1 |
Quantitative study of music listening behavior in a social and affective context |
推测用户听音乐的行为 |
加速度计、磁力计、方向感应计、旋转感应计、光感应器、距离感应器、位置感应 |
SVM,Open Sensing Framework |
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems |
2015 |
Yang Y H, Liu J Y. Quantitative study of music listening behavior in a social and affective context[J]. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on, 2013, 15(6): 1304-1315. |
2 |
Predicting User Traits From a Snapshot of Apps Installed on a Smartphone |
通过手机上装的应用推测用户的特征(宗教、关系、语言。。。) |
手机屏幕 |
Mobile Computing and Communications Review |
2014 |
Seneviratne S, Seneviratne A, Mohapatra P, et al. Predicting user traits from a snapshot of apps installed on a smartphone[J]. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 2014, 18(2): 1-8. |
3 |
Understanding in-car smartphone usage pattern with an un-obfuscated observation |
挖掘用户在开车时使用手机的习惯 |
无 |
频繁模式挖掘 |
2014 |
Oh C, Lee J. Understanding in-car smartphone usage pattern with an un-obfuscated observation[C]//CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2014: 1795-1800. |
4 |
Preference, context and communities: a multi-faceted approach to predicting smartphone app usage patterns |
通过挖掘手机的使用特征看用户使用手机的习惯 |
手机本身 |
2013 |
Xu Y, Lin M, Lu H, et al. Preference, context and communities: a multi-faceted approach to predicting smartphone app usage patterns[C]//Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Wearable Computers. ACM, 2013: 69-76. |
5 |
Driving Behavior Analysis for Smartphone-based Insurance Telematics |
通过手机来判断车内的用户行为 |
加速度计、陀螺仪 |
无 |
2015 |
Wahlstr?m J, Skog I, H?ndel P. Driving Behavior Analysis for Smartphone-based Insurance Telematics[C]//Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Workshop on Physical Analytics. ACM, 2015: 19-24. |
6 |
My Smartphone Knows I am Hungry |
在手机上装studentlife应用来收集用户的信息,通过推测的用户购买行为和位置行为为推测用户什么时候吃饭 |
加速度计、距离感应、光感应、麦克风、位置、应用使用情况 |
决策树 |
2014 |
Chen F, Wang R, Zhou X, et al. My smartphone knows i am hungry[C]//Proceedings of the 2014 workshop on physical analytics. ACM, 2014: 9-14. |
7 |
MoodScope: Building a Mood Sensor from smartphone usage patterns |
通过统计应用使用情况分析用户使用手机的情绪 |
应用使用情况 |
线性回归 |
MobiSys |
2013 |
LiKamWa R, Liu Y, Lane N D, et al. Moodscope: Building a mood sensor from smartphone usage patterns[C]//Proceeding of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services. ACM, 2013: 389-402. |
8 |
A smartphone based method to enhance road pavement anomaly detection by analyzing the driver behavior |
用手机的传感器识别车内用户的行为来检测行车的异常 |
加速度计 |
na |
2015 |
SERAJ F, ZHANG K, TURKES O, MERATNIA N, HAVINGA P J M,. A smartphone based method to enhance road pavement anomaly detection by analyzing the driver behavior[C]//ACM Press, 2015: 1169�1177. |
9 |
A smartphone-based sensing platform to model aggressive driving behaviors |
用手机的传感器侦测有过激行为的开车行为 |
加速度计 |
朴素贝叶斯 |
2014 |
Jin-Hyuk Hong, Ben Margines, and Anind K. Dey. 2014. A smartphone-based sensing platform to model aggressive driving behaviors. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4047-4056 |
10 |
DOWELL: Dwell-time Based Smartphone Control Solution for People with Upper Limb Disabilities |
智能手机界面辅助上肢残疾的人进行界面操作 |
无 |
无 |
2015 |
Ahn H, Yoon J, Chung G, et al. DOWELL: Dwell-time Based Smartphone Control Solution for People with Upper Limb Disabilities[C]//Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2015: 887-892. |
11 |
Estimating heart rate variation during walking with smartphone |
通过手机加速度计来判断心跳 |
加速度计 |
神经网络 |
Ubicomp |
2013 |
Sumida M, Mizumoto T, Yasumoto K. Estimating heart rate variation during walking with smartphone[C]//Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing. ACM, 2013: 245-254. |
12 |
Evaluating tooth brushing performance with smartphone sound data |
用手机中的麦克风录音来分析刷牙的动作标准程度并给出预测 |
麦克风 |
Ubicomp |
2015 |
KORPELA J, MIYAJI R, MAEKAWA T, NOZAKI K, TAMAGAWA H,. Evaluating tooth brushing performance with smartphone sound data[C]//ACM Press, 2015: 109�120. |
13 |
Oh app, where art thou?: on app launching habits of smartphone users |
分析启动手机应用的习惯 |
无 |
无 |
MobileCHI |
2013 |
HANG A, DE LUCA A, HARTMANN J, HUSSMANN H,. Oh app, where art thou?: on app launching habits of smartphone users[C]//ACM Press, 2013: 392. |
14 |
Smartphone-based monitoring system for activities of daily living for elderly people and their relatives etc. |
通过手机记录老人的行动log反馈给亲属 |
加速度计、GPS、麦克风 |
无 |
Ubicomp |
2013 |
OUCHI K, DOI M,. Smartphone-based monitoring system for activities of daily living for elderly people and their relatives etc.[C]//ACM Press, 2013: 103�106. |