)) {
+ doc.append(Constants.DURATION_FORMAT_NOTE);
+ }
+ if (entry.getValue().contains(Constants.SEE_MEMORY_SIZE_NOTE_BELOW)) {
+ doc.append(Constants.MEMORY_SIZE_FORMAT_NOTE);
+ }
+ try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(Constants.GENERATED_DOCS_PATH.resolve(entry.getKey()).toFile())) {
+ out.write(doc.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Map findExtensionsConfiguration(Properties javaDocProperties)
+ throws IOException {
+ final Map inMemoryOutput = generateInMemoryConfigDocs(javaDocProperties);
+ if (!inMemoryOutput.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!Constants.GENERATED_DOCS_DIR.exists()) {
+ Constants.GENERATED_DOCS_DIR.mkdirs();
+ }
+ if (!Constants.ALL_CR_GENERATED_DOC.exists()) {
+ Constants.ALL_CR_GENERATED_DOC.createNewFile();
+ }
+ }
+ final Properties allExtensionGeneratedDocs = new Properties();
+ try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = Files.newBufferedReader(Constants.ALL_CR_GENERATED_DOC.toPath(),
+ StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
+ allExtensionGeneratedDocs.load(bufferedReader);
+ }
+ if (!inMemoryOutput.isEmpty()) {
+ allExtensionGeneratedDocs.putAll(inMemoryOutput);
+ /**
+ * Update stored generated config doc for each configuration root
+ */
+ try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = Files.newBufferedWriter(Constants.ALL_CR_GENERATED_DOC.toPath(),
+ StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
+ allExtensionGeneratedDocs.store(bufferedWriter, Constants.EMPTY);
+ }
+ }
+ final Map extensionConfigurations = new HashMap<>();
+ for (String member : processorClassMembers) {
+ if (allExtensionGeneratedDocs.containsKey(member)) {
+ final String fileName = computeExtensionDocFileName(member);
+ final String content = allExtensionGeneratedDocs.getProperty(member);
+ final String previousContent = extensionConfigurations.get(fileName);
+ if (previousContent == null) {
+ extensionConfigurations.put(fileName, content);
+ } else {
+ extensionConfigurations.put(fileName, previousContent.concat(content));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return extensionConfigurations;
- public Map generateInMemoryConfigDocs(Properties javaDocProperties) {
+ private Map generateInMemoryConfigDocs(Properties javaDocProperties) {
Map configOutput = new HashMap<>();
for (ConfigRootInfo configRootInfo : configRoots) {
@@ -84,6 +173,44 @@ public Map generateInMemoryConfigDocs(Properties javaDocProperti
return configOutput;
+ String computeExtensionDocFileName(String configRoot) {
+ final Matcher matcher = Constants.PKG_PATTERN.matcher(configRoot);
+ if (!matcher.find()) {
+ return configRoot + Constants.ADOC_EXTENSION;
+ }
+ String extensionName = matcher.group(1);
+ final String subgroup = matcher.group(2);
+ final StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(Constants.QUARKUS);
+ key.append(Constants.DASH);
+ if (Constants.DEPLOYMENT.equals(extensionName) || Constants.RUNTIME.equals(extensionName)) {
+ final String configClass = configRoot.substring(configRoot.lastIndexOf(Constants.DOT) + 1);
+ extensionName = StringUtil.hyphenate(configClass);
+ key.append(Constants.CORE);
+ key.append(extensionName);
+ } else if (subgroup != null && !Constants.DEPLOYMENT.equals(subgroup)
+ && !Constants.RUNTIME.equals(subgroup) && !Constants.COMMON.equals(subgroup)
+ && subgroup.matches(Constants.DIGIT_OR_LOWERCASE)) {
+ key.append(extensionName);
+ key.append(Constants.DASH);
+ key.append(subgroup);
+ final String qualifier = matcher.group(3);
+ if (qualifier != null && !Constants.DEPLOYMENT.equals(qualifier)
+ && !Constants.RUNTIME.equals(qualifier) && !Constants.COMMON.equals(qualifier)
+ && qualifier.matches(Constants.DIGIT_OR_LOWERCASE)) {
+ key.append(Constants.DASH);
+ key.append(qualifier);
+ }
+ } else {
+ key.append(extensionName);
+ }
+ key.append(Constants.ADOC_EXTENSION);
+ return key.toString();
+ }
private String generateConfigsInDescriptorListFormat(Set configItems, Properties javaDocProperties) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
@@ -181,7 +308,7 @@ private void recordConfigItems(Set configItems, Element element, Str
- String name = "";
+ String name = Constants.EMPTY;
String defaultValue = Constants.NO_DEFAULT;
TypeMirror typeMirror = enclosedElement.asType();
String type = typeMirror.toString();
@@ -202,13 +329,13 @@ private void recordConfigItems(Set configItems, Element element, Str
if ("name()".equals(key)) {
switch (value) {
- name = parentName + "." + StringUtil.hyphenate(fieldName);
+ name = parentName + Constants.DOT + StringUtil.hyphenate(fieldName);
case Constants.PARENT:
name = parentName;
- name = parentName + "." + value;
+ name = parentName + Constants.DOT + value;
} else if ("defaultValue()".equals(key)) {
defaultValue = value;
@@ -219,25 +346,25 @@ private void recordConfigItems(Set configItems, Element element, Str
if (name.isEmpty()) {
- name = parentName + "." + StringUtil.hyphenate(fieldName);
+ name = parentName + Constants.DOT + StringUtil.hyphenate(fieldName);
if (Constants.NO_DEFAULT.equals(defaultValue)) {
- defaultValue = "";
+ defaultValue = Constants.EMPTY;
if (isConfigGroup) {
recordConfigItems(configItems, configGroup, name, visibility);
} else {
TypeElement clazz = (TypeElement) element;
- String javaDocKey = clazz.getQualifiedName().toString() + "." + fieldName;
+ String javaDocKey = clazz.getQualifiedName().toString() + Constants.DOT + fieldName;
if (!typeMirror.getKind().isPrimitive()) {
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) typeMirror;
List extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = declaredType.getTypeArguments();
if (!typeArguments.isEmpty()) {
if (typeArguments.size() == 2) {
- final String mapKey = String.format(".\"<%s>\"", StringUtil.hyphenate(fieldName));
+ final String mapKey = String.format(NAMED_MAP_CONFIG_ITEM_FORMAT, StringUtil.hyphenate(fieldName));
type = typeArguments.get(1).toString();
configGroup = configGroups.get(type);
@@ -245,7 +372,7 @@ private void recordConfigItems(Set configItems, Element element, Str
recordConfigItems(configItems, configGroup, name + mapKey, visibility);
} else {
- name += mapKey + ".{*}";
} else {
type = typeArguments.get(0).toString();
@@ -268,6 +395,7 @@ private String getKnownGenericType(DeclaredType declaredType) {
public String toString() {
return "GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc{" +
"configRoots=" + configRoots +
+ ", processorClassMembers=" + processorClassMembers +
", configGroups=" + configGroups +
diff --git a/core/processor/src/test/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/JavaDocParserTest.java b/core/processor/src/test/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/JavaDocParserTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..cda9a5b51b18b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/processor/src/test/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/JavaDocParserTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+package io.quarkus.annotation.processor;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class JavaDocParserTest {
+ private JavaDocParser parser;
+ @Before
+ public void setup() {
+ parser = new JavaDocParser();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseNullJavaDoc() {
+ String parsed = parser.parse(null);
+ assertEquals("", parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseUntrimmedJavaDoc() {
+ String parsed = parser.parse(" ");
+ assertEquals("", parsed);
+ parsed = parser.parse("
+ assertEquals("", parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseSimpleJavaDoc() {
+ String javaDoc = "hello world";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(javaDoc, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithParagraph() {
+ String javaDoc = "helloworld
+ String expectedOutput = "hello\nworld";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ javaDoc = "hello worldbonjour
le monde
+ expectedOutput = "hello world\nbonjour \nle monde";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithStyles() {
+ // Bold
+ String javaDoc = "hello world";
+ String expectedOutput = "hello *world*";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ // Emphasized
+ javaDoc = "hello world";
+ expectedOutput = "*hello world*";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ // Italics
+ javaDoc = "hello world";
+ expectedOutput = "_hello world_";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ // Underline
+ javaDoc = "hello world";
+ expectedOutput = "[.underline]#hello world#";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ // small
+ javaDoc = "quarkus subatomic";
+ expectedOutput = "[.small]#quarkus subatomic#";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ // big
+ javaDoc = "hello world";
+ expectedOutput = "[.big]#hello world#";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ // line through
+ javaDoc = "hello monolith world";
+ expectedOutput = "[.line-through]#hello #[.line-through]#monolith #[.line-through]#world#";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ // superscript and subscript
+ javaDoc = "cloud in-premise";
+ expectedOutput = "^cloud ^~in-premise~";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithUlTags() {
+ String javaDoc = "hello ";
+ String expectedOutput = "hello world";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ javaDoc = "hello world";
+ expectedOutput = "hello world bonjour le monde";
+ parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithLiTagsInsideUlTag() {
+ String javaDoc = "List:" +
+ "\n" +
+ "- 1
\n" +
+ "- 2
\n" +
+ "
" +
+ "";
+ String expectedOutput = "List: \n - 1 \n - 2";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithLiTagsInsideOlTag() {
+ String javaDoc = "List:" +
+ "\n" +
+ "- 1
\n" +
+ "- 2
\n" +
+ "
" +
+ "";
+ String expectedOutput = "List: \n . 1 \n . 2";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithLinkInlineSnippet() {
+ String javaDoc = "{@link firstlink} {@link #secondlink} \n {@linkplain #third.link}";
+ String expectedOutput = "`firstlink` `secondlink` `third.link`";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithLinkTag() {
+ String javaDoc = "this is a hello link";
+ String expectedOutput = "this is a http://link.com[hello] link";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithCodeInlineSnippet() {
+ String javaDoc = "{@code true} {@code false}";
+ String expectedOutput = "`true` `false`";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithLiteralInlineSnippet() {
+ String javaDoc = "{@literal java.util.Boolean}";
+ String expectedOutput = "`java.util.Boolean`";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithValueInlineSnippet() {
+ String javaDoc = "{@value 10s}";
+ String expectedOutput = "`10s`";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithUnknownInlineSnippet() {
+ String javaDoc = "{@see java.util.Boolean}";
+ String expectedOutput = "java.util.Boolean";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parseJavaDocWithUnknownNode() {
+ String javaDoc = "hello";
+ String expectedOutput = "hello";
+ String parsed = parser.parse(javaDoc);
+ assertEquals(expectedOutput, parsed);
+ }
diff --git a/core/processor/src/test/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/generate_doc/GenerateExtensionConfigurationDocTest.java b/core/processor/src/test/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/generate_doc/GenerateExtensionConfigurationDocTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..46149fda90b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/processor/src/test/java/io/quarkus/annotation/processor/generate_doc/GenerateExtensionConfigurationDocTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package io.quarkus.annotation.processor.generate_doc;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class GenerateExtensionConfigurationDocTest {
+ private GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc generateExtensionConfigurationDoc;
+ @Before
+ public void setup() {
+ generateExtensionConfigurationDoc = new GenerateExtensionConfigurationDoc();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shouldReturnConfigRootName() {
+ String configRoot = "org.acme.ConfigRoot";
+ String expected = "org.acme.ConfigRoot.adoc";
+ String fileName = generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.computeExtensionDocFileName(configRoot);
+ assertEquals(expected, fileName);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shouldAddCoreInComputedExtensionName() {
+ String configRoot = "io.quarkus.runtime.RuntimeConfig";
+ String expected = "quarkus-core-runtime-config.adoc";
+ String fileName = generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.computeExtensionDocFileName(configRoot);
+ assertEquals(expected, fileName);
+ configRoot = "io.quarkus.deployment.BuildTimeConfig";
+ expected = "quarkus-core-build-time-config.adoc";
+ fileName = generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.computeExtensionDocFileName(configRoot);
+ assertEquals(expected, fileName);
+ configRoot = "io.quarkus.deployment.path.BuildTimeConfig";
+ expected = "quarkus-core-build-time-config.adoc";
+ fileName = generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.computeExtensionDocFileName(configRoot);
+ assertEquals(expected, fileName);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shouldGuessArtifactId() {
+ String configRoot = "io.quarkus.agroal.Config";
+ String expected = "quarkus-agroal.adoc";
+ String fileName = generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.computeExtensionDocFileName(configRoot);
+ assertEquals(expected, fileName);
+ configRoot = "io.quarkus.keycloak.Config";
+ expected = "quarkus-keycloak.adoc";
+ fileName = generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.computeExtensionDocFileName(configRoot);
+ assertEquals(expected, fileName);
+ configRoot = "io.quarkus.extension.name.BuildTimeConfig";
+ expected = "quarkus-extension-name.adoc";
+ fileName = generateExtensionConfigurationDoc.computeExtensionDocFileName(configRoot);
+ assertEquals(expected, fileName);
+ }
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-agroal.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-agroal.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 74cebc31c1fbe..0000000000000
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-agroal.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.datasource."".driver`:: The datasource driver class name
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".xa`:: Whether we want to use XA.
-If used, the driver has to support it.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.driver`:: The datasource driver class name
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.xa`:: Whether we want to use XA.
-If used, the driver has to support it.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".acquisition-timeout`:: The timeout before cancelling the acquisition of a new connection
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `5`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".background-validation-interval`:: The interval at which we validate idle connections in the background
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `2M`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".enable-metrics`:: Enable datasource metrics collection.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".idle-removal-interval`:: The interval at which we try to remove idle connections.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `5M`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".initial-size`:: The initial size of the pool
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".leak-detection-interval`:: The interval at which we check for connection leaks.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".max-lifetime`:: The max lifetime of a connection.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".max-size`:: The datasource pool maximum size
-type: `int`; default value: `20`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".min-size`:: The datasource pool minimum size
-type: `int`; default value: `5`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".password`:: The datasource password
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".transaction-isolation-level`:: The transaction isolation level.
-type: `io.agroal.api.configuration.AgroalConnectionFactoryConfiguration.TransactionIsolation`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".url`:: The datasource URL
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource."".username`:: The datasource username
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.acquisition-timeout`:: The timeout before cancelling the acquisition of a new connection
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `5`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.background-validation-interval`:: The interval at which we validate idle connections in the background
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `2M`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.enable-metrics`:: Enable datasource metrics collection.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.idle-removal-interval`:: The interval at which we try to remove idle connections.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `5M`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.initial-size`:: The initial size of the pool
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.leak-detection-interval`:: The interval at which we check for connection leaks.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.max-lifetime`:: The max lifetime of a connection.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.max-size`:: The datasource pool maximum size
-type: `int`; default value: `20`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.min-size`:: The datasource pool minimum size
-type: `int`; default value: `5`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.password`:: The datasource password
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.transaction-isolation-level`:: The transaction isolation level.
-type: `io.agroal.api.configuration.AgroalConnectionFactoryConfiguration.TransactionIsolation`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.url`:: The datasource URL
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.username`:: The datasource username
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-amazon-lambda-resteasy.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-amazon-lambda-resteasy.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index f4c65e569f324..0000000000000
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-amazon-lambda-resteasy.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.amazon-lambda-resteasy.debug`:: Indicates if we are in debug mode.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-arc.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-arc.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ebdcff00a906..0000000000000
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-arc.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.arc.auto-inject-fields`:: If set to true `@Inject` is automatically added to all non-static fields that are annotated with
-one of the annotations defined by {@link AutoInjectAnnotationBuildItem}.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.arc.remove-unused-beans`:: If set to all (or true) the container will attempt to remove all unused beans.
-An unused bean:
- - is not a built-in bean or interceptor,
- - is not eligible for injection to any injection point,
- - is not excluded by any extension,
- - does not have a name,
- - does not declare an observer,
- - does not declare any producer which is eligible for injection to any injection point,
- - is not directly eligible for injection into any {@link javax.enterprise.inject.Instance} injection point
-If set to none (or false) no beans will ever be removed even if they are unused (according to the criteria
-set out above)
-If set to fwk, then all unused beans will be removed, except the unused beans whose classes are declared
-in the application code
-see `UnremovableBeanBuildItem`
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `all`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-application-config.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-application-config.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 34962562439c1..0000000000000
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-application-config.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.application.name`:: The name of the application.
-If not set, defaults to the name of the project.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.application.version`:: The version of the application.
-If not set, defaults to the version of the project
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-index-dependency-configuration.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-index-dependency-configuration.adoc
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-`quarkus.index-dependency."".artifact-id`:: The maven artifactId of the artifact to index
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.index-dependency."".classifier`:: The maven classifier of the artifact to index
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.index-dependency."".group-id`:: The maven groupId of the artifact to index
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-jni-config.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-jni-config.adoc
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-`quarkus.jni.enable`:: Enable JNI support.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.jni.library-paths`:: Paths of library to load.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-log-config.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-log-config.adoc
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-`quarkus.log.category."".level`:: The log level level for this category
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `inherit`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.category."".min-level`:: The minimum level that this category can be set to
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `inherit`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.console.async`:: Indicates whether to log asynchronously
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.console.async.overflow`:: Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full
-type: `org.jboss.logmanager.handlers.AsyncHandler.OverflowAction`; default value: `block`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.console.async.queue-length`:: The queue length to use before flushing writing
-type: `int`; default value: `512`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.console.color`:: If the console logging should be in color
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.console.darken`:: Specify how much the colors should be darkened
-type: `int`; default value: `0`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.console.enable`:: If console logging should be enabled
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.console.format`:: The log format
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c{3.}] (%t) %s%e%n`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.console.level`:: The console log level
-type: `java.util.logging.Level`; default value: `ALL`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.async`:: Indicates whether to log asynchronously
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.async.overflow`:: Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full
-type: `org.jboss.logmanager.handlers.AsyncHandler.OverflowAction`; default value: `block`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.async.queue-length`:: The queue length to use before flushing writing
-type: `int`; default value: `512`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.enable`:: If file logging should be enabled
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.format`:: The log format
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %h %N[%i] %-5p [%c{3.}] (%t) %s%e%n`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.level`:: The level of logs to be written into the file.
-type: `java.util.logging.Level`; default value: `ALL`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.path`:: The name of the file in which logs will be written.
-type: `java.io.File`; default value: `quarkus.log`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.rotation.file-suffix`:: File handler rotation file suffix.
-Example fileSuffix: .yyyy-MM-dd
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.rotation.max-backup-index`:: The maximum number of backups to keep.
-type: `int`; default value: `1`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.rotation.max-file-size`:: The maximum file size of the log file after which a rotation is executed.
-type: `io.quarkus.runtime.configuration.MemorySize`. _See memory size note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.file.rotation.rotate-on-boot`:: Indicates whether to rotate log files on server initialization.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.filter."".if-starts-with`:: The message starts to match
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `inherit`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.level`:: The default log level
-type: `java.util.logging.Level`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.min-level`:: The default minimum log level
-type: `java.util.logging.Level`; default value: `INFO`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.app-name`:: The app name used when formatting the message in RFC5424 format
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.async`:: Indicates whether to log asynchronously
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.async.overflow`:: Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full
-type: `org.jboss.logmanager.handlers.AsyncHandler.OverflowAction`; default value: `block`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.async.queue-length`:: The queue length to use before flushing writing
-type: `int`; default value: `512`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.block-on-reconnect`:: Enables or disables blocking when attempting to reconnect a
-{@link org.jboss.logmanager.handlers.SyslogHandler.Protocol#TCP
-TCP} or {@link org.jboss.logmanager.handlers.SyslogHandler.Protocol#SSL_TCP SSL TCP} protocol
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.enable`:: If syslog logging should be enabled
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.endpoint`:: The IP address and port of the syslog server
-type: `java.net.InetSocketAddress`; default value: `localhost:514`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.facility`:: Sets the facility used when calculating the priority of the message as defined by RFC-5424 and RFC-3164
-type: `org.jboss.logmanager.handlers.SyslogHandler.Facility`; default value: `USER_LEVEL`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.format`:: The log message format
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c{3.}] (%t) %s%e%n`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.hostname`:: The name of the host the messages are being sent from
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.level`:: The log level specifying, which message levels will be logged by syslog logger
-type: `java.util.logging.Level`; default value: `ALL`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.protocol`:: Sets the protocol used to connect to the syslog server
-type: `org.jboss.logmanager.handlers.SyslogHandler.Protocol`; default value: `TCP`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.syslog-type`:: Set the {@link SyslogType syslog type} this handler should use to format the message sent
-type: `org.jboss.logmanager.handlers.SyslogHandler.SyslogType`; default value: `RFC5424`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.truncate`:: Set to `true` if the message should be truncated
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.log.syslog.use-counting-framing`:: Set to `true` if the message being sent should be prefixed with the size of the message
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-A size configuration option recognises string in this format (shown as a regular expression): `[0-9]+[KkMmGgTtPpEeZzYy]?`.
-If no suffix is given, assume bytes.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-ssl-config.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-ssl-config.adoc
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-`quarkus.ssl.native`:: Enable native SSL support.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-thread-pool-config.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-core-thread-pool-config.adoc
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-`quarkus.thread-pool.core-threads`:: The core thread pool size. This number of threads will always be kept alive.
-type: `int`; default value: `1`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.thread-pool.growth-resistance`:: The executor growth resistance.
-A resistance factor applied after the core pool is full; values applied here will cause that fraction
-of submissions to create new threads when no idle thread is available. A value of `0.0f` implies that
-threads beyond the core size should be created as aggressively as threads within it; a value of `1.0f`
-implies that threads beyond the core size should never be created.
-type: `float`; default value: `0`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.thread-pool.keep-alive-time`:: The amount of time a thread will stay alive with no work.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `30`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.thread-pool.max-threads`:: The maximum number of threads. If this is not specified then
-it will be automatically sized to 8 * the number of available processors
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.thread-pool.queue-size`:: The queue size. For most applications this should be unbounded
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.thread-pool.shutdown-check-interval`:: The frequency at which the status of the thread pool should be checked during shutdown. Information about
-waiting tasks and threads will be checked and possibly logged at this interval. Setting this key to an empty
-value disables the shutdown check interval.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `5`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.thread-pool.shutdown-interrupt`:: The amount of time to wait for thread pool shutdown before tasks should be interrupted. If this value is
-greater than or equal to the value for `shutdown-timeout`, then tasks will not be interrupted before
-the shutdown timeout occurs.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `10`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.thread-pool.shutdown-timeout`:: The shutdown timeout. If all pending work has not been completed by this time
-then additional threads will be spawned to attempt to finish any pending tasks, and the shutdown process will
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `1M`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-elytron-security-oauth2.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-elytron-security-oauth2.adoc
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-`quarkus.oauth2.ca-cert-file`:: The path to a custom cert file
-This is not supported in native mode
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.oauth2.client-id`:: The identifier of the client on the OAuth2 Authorization Server
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.oauth2.client-secret`:: The secret of the client
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.oauth2.enabled`:: If the OAuth2 extension is enabled.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.oauth2.introspection-url`:: The URL of token introspection endpoint
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.oauth2.role-claim`:: The claim that provides the roles
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `scope`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.security.embedded.auth-mechanism`:: The authentication mechanism
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `BASIC`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.embedded.enabled`:: If the embedded store is enabled.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.embedded.realm-name`:: The authentication mechanism
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `Quarkus`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.embedded.roles."".{*}`:: The realm roles user1=role1,role2,...\nuser2=role1,role2,... mapping
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.embedded.users."".{*}`:: The realm users user1=password\nuser2=password2... mapping
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.file.auth-mechanism`:: The authentication mechanism
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `BASIC`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.file.enabled`:: If the properties store is enabled.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.file.realm-name`:: The authentication mechanism
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `Quarkus`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.file.roles`:: The location of the roles property file
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `roles.properties`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.file.users`:: The location of the users property resource
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `users.properties`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.security.security-providers`:: List of security providers to enable for reflection
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-extest.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-extest.adoc
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-`quarkus.rt.all-values.double-primitive`:: a double primitive
-type: `double`; default value: `0d`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.expanded-default`:: A configuration item that has a default value that is an expression
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `${java.vm.version}`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.long-list`:: A List of long values
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.long-primitive`:: a long primitive
-type: `long`; default value: `0l`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.long-value`:: a long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.nested-config-map."".nested-value`:: A nested string value
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.nested-config-map."".oov`:: A nested ObjectOfValue value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.oov`:: A config object with a static of(String) method
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.oov-with-default`:: A config object with a static of(String) method and default value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; default value: `defaultPart1+defaultPart2`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.opt-double-value`:: an optional double value
-type: `java.lang.Double`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.opt-long-value`:: an optional long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.optional-long-value`:: an optional long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.ovo`:: A config object with a static valueOf(String) method
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectValueOf`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.ovo-with-default`:: A config object with a static of(String) method and default value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectValueOf`; default value: `defaultPart1+defaultPart2`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.string-list`:: A List of string values
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.string-list-map."".{*}`:: A map of property lists
-type: `java.util.List`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.all-values.string-map."".{*}`:: A map of properties
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.map-of-numbers."".{*}`:: Map of Integer conversion with {@link ConvertWith}
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.my-enum`:: Enum object
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.MyEnum`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.my-enums`:: Enum list of objects
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.MyEnum`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.my-optional-enums`:: Enum optional value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.MyEnum`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.no-hyphenate-first-enum`:: No hyphenation
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.MyEnum`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.no-hyphenate-second-enum`:: No hyphenation
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.MyEnum`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.object-boolean`:: Boolean conversion with {@link ConvertWith}
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; default value: `NO`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.object-integer`:: Integer conversion with {@link ConvertWith}
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; default value: `zero`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.one-to-nine`:: List of Integer conversion with {@link ConvertWith}
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; default value: `one`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.primitive-boolean`:: Primitive boolean conversion with {@link ConvertWith}
-type: `boolean`; default value: `NO`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.primitive-integer`:: Primitive int conversion with {@link ConvertWith}
-type: `int`; default value: `zero`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.rt-string-opt`:: A run time object
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.rt-string-opt-with-default`:: A run time object with default value
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `rtStringOptWithDefaultValue`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.string-list-map."".{*}`:: A map of property lists
-type: `java.util.List`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.rt.string-map."".{*}`:: A map of properties
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.double-primitive`:: a double primitive
-type: `double`; default value: `0d`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.expanded-default`:: A configuration item that has a default value that is an expression
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `${java.vm.version}`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.long-list`:: A List of long values
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.long-primitive`:: a long primitive
-type: `long`; default value: `0l`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.long-value`:: a long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.nested-config-map."".nested-value`:: A nested string value
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.nested-config-map."".oov`:: A nested ObjectOfValue value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.oov`:: A config object with a static of(String) method
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.oov-with-default`:: A config object with a static of(String) method and default value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; default value: `defaultPart1+defaultPart2`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.opt-double-value`:: an optional double value
-type: `java.lang.Double`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.opt-long-value`:: an optional long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.optional-long-value`:: an optional long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.ovo`:: A config object with a static valueOf(String) method
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectValueOf`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.ovo-with-default`:: A config object with a static of(String) method and default value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectValueOf`; default value: `defaultPart1+defaultPart2`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.string-list`:: A List of string values
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.string-list-map."".{*}`:: A map of property lists
-type: `java.util.List`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.all-values.string-map."".{*}`:: A map of properties
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.bt-sbv`:: A config object with ctor(String)
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.StringBasedValue`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.bt-sbv-with-default`:: A config object with ctor(String) and default value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.StringBasedValue`; default value: `btSBVWithDefaultValue`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.bt-string-opt`:: A config string
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.bt-string-opt-with-default`:: A config string with default value
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `btStringOptWithDefaultValue`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.map-of-numbers."".{*}`:: Map of Integer conversion with {@link ConvertWith}
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.my-enum`:: Enum object
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.MyEnum`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.btrt.my-enums`:: Enum list of objects
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.MyEnum`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.double-primitive`:: a double primitive
-type: `double`; default value: `0d`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.expanded-default`:: A configuration item that has a default value that is an expression
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `${java.vm.version}`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.long-list`:: A List of long values
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.long-primitive`:: a long primitive
-type: `long`; default value: `0l`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.long-value`:: a long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.nested-config-map."".nested-value`:: A nested string value
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.nested-config-map."".oov`:: A nested ObjectOfValue value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.oov`:: A config object with a static of(String) method
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.oov-with-default`:: A config object with a static of(String) method and default value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectOfValue`; default value: `defaultPart1+defaultPart2`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.opt-double-value`:: an optional double value
-type: `java.lang.Double`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.opt-long-value`:: an optional long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.optional-long-value`:: an optional long value
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.ovo`:: A config object with a static valueOf(String) method
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectValueOf`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.ovo-with-default`:: A config object with a static of(String) method and default value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.ObjectValueOf`; default value: `defaultPart1+defaultPart2`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.string-list`:: A List of string values
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.string-list-map."".{*}`:: A map of property lists
-type: `java.util.List`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.all-values.string-map."".{*}`:: A map of properties
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.bt-sbv`:: A config object with ctor(String)
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.StringBasedValue`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.bt-sbv-with-default`:: A config object with ctor(String) and default value
-type: `io.quarkus.extest.runtime.config.StringBasedValue`; default value: `btSBVWithDefaultValue`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.bt-string-opt`:: A config string
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.bt.bt-string-opt-with-default`:: A config string with default value
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `btStringOptWithDefaultValue`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-flyway.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-flyway.adoc
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--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-flyway.adoc
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-`quarkus.flyway.locations`:: Comma-separated list of locations to scan recursively for migrations. The location type is determined by its prefix.
-Unprefixed locations or locations starting with classpath: point to a package on the classpath and may contain both SQL
-and Java-based migrations.
-Locations starting with filesystem: point to a directory on the filesystem, may only contain SQL migrations and are only
-scanned recursively down non-hidden directories.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.flyway.baseline-description`:: The description to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.flyway.baseline-on-migrate`:: Enable the creation of the history table if it does not exist already.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.flyway.baseline-version`:: The initial baseline version.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.flyway.connect-retries`:: The maximum number of retries when attempting to connect to the database. After each failed attempt, Flyway will wait 1
-second before attempting to connect again, up to the maximum number of times specified by connectRetries.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.flyway.repeatable-sql-migration-prefix`:: The file name prefix for repeatable SQL migrations.
-Repeatable SQL migrations have the following file name structure: prefixSeparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , which using the
-defaults translates to R__My_description.sql
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.flyway.schemas`:: Comma-separated case-sensitive list of schemas managed by Flyway.
-The first schema in the list will be automatically set as the default one during the migration.
-It will also be the one containing the schema history table.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.flyway.sql-migration-prefix`:: The file name prefix for versioned SQL migrations.
-Versioned SQL migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , which using
-the defaults translates to V1.1__My_description.sql
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.flyway.table`:: The name of Flyway's schema history table.
-By default (single-schema mode) the schema history table is placed in the default schema for the connection provided by
-the datasource.
-When the flyway.schemas property is set (multi-schema mode), the schema history table is placed in the first schema of
-the list.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-hibernate-orm.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-hibernate-orm.adoc
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--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-hibernate-orm.adoc
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@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.batch-fetch-size`:: The size of a batch when using batch loading to load entities and collections.
--1 means batch loading is disabled.
-type: `int`; default value: `-1`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.cache."".expiration.max-idle`:: The maximum time before an object is considered expired.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.cache."".memory.object-count`:: The maximum number of objects kept in memory.
-type: `java.lang.Long`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.charset`:: The charset of the database.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.default-catalog`:: The default database catalog.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.default-schema`:: The default database schema.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.generation`:: Control how schema generation is happening in Hibernate ORM.
-Same as JPA's javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.generation.halt-on-error`:: Whether we should stop schema application at the first error or continue.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.dialect`:: The hibernate ORM dialect class name
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.dialect.storage-engine`:: The storage engine used by the dialect if it supports several storage engines.
-This is the case of MariaDB.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.jdbc.statement-batch-size`:: The number of updates (inserts, updates and deletes) that are sent to the database at one time for execution.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.jdbc.statement-fetch-size`:: How many rows are fetched at a time by the JDBC driver.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.jdbc.timezone`:: The timezone pushed to the JDBC driver.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.log.jdbc-warnings`:: Whether JDBC warnings should be collected and logged.
-Default value depends on the dialect.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.log.sql`:: Whether we log all the SQL queries executed.
-Setting it to true is obviously not recommended in production.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.query.default-null-ordering`:: The default ordering of nulls specific in the ORDER BY clause.
-Valid values are: none, first, last.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.query.query-plan-cache-max-size`:: The max size of the query plan cache.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.sql-load-script`:: To populate the database tables with data before the application loads,
-specify the location of a load script.
-The location specified in this property is relative to the root of the persistence unit.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hibernate-orm.statistics`:: Statistics configuration.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-hibernate-search-elasticsearch.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-hibernate-search-elasticsearch.adoc
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--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-hibernate-search-elasticsearch.adoc
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-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.analysis-configurer`:: The class or the name of the bean used to configure full text analysis (e.g. analyzers, normalizers).
-type: `java.lang.Class>`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".analysis-configurer`:: The class or the name of the bean used to configure full text analysis (e.g. analyzers, normalizers).
-type: `java.lang.Class>`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".version`:: The version of Elasticsearch used in the cluster.
-As the schema is generated without a connection to the server, this item is mandatory.
-It doesn't have to be the exact version (it can be 7 or 7.1 for instance) but it has to be sufficiently precise to
-choose a model dialect (the one used to generate the schema) compatible with the protocol dialect (the one used to
-communicate with Elasticsearch).
-There's no rule of thumb here as it depends on the schema incompatibilities introduced by Elasticsearch versions. In
-any case, if there is a problem, you will have an error when Hibernate Search tries to connect to the cluster.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchVersion`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.version`:: The version of Elasticsearch used in the cluster.
-As the schema is generated without a connection to the server, this item is mandatory.
-It doesn't have to be the exact version (it can be 7 or 7.1 for instance) but it has to be sufficiently precise to
-choose a model dialect (the one used to generate the schema) compatible with the protocol dialect (the one used to
-communicate with Elasticsearch).
-There's no rule of thumb here as it depends on the schema incompatibilities introduced by Elasticsearch versions. In
-any case, if there is a problem, you will have an error when Hibernate Search tries to connect to the cluster.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchVersion`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".connection-timeout`:: The connection timeout.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".discovery.enabled`:: Defines if automatic discovery is enabled.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".hosts`:: The list of hosts of the Elasticsearch servers.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".index-defaults.lifecycle.required-status`:: The minimal cluster status required.
-Must be one of: green, yellow, red.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchIndexStatus`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".index-defaults.lifecycle.required-status-wait-timeout`:: How long we should wait for the status before failing the bootstrap.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".index-defaults.lifecycle.strategy`:: The strategy used for index lifecycle.
-Must be one of: none, validate, update, create, drop-and-create or drop-and-create-and-drop.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchIndexLifecycleStrategyName`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".index-defaults.refresh-after-write`:: Defines if the indexes should be refreshed after writes.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".indexes."".lifecycle.required-status`:: The minimal cluster status required.
-Must be one of: green, yellow, red.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchIndexStatus`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".indexes."".lifecycle.required-status-wait-timeout`:: How long we should wait for the status before failing the bootstrap.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".indexes."".lifecycle.strategy`:: The strategy used for index lifecycle.
-Must be one of: none, validate, update, create, drop-and-create or drop-and-create-and-drop.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchIndexLifecycleStrategyName`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".indexes."".refresh-after-write`:: Defines if the indexes should be refreshed after writes.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".max-connections`:: The maximum number of connections to all the Elasticsearch servers.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".max-connections-per-route`:: The maximum number of connections per Elasticsearch server.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".password`:: The password used for authentication.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.backends."".username`:: The username used for authentication.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.connection-timeout`:: The connection timeout.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.discovery.enabled`:: Defines if automatic discovery is enabled.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.hosts`:: The list of hosts of the Elasticsearch servers.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.index-defaults.lifecycle.required-status`:: The minimal cluster status required.
-Must be one of: green, yellow, red.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchIndexStatus`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.index-defaults.lifecycle.required-status-wait-timeout`:: How long we should wait for the status before failing the bootstrap.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.index-defaults.lifecycle.strategy`:: The strategy used for index lifecycle.
-Must be one of: none, validate, update, create, drop-and-create or drop-and-create-and-drop.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchIndexLifecycleStrategyName`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.index-defaults.refresh-after-write`:: Defines if the indexes should be refreshed after writes.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.indexes."".lifecycle.required-status`:: The minimal cluster status required.
-Must be one of: green, yellow, red.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchIndexStatus`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.indexes."".lifecycle.required-status-wait-timeout`:: How long we should wait for the status before failing the bootstrap.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.indexes."".lifecycle.strategy`:: The strategy used for index lifecycle.
-Must be one of: none, validate, update, create, drop-and-create or drop-and-create-and-drop.
-type: `org.hibernate.search.backend.elasticsearch.cfg.ElasticsearchIndexLifecycleStrategyName`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.indexes."".refresh-after-write`:: Defines if the indexes should be refreshed after writes.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.max-connections`:: The maximum number of connections to all the Elasticsearch servers.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.max-connections-per-route`:: The maximum number of connections per Elasticsearch server.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.password`:: The password used for authentication.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.hibernate-search.elasticsearch.username`:: The username used for authentication.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-infinispan-client.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-infinispan-client.adoc
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--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-infinispan-client.adoc
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.infinispan-client.server-list`:: Sets the host name/port to connect to. Each one is separated by a semicolon (eg. host1:11222;host2:11222).
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.infinispan-client.near-cache-max-entries`:: Sets the bounded entry count for near cache. If this value is 0 or less near cache is disabled.
-type: `int`; default value: `0`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-jaeger.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-jaeger.adoc
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--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-jaeger.adoc
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-`quarkus.jaeger.agent-host-port`:: The hostname and port for communicating with agent via UDP
-type: `java.net.InetSocketAddress`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.auth-token`:: Authentication Token to send as "Bearer" to the endpoint
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.endpoint`:: The traces endpoint, in case the client should connect directly to the Collector,
-like http://jaeger-collector:14268/api/traces
-type: `java.net.URI`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.password`:: Password to send as part of "Basic" authentication to the endpoint
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.propagation`:: Comma separated list of formats to use for propagating the trace context. Defaults to the
-standard Jaeger format. Valid values are jaeger and b3
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.reporter-flush-interval`:: The reporter's flush interval
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.reporter-log-spans`:: Whether the reporter should also log the spans
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.reporter-max-queue-size`:: The reporter's maximum queue size
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.sampler-manager-host-port`:: The host name and port when using the remote controlled sampler
-type: `java.net.InetSocketAddress`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.sampler-param`:: The sampler parameter (number)
-type: `java.math.BigDecimal`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.sampler-type`:: The sampler type (const, probabilistic, ratelimiting or remote)
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.sender-factory`:: The sender factory class name
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.service-name`:: The service name
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.tags`:: A comma separated list of name = value tracer level tags, which get added to all reported
-spans. The value can also refer to an environment variable using the format ${envVarName:default},
-where the :default is optional, and identifies a value to be used if the environment variable
-cannot be found
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.jaeger.user`:: Username to send as part of "Basic" authentication to the endpoint
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-kafka-streams.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-kafka-streams.adoc
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-`quarkus.kafka-streams.application-id`:: A unique identifier for this Kafka Streams application.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.kafka-streams.application-server`:: A unique identifier of this application instance, typically in the form host:port.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.kafka-streams.bootstrap-servers`:: A comma-separated list of host:port pairs identifying the Kafka bootstrap server(s)
-type: `java.net.InetSocketAddress`; default value: `localhost:9012`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.kafka-streams.topics`:: A comma-separated list of topic names processed by this stream processing application.
-The pipeline will only be started once all these topics are present in the Kafka cluster.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-keycloak.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-keycloak.adoc
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-`quarkus.keycloak.adapter-state-cookie-path`:: When using a cookie store, this option sets the path of the cookie used to store account info. If it’s a relative path,
-then it is assumed that the application is running in a context root, and is interpreted relative to that context root.
-If it’s an absolute path, then the absolute path is used to set the cookie path. Defaults to use paths relative to the
-context root
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.allow-any-hostname`:: If the Keycloak server requires HTTPS and this config option is set to true the Keycloak server’s certificate is
-validated via the truststore, but host name validation is not done. This setting should only be used during development
-and never in production as it will disable verification of SSL certificates. This seting may be useful in test
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.always-refresh-token`:: If the adapter should refresh the access token for each request
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.auth-server-url`:: The base URL of the Keycloak server. All other Keycloak pages and REST service endpoints are derived from this.
-It is usually of the form https://host:port/auth
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.autodetect-bearer-only`:: This should be set to true if your application serves both a web application and web services (e.g. SOAP or REST).
-It allows you to redirect unauthenticated users of the web application to the Keycloak login page, but send an HTTP 401
-status code to unauthenticated SOAP or REST clients instead as they would not understand a redirect to the login page.
-Keycloak auto-detects SOAP or REST clients based on typical headers like X-Requested-With, SOAPAction or Accept
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.bearer-only`:: This should be set to true for services. If enabled the adapter will not attempt to authenticate users,
-but only verify bearer tokens
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.client-key-password`:: Password for the client’s key
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.client-keystore`:: This is the file path to a keystore file. This keystore contains client certificate for two-way SSL when the adapter
-makes HTTPS requests to the Keycloak server
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.client-keystore-password`:: Password for the client keystore
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.confidential-port`:: The confidential port used by the Keycloak server for secure connections over SSL/TLS
-type: `int`; default value: `8443`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.connection-pool-size`:: Adapters will make separate HTTP invocations to the Keycloak server to turn an access code into an access token.
-This config option defines how many connections to the Keycloak server should be pooled
-type: `int`; default value: `20`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.cors-allowed-headers`:: If CORS is enabled, this sets the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. This should be a comma-separated
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.cors-allowed-methods`:: If CORS is enabled, this sets the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. This should be a comma-separated
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.cors-exposed-headers`:: If CORS is enabled, this sets the value of the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. This should be a comma-separated
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.cors-max-age`:: If CORS is enabled, this sets the value of the Access-Control-Max-Age header. This is OPTIONAL. If not set,
-this header is not returned in CORS responses
-type: `int`; default value: `-1`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.credentials.jwt."".{*}`:: The settings for client authentication with signed JWT
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.credentials.secret`:: The client secret
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.credentials.secret-jwt."".{*}`:: The settings for client authentication with JWT using client secret
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.disable-trust-manager`:: If the Keycloak server requires HTTPS and this config option is set to true you do not have to specify a truststore.
-This setting should only be used during development and never in production as it will disable verification
-of SSL certificates
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.enable-cors`:: This enables CORS support. It will handle CORS preflight requests. It will also look into the access token to
-determine valid origins
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.ignore-oauth-query-parameter`:: If set to true will turn off processing of the access_token query parameter for bearer token processing.
-Users will not be able to authenticate if they only pass in an access_token
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.min-time-between-jwks-requests`:: Amount of time, in seconds, specifying minimum interval between two requests to Keycloak to retrieve new public keys.
-It is 10 seconds by default. Adapter will always try to download new public key when it recognize token with unknown kid.
-However it won’t try it more than once per 10 seconds (by default). This is to avoid DoS when attacker sends lots of
-tokens with bad kid forcing adapter to send lots of requests to Keycloak
-type: `int`; default value: `10`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-type: `java.util.Map>`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-type: `java.util.Map`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.enable`:: Specifies how policies are enforced.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.enforcement-mode`:: Specifies how policies are enforced.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `ENFORCING`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.http-method-as-scope`:: Specifies how scopes should be mapped to HTTP methods. If set to true, the policy enforcer will use the HTTP method
-the current request to check whether or not access should be granted
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.lazy-load-paths`:: Specifies how the adapter should fetch the server for resources associated with paths in your application. If true,
-enforcer is going to fetch resources on-demand accordingly with the path being requested
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.on-deny-redirect-to`:: Defines a URL where a client request is redirected when an "access denied" message is obtained from the server.
-By default, the adapter responds with a 403 HTTP status code
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.path-cache.lifespan`:: Defines the limit of entries that should be kept in the cache
-type: `long`; default value: `30000`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.path-cache.max-entries`:: Defines the time in milliseconds when the entry should be expired
-type: `int`; default value: `1000`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-type: `java.util.Map>`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-type: `java.util.Map`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.paths."".enforcement-mode`:: Specifies how policies are enforced
-type: `org.keycloak.representations.adapters.config.PolicyEnforcerConfig.EnforcementMode`; default value: `ENFORCING`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.paths."".methods."".method`:: The name of the HTTP method
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.paths."".methods."".scopes`:: An array of strings with the scopes associated with the method
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.paths."".methods."".scopes-enforcement-mode`:: A string referencing the enforcement mode for the scopes associated with a method
-type: `org.keycloak.representations.adapters.config.PolicyEnforcerConfig.ScopeEnforcementMode`; default value: `ALL`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.paths."".name`:: The name of a resource on the server that is to be associated with a given path
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.paths."".path`:: A URI relative to the application’s context path that should be protected by the policy enforcer
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.user-managed-access`:: Specifies that the adapter uses the UMA protocol.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.principal-attribute`:: OpenID Connect ID Token attribute to populate the UserPrincipal name with. If token attribute is null. Possible values
-are sub, preferred_username, email, name, nickname, given_name, family_name
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `sub`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.proxy-url`:: The proxy url to use for requests to the auth-server.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.public-client`:: If this application is a public client
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.public-key-cache-ttl`:: Amount of time, in seconds, specifying maximum interval between two requests to Keycloak to retrieve new public keys.
-It is 86400 seconds (1 day) by default. Adapter will always try to download new public key when it recognize token
-with unknown kid . If it recognize token with known kid, it will just use the public key downloaded previously.
-However at least once per this configured interval (1 day by default) will be new public key always downloaded even if
-the kid of token is already known
-type: `int`; default value: `86400`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.realm`:: Name of the realm.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.realm-public-key`:: Name of the realm.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.redirect-rewrite-rules."".{*}`:: If needed, specify the Redirect URI rewrite rule. This is an object notation where the key is the regular expression to
-which the Redirect URI is to be matched and the value is the replacement String. $ character can be used for
-backreferences in the replacement String
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.register-node-at-startup`:: If true, then adapter will send registration request to Keycloak. It’s false by default and useful only when application
-is clustered
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.register-node-period`:: Period for re-registration adapter to Keycloak. Useful when application is clustered
-type: `int`; default value: `-1`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.resource`:: The client-id of the application. Each application has a client-id that is used to identify the application
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.ssl-required`:: Ensures that all communication to and from the Keycloak server is over HTTPS. In production this should be set to all.
-This is OPTIONAL. The default value is external meaning that HTTPS is required by default for external requests.
-Valid values are 'all', 'external' and 'none'
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `external`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.token-minimum-time-to-live`:: Amount of time, in seconds, to preemptively refresh an active access token with the Keycloak server before it expires.
-This is especially useful when the access token is sent to another REST client where it could expire before being
-evaluated. This value should never exceed the realm’s access token lifespan
-type: `int`; default value: `0`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.token-store`:: Possible values are session and cookie. Default is session, which means that adapter stores account info in HTTP Session.
-Alternative cookie means storage of info in cookie
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.truststore`:: The value is the file path to a keystore file. If you prefix the path with classpath:, then the truststore will be
-obtained from the deployment’s classpath instead. Used for outgoing HTTPS communications to the Keycloak server
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.truststore-password`:: Password for the truststore keystore
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.turn-off-change-session-id-on-login`:: The session id is changed by default on a successful login on some platforms to plug a security attack vector.
-Change this to true if you want to turn this off
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.use-resource-role-mappings`:: If set to true, the adapter will look inside the token for application level role mappings for the user.
-If false, it will look at the realm level for user role mappings
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.keycloak.verify-token-audience`:: If set to true, then during authentication with the bearer token, the adapter will verify whether the token contains
-this client name (resource) as an audience. The option is especially useful for services, which primarily serve
-requests authenticated by the bearer token. This is set to false by default, however for improved security, it is
-recommended to enable this. See Audience Support for more details about audience support
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-kubernetes-client.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-kubernetes-client.adoc
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-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.ca-cert-data`:: CA certificate data
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.ca-cert-file`:: CA certificate file
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.client-cert-data`:: Client certificate data
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.client-cert-file`:: Client certificate file
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.client-key-algo`:: Client key algorithm
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.client-key-data`:: Client key data
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.client-key-file`:: Client key file
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.client-key-passphrase`:: Client key passphrase
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.connection-timeout`:: Maximum amount of time to wait for a connection with the API server to be established
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `PT10S`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.http-proxy`:: HTTP proxy used to access the Kubernetes API server
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.https-proxy`:: HTTPS proxy used to access the Kubernetes API server
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.master-url`:: URL of the Kubernetes API server
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.namespace`:: Default namespace to use
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.no-proxy`:: IP addresses or hosts to exclude from proxying
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.password`:: Kubernetes auth password
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.proxy-password`:: Proxy password
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.proxy-username`:: Proxy username
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.request-timeout`:: Maximum amount of time to wait for a request to the API server to be completed
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `PT10S`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.rolling-timeout`:: Maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a rollout to be completed
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `PT15M`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.trust-certs`:: Whether or not the client should trust a self signed certificate if so presented by the API server
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.username`:: Kubernetes auth username
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.watch-reconnect-interval`:: Watch reconnect interval
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `PT1S`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.kubernetes-client.watch-reconnect-limit`:: Maximum reconnect attempts in case of watch failure
-By default there is no limit to the number of reconnect attempts
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; default value: `-1`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
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-`quarkus.kubernetes.group`:: The group of the application.
-This value will be use as:
-- docker image repo
-- labeling resources
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-mailer-impl.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-mailer-impl.adoc
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-`quarkus.mailer.auth-methods`:: Set the allowed auth methods.
-If defined, only these methods will be used, if the server supports them.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.bounce-address`:: Configures the default bounce email address.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.disable-esmtp`:: Disable ESMTP. `false` by default.
-The RFC-1869 states that clients should always attempt `EHLO` as first command to determine if ESMTP
-is supported, if this returns an error code, `HELO` is tried to use the regular SMTP command.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.from`:: Configure the default `from` attribute.
-It's the sender email address.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.host`:: The SMTP host name.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `localhost`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.keep-alive`:: Set if connection pool is enabled, `true` by default.
-If the connection pooling is disabled, the max number of sockets is enforced nevertheless.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.key-store`:: Set the key store.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.key-store-password`:: Set the key store password.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.login`:: Set the login mode for the connection.
-Either `DISABLED`, @{code OPTIONAL} or `REQUIRED`
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.max-pool-size`:: Configures the maximum allowed number of open connections to the mail server
-If not set the default is `10`.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.mock`:: Enables the mock mode, not sending emails.
-The content of the emails is printed on the console.
-Disabled by default on PROD, enabled by default on DEV and TEST modes.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.own-host-name`:: The hostname to be used for HELO/EHLO and the Message-ID
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.password`:: The password.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.port`:: The SMTP port.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.ssl`:: Enables or disables the SSL on connect.
-`false` by default.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.start-tls`:: Set the TLS security mode for the connection.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.trust-all`:: Set whether to trust all certificates on ssl connect the option is also
-applied to `STARTTLS` operation. `false` by default.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mailer.username`:: The username.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-mongodb.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-mongodb.adoc
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-`quarkus.mongodb.application-name`:: Configures the application name.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.connect-timeout`:: How long a connection can take to be opened before timing out.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.connection-string`:: Configures the connection string.
-The format is:
-` mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database.collection][?options]]`
-`mongodb://` is a required prefix to identify that this is a string in the standard connection format.
-`username:password@` are optional. If given, the driver will attempt to login to a database after
-connecting to a database server. For some authentication mechanisms, only the username is specified and the
-password is not, in which case the ":" after the username is left off as well.
-`host1` is the only required part of the connection string. It identifies a server address to connect to.
-`:portX` is optional and defaults to :27017 if not provided.
-`/database` is the name of the database to login to and thus is only relevant if the
-`username:password@` syntax is used. If not specified the `admin` database will be used by default.
-`?options` are connection options. Note that if `database` is absent there is still a `/`
-required between the last host and the `?` introducing the options. Options are name=value pairs and the
-pairs are separated by "&".
-An alternative format, using the `mongodb+srv` protocol, is:
- - `mongodb+srv://` is a required prefix for this format.
- - `username:password@` are optional. If given, the driver will attempt to login to a database after
-connecting to a database server. For some authentication mechanisms, only the username is specified and the
-password is not, in which case the ":" after the username is left off as well
- - `host` is the only required part of the URI. It identifies a single host name for which SRV records
-are looked up from a Domain Name Server after prefixing the host name with `"_mongodb._tcp"`. The
-host/port for each SRV record becomes the seed list used to connect, as if each one were provided as host/port
-pair in a URI using the normal mongodb protocol.
- - `/database` is the name of the database to login to and thus is only relevant if the
-`username:password@` syntax is used. If not specified the "admin" database will be used by default.
- - `?options` are connection options. Note that if `database` is absent there is still a `/`
-required between the last host and the `?` introducing the options. Options are name=value pairs and the
-pairs are separated by "&". Additionally with the mongodb+srv protocol, TXT records are looked up from a
-Domain Name Server for the given host, and the text value of each one is prepended to any options on the URI
-itself. Because the last specified value for any option wins, that means that options provided on the URI will
-override any that are provided via TXT records.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.credentials.auth-mechanism`:: Configures the authentication mechanism to use if a credential was supplied.
-The default is unspecified, in which case the client will pick the most secure mechanism available based on the
-sever version. For the GSSAPI and MONGODB-X509 mechanisms, no password is accepted, only the username.
-Supported values: `MONGO-CR|GSSAPI|PLAIN|MONGODB-X509`
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.credentials.auth-mechanism-properties."".{*}`:: Allows passing authentication mechanism properties.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.credentials.auth-source`:: Configures the source of the authentication credentials.
-This is typically the database that the credentials have been created. The value defaults to the database
-specified in the path portion of the connection string or in the 'database' configuration property..
-If the database is specified in neither place, the default value is `admin`. This option is only
-respected when using the MONGO-CR mechanism (the default).
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.credentials.password`:: Configures the password.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.credentials.username`:: Configures the username.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.database`:: Configure the database name.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.heartbeat-frequency`:: The frequency that the driver will attempt to determine the current state of each server in the cluster.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.hosts`:: Configures the Mongo server addressed (one if single mode).
-The addressed are passed as `host:port`.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.local-threshold`:: When choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request, the driver will only send that request to a
-server whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local threshold.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.maintenance-frequency`:: Configures the time period between runs of the maintenance job.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.maintenance-initial-delay`:: Configures period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.max-connection-idle-time`:: Maximum idle time of a pooled connection. A connection that exceeds this limit will be closed.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.max-connection-life-time`:: Maximum life time of a pooled connection. A connection that exceeds this limit will be closed.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.max-pool-size`:: Configures the maximum number of connections in the connection pool.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.max-wait-queue-size`:: Configures the maximum number of concurrent operations allowed to wait for a server to become available.
-All further operations will get an exception immediately.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.min-pool-size`:: Configures the minimum number of connections in the connection pool.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.read-preference`:: Configures the read preferences.
-Supported values are: `primary|primaryPreferred|secondary|secondaryPreferred|nearest`
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.replica-set-name`:: Implies that the hosts given are a seed list, and the driver will attempt to find all members of the set.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.server-selection-timeout`:: How long the driver will wait for server selection to succeed before throwing an exception.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.socket-timeout`:: How long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.tls`:: Whether to connect using TLS.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.tls-insecure`:: If connecting with TLS, this option enables insecure TLS connections.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.wait-queue-multiple`:: This multiplier, multiplied with the `maxPoolSize` setting, gives the maximum number of
-threads that may be waiting for a connection to become available from the pool. All further threads will get an
-exception right away.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.wait-queue-timeout`:: The maximum wait time that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.write-concern.journal`:: Configures the journal writing aspect.
-If set to `true`: the driver waits for the server to group commit to the journal file on disk.
-If set to `false`: the driver does not wait for the server to group commit to the journal file on disk.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.write-concern.retry-writes`:: If set to `true`, the driver will retry supported write operations if they fail due to a network error.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.write-concern.safe`:: Configures the safety.
-If set to `true`: the driver ensures that all writes are acknowledged by the MongoDB server, or else
-throws an exception. (see also `w` and `wtimeoutMS`).
-If set fo
- - `false`: the driver does not ensure that all writes are acknowledged by the MongoDB server.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.write-concern.w`:: When set, the driver adds `w: wValue` to all write commands. It requires `safe` to be `true`.
-The value is typically a number, but can also be the `majority` string.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.mongodb.write-concern.w-timeout`:: When set, the driver adds `wtimeout : ms ` to all write commands. It requires `safe` to be
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-narayana-jta.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-narayana-jta.adoc
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-`quarkus.transaction-manager.default-transaction-timeout`:: The default transaction timeout
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `60`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.transaction-manager.node-name`:: The node name used by the transaction manager
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `quarkus`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.transaction-manager.xa-node-name`:: The XA node name used by the transaction manager
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
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-`quarkus.neo4j.authentication.disabled`:: Set this to true to disable authentication.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.authentication.password`:: The password of the user connecting to the database.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `neo4j`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.authentication.username`:: The login of the user connecting to the database.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `neo4j`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.pool.connection-acquisition-timeout`:: Acquisition of new connections will be attempted for at most configured timeout.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `1M`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.pool.idle-time-before-connection-test`:: Pooled connections that have been idle in the pool for longer than this timeout will be tested before they are used
-again. The value {@literal 0} means connections will always be tested for validity and negative values mean
-will never be tested.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `-0.001S`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.pool.log-leaked-sessions`:: Flag, if leaked sessions logging is enabled.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.pool.max-connection-lifetime`:: Pooled connections older than this threshold will be closed and removed from the pool.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `1H`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.pool.max-connection-pool-size`:: The maximum amount of connections in the connection pool towards a single database.
-type: `int`; default value: `100`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.pool.metrics-enabled`:: Flag, if metrics are enabled.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.neo4j.uri`:: The uri this driver should connect to. The driver supports bolt, bolt+routing or neo4j as schemes.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `bolt://localhost:7687`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-reactive-pg-client.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-reactive-pg-client.adoc
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-`quarkus.reactive-pg-client.cache-prepared-statements`:: Whether prepared statements should be cached on the client side.
-type: `java.lang.Boolean`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.reactive-pg-client.pipelining-limit`:: The maximum number of inflight database commands that can be pipelined.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.max-size`:: The datasource pool maximum size.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.password`:: The datasource password.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.url`:: The datasource URL.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.datasource.username`:: The datasource username.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
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-`quarkus.resteasy.path`:: Set this to override the default path for JAX-RS resources if there are no
-annotated application classes.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `/`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.resteasy.singleton-resources`:: If this is true then JAX-RS will use only a single instance of a resource
-class to service all requests.
-If this is false then it will create a new instance of the resource per
-If the resource class has an explicit CDI scope annotation then the value of
-this annotation will always be used to control the lifecycle of the resource
-IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: `javax.ws.rs.Path` turns into a CDI stereotype
-with singleton scope. As a result, if a user annotates a JAX-RS resource with
-a stereotype which has a different default scope the deployment fails with
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.resteasy.gzip.enabled`:: If gzip is enabled
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.resteasy.gzip.max-input`:: Maximum deflated file bytes size
-If the limit is exceeded, Resteasy will return Response
-with status 413("Request Entity Too Large")
-type: `io.quarkus.runtime.configuration.MemorySize`. _See memory size note below_; default value: `10M`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-A size configuration option recognises string in this format (shown as a regular expression): `[0-9]+[KkMmGgTtPpEeZzYy]?`.
-If no suffix is given, assume bytes.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-smallrye-health.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-smallrye-health.adoc
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-`quarkus.smallrye-health.liveness-path`:: The relative path of the liveness health-checking servlet.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `/live`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.smallrye-health.readiness-path`:: The relative path of the readiness health-checking servlet.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `/ready`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.smallrye-health.root-path`:: Root path for health-checking servlets.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `/health`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-smallrye-jwt.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-smallrye-jwt.adoc
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-`quarkus.smallrye-jwt.auth-mechanism`:: The authentication mechanism
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `MP-JWT`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.smallrye-jwt.enabled`:: The MP-JWT configuration object
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.smallrye-jwt.realm-name`:: The authentication mechanism
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `Quarkus-JWT`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.smallrye-jwt.rsa-sig-provider`:: The name of the {@linkplain java.security.Provider} that supports SHA256withRSA signatures
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `SunRsaSign`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-smallrye-metrics.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-smallrye-metrics.adoc
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-`quarkus.smallrye-metrics.path`:: The path to the metrics Servlet.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `/metrics`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-smallrye-openapi.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-smallrye-openapi.adoc
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-`quarkus.smallrye-openapi.path`:: The path at which to register the OpenAPI Servlet.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `/openapi`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-swaggerui.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-swaggerui.adoc
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-`quarkus.swagger-ui.always-include`:: If this should be included every time. By default this is only included when the application is running
-in dev mode.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.swagger-ui.path`:: The path of the swagger-ui servlet.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `/swagger-ui`. The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-tika.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-tika.adoc
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-`quarkus.tika.append-embedded-content`:: Controls how the content of the embedded documents is parsed.
-By default it is appended to the master document content.
-Setting this property to false makes the content of each of the embedded documents
-available separately.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.tika.tika-config-path`:: The path to the tika-config.xml
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `tika-config.xml`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-undertow-websockets.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-undertow-websockets.adoc
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-`quarkus.hot-reload.password`:: null
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.hot-reload.url`:: null
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-undertow.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-undertow.adoc
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-`quarkus.servlet.context-path`:: The context path to serve all Servlet context from. This will also affect any resources
-that run as a Servlet, e.g. JAX-RS
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is visible at build time only.
-`quarkus.http.cors`:: Enable the CORS filter.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is visible at build and runtime time, read only at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.cors.exposed-headers`:: HTTP headers exposed in CORS
-Comma separated list of valid headers. ex: X-Custom,Content-Disposition
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.cors.headers`:: HTTP headers allowed for CORS
-Comma separated list of valid headers. ex: X-Custom,Content-Disposition
-The filter allows any header if this is not set.
-default: returns any requested header as valid
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.cors.methods`:: HTTP methods allowed for CORS
-Comma separated list of valid methods. ex: GET,PUT,POST
-The filter allows any method if this is not set.
-default: returns any requested method as valid
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.cors.origins`:: Origins allowed for CORS
-Comma separated list of valid URLs. ex: http://www.quarkus.io,http://localhost:3000
-The filter allows any origin if this is not set.
-default: returns any requested origin as valid
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.host`:: The HTTP host
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: ``. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.io-threads`:: The number if IO threads used to perform IO. This will be automatically set to a reasonable value based on
-the number of CPU cores if it is not provided
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.port`:: The HTTP port
-type: `int`; default value: `8080`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl-port`:: The HTTPS port
-type: `int`; default value: `8443`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.file`:: The file path to a server certificate or certificate chain in PEM format.
-type: `java.nio.file.Path`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.key-file`:: The file path to the corresponding certificate private key file in PEM format.
-type: `java.nio.file.Path`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.key-store-file`:: An optional key store which holds the certificate information instead of specifying separate files.
-type: `java.nio.file.Path`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.key-store-file-type`:: An optional parameter to specify type of the key store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected
-based on the file name.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.certificate.key-store-password`:: A parameter to specify the password of the key store file. If not given, the default ("password") is used.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `password`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.cipher-suites`:: The cipher suites to use. If none is given, a reasonable default is selected.
-type: `org.wildfly.security.ssl.CipherSuiteSelector`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.protocols`:: The list of protocols to explicitly enable.
-type: `org.wildfly.security.ssl.Protocol`; default value: `TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.provider-name`:: The SSL provider name to use. If none is given, the platform default is used.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.session-cache-size`:: The SSL session cache size. If not given, the platform default is used.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.ssl.session-timeout`:: The SSL session cache timeout. If not given, the platform default is used.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.test-port`:: The HTTP port used to run tests
-type: `int`; default value: `8081`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.http.test-ssl-port`:: The HTTPS port used to run tests
-type: `int`; default value: `8444`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-vertx-web.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-vertx-web.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index df056206031af..0000000000000
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-vertx-web.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.vertx-http.host`:: The HTTP host
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: ``. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx-http.port`:: The HTTP port
-type: `int`; default value: `8080`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx-http.test-port`:: The HTTP port used to run tests
-type: `int`; default value: `8081`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
diff --git a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-vertx.adoc b/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-vertx.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index e7bbfff7d2fe1..0000000000000
--- a/docs/src/main/asciidoc/generated/quarkus-vertx.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-`quarkus.vertx.caching`:: Enables or disables the Vert.x cache.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.classpath-resolving`:: Enables or disabled the Vert.x classpath resource resolver.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.cluster.clustered`:: Enables or disables the clustering.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.cluster.host`:: The host name.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `localhost`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.cluster.ping-interval`:: The ping interval.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `20`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.cluster.ping-reply-interval`:: The ping reply interval.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `20`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.cluster.port`:: The port.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.cluster.public-host`:: The public host name.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.cluster.public-port`:: The public port.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.event-loops-pool-size`:: The number of event loops. 2 x the number of core by default.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.accept-backlog`:: The accept backlog.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.client-auth`:: The client authentication.
-type: `java.lang.String`; default value: `NONE`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.connect-timeout`:: The connect timeout.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `60`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.idle-timeout`:: The idle timeout in milliseconds.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.key-certificate-jks.password`:: Password of the key file.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.key-certificate-jks.path`:: Path of the key file (JKS format).
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.key-certificate-pem.certs`:: Comma-separated list of the path to the certificate files (Pem format).
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.key-certificate-pem.keys`:: Comma-separated list of the path to the key files (Pem format).
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.key-certificate-pfx.password`:: Password of the key.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.key-certificate-pfx.path`:: Path to the key file (PFX format)
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.receive-buffer-size`:: The receive buffer size.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.reconnect-attempts`:: The number of reconnection attempts.
-type: `int`; default value: `0`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.reconnect-interval`:: The reconnection interval in milliseconds.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `1`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.reuse-address`:: Whether or not to reuse the address.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.reuse-port`:: Whether or not to reuse the port.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.send-buffer-size`:: The send buffer size.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.soLinger`:: The so linger.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.ssl`:: Enables or Disabled SSL.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.tcp-keep-alive`:: Whether or not to keep the TCP connection opened (keep-alive).
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.tcp-no-delay`:: Configure the TCP no delay.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `true`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.traffic-class`:: Configure the traffic class.
-type: `java.lang.Integer`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.trust-all`:: Enables or disables the trust all parameter.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.trust-certificate-jks.password`:: Password of the key file.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.trust-certificate-jks.path`:: Path of the key file (JKS format).
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.trust-certificate-pem.certs`:: Comma-separated list of the trust certificate files (Pem format).
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.trust-certificate-pfx.password`:: Password of the key.
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.eventbus.trust-certificate-pfx.path`:: Path to the key file (PFX format)
-type: `java.lang.String`; The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.internal-blocking-pool-size`:: The size of the internal thread pool (used for the file system).
-type: `int`; default value: `20`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.max-event-loop-execute-time`:: The maximum amount of time the event loop can be blocked.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `2`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.max-worker-execute-time`:: The maximum amount of time the worker thread can be blocked.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `60`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.use-async-dns`:: Enables the async DNS resolver.
-type: `boolean`; default value: `false`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.warning-exception-time`:: The amount of time before a warning is displayed if the event loop is blocked.
-type: `java.time.Duration`. _See duration note below_; default value: `2`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-`quarkus.vertx.worker-pool-size`:: The size of the worker thread pool.
-type: `int`; default value: `20`. The configuration is overridable at runtime.
-The format for durations uses the standard `java.time.Duration` format.
-You can learn more about it in the link:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-[Duration#parse() javadoc].
-You can also provide duration values starting with a number.
-In this case, if the value consists only of a number, the converter treats the value as seconds.
-Otherwise, `PT` is implicitly appended to the value to obtain a standard `java.time.Duration` format.
diff --git a/extensions/kubernetes/deployment/src/main/java/io/quarkus/kubernetes/deployment/DockerConfig.java b/extensions/kubernetes/deployment/src/main/java/io/quarkus/kubernetes/deployment/DockerConfig.java
index 1df46a06798fa..743571cc7a9e0 100644
--- a/extensions/kubernetes/deployment/src/main/java/io/quarkus/kubernetes/deployment/DockerConfig.java
+++ b/extensions/kubernetes/deployment/src/main/java/io/quarkus/kubernetes/deployment/DockerConfig.java
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package io.quarkus.kubernetes.deployment;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigGroup;
+import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigItem;
public class DockerConfig {
@@ -8,5 +9,6 @@ public class DockerConfig {
* The docker registry to which the images will be pushed
- public String registry = "docker.io";
+ @ConfigItem(defaultValue = "docker.io")
+ public String registry;
diff --git a/extensions/mailer/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/mailer/impl/MailConfig.java b/extensions/mailer/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/mailer/impl/MailConfig.java
index eff97ebc0ec48..0457b59f0d871 100644
--- a/extensions/mailer/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/mailer/impl/MailConfig.java
+++ b/extensions/mailer/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/mailer/impl/MailConfig.java
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public class MailConfig {
* Set the login mode for the connection.
- * Either {@code DISABLED}, @{code OPTIONAL} or {@code REQUIRED}
+ * Either {@code DISABLED}, {@code OPTIONAL} or {@code REQUIRED}
public Optional login;
diff --git a/extensions/undertow/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/undertow/runtime/CertificateConfig.java b/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/CertificateConfig.java
similarity index 97%
rename from extensions/undertow/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/undertow/runtime/CertificateConfig.java
rename to extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/CertificateConfig.java
index b0f0d5fa4dede..feb850200f906 100644
--- a/extensions/undertow/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/undertow/runtime/CertificateConfig.java
+++ b/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/CertificateConfig.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package io.quarkus.undertow.runtime;
+package io.quarkus.vertx.web.runtime;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Optional;
diff --git a/extensions/undertow/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/undertow/runtime/ServerSslConfig.java b/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/ServerSslConfig.java
similarity index 95%
rename from extensions/undertow/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/undertow/runtime/ServerSslConfig.java
rename to extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/ServerSslConfig.java
index 93122dba07982..4c93d8b7e8bfa 100644
--- a/extensions/undertow/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/undertow/runtime/ServerSslConfig.java
+++ b/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/ServerSslConfig.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package io.quarkus.undertow.runtime;
+package io.quarkus.vertx.web.runtime;
import java.util.List;
diff --git a/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/VertxWebRecorder.java b/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/VertxWebRecorder.java
index 8b3e1a7e2af9a..721e003adeb4d 100644
--- a/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/VertxWebRecorder.java
+++ b/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/VertxWebRecorder.java
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
import io.quarkus.runtime.Timing;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.Recorder;
import io.quarkus.runtime.configuration.ConfigInstantiator;
-import io.quarkus.runtime.configuration.ssl.ServerSslConfig;
import io.quarkus.vertx.runtime.VertxConfiguration;
import io.quarkus.vertx.runtime.VertxRecorder;
import io.quarkus.vertx.web.Route;
diff --git a/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/cors/CORSConfig.java b/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/cors/CORSConfig.java
index ca35a39c915e9..8f3bd55bd32fa 100644
--- a/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/cors/CORSConfig.java
+++ b/extensions/vertx-web/runtime/src/main/java/io/quarkus/vertx/web/runtime/cors/CORSConfig.java
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class CORSConfig {
* Comma separated list of valid headers. ex: X-Custom,Content-Disposition
- * default:
+ * default: empty
public List exposedHeaders;