A full stack application developed with backend Mongodb, node.js and frontend with React, Redux etc
@: Add logout correlate action/type to remove user and its token; @: Dynamically show login, signin, logout in the NavBar
User(schema): https://github.com/qm994/MERN/blob/master/models/User.js#L3
Profile(schema): https://github.com/qm994/MERN/blob/master/models/Profile.js#L3
Post(schema): https://github.com/qm994/MERN/blob/master/models/Post.js#L5
(1) api/user
: POST(register a new user, return a new token
(1) api/auth
: POST(create a new token for the existing user, return a new token
(2) api/auth
: GET(get the user information, return all the fields in a user document except password
header: { x-auth-token: }
(1) api/profile/me
: GET(get the auth user's profile, return all the profile fields
header: { x-auth-token: }
(2) api/profile
: POST(update/create a user's profile except education & experience fields)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(3) api/profile
: GET(get all the users profile)
(4) api/profile/user?user_id=<user_id>
: GET(get the profile for a user)
params: { user_id }
(5) api/profile
: DELETE(delete the user and profile)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(6) api/profile/experience
: PUT(create the auth user's experience in his profile)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(7) api/profile/experience/:exp_id
: DELETE(delete a user's specific experience)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(8) api/profile/education
: PUT(create the auth user's education in his profile)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(9) api/profile/education/:edu_id
: DELETE(delete a user's specific education)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(10) api/profile/github/:username
: GET(get a user's github repo information)
(1) api/posts
: PUT(create a post)
header: { x-auth-token: }
body: { 'text': String }
(2) api/posts
: GET(get all the posts)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(3) api/posts/:id
: GET(get the post by ID)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(4) api/posts/:id
: DELETE(delete the post by ID)
header: { x-auth-token: }
(5) api/posts/like/:id
: PUT(like a post):
header: { x-auth-token: }
(6) api/posts/unlike/:id
: PUT(unlike a post):
header: { x-auth-token: }
(7) api/posts/comment/:id
: POST(add a comment to the post)
header: { x-auth-token: }
body: { 'text': String }
(8) api/posts/comment/:id
: DELETE(delete a comment)
header: { x-auth-token: }