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序号 题目 目的 传感器 算法 会议 年份 引用
1 Quantitative study of music listening behavior in a social and affective context 推测用户听音乐的行为 加速度计、磁力计、方向感应计、旋转感应计、光感应器、距离感应器、位置感应 SVM,Open Sensing Framework ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 2015 Yang Y H, Liu J Y. Quantitative study of music listening behavior in a social and affective context[J]. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on, 2013, 15(6): 1304-1315.
2 Predicting User Traits From a Snapshot of Apps Installed on a Smartphone 通过手机上装的应用推测用户的特征(宗教、关系、语言。。。) 手机屏幕 SVM Mobile Computing and Communications Review 2014 Seneviratne S, Seneviratne A, Mohapatra P, et al. Predicting user traits from a snapshot of apps installed on a smartphone[J]. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 2014, 18(2): 1-8.
3 Understanding in-car smartphone usage pattern with an un-obfuscated observation 挖掘用户在开车时使用手机的习惯 频繁模式挖掘 CHI 2014 Oh C, Lee J. Understanding in-car smartphone usage pattern with an un-obfuscated observation[C]//CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2014: 1795-1800.
4 Preference, context and communities: a multi-faceted approach to predicting smartphone app usage patterns 通过挖掘手机的使用特征看用户使用手机的习惯 手机本身 NNC ISWC 2013 Xu Y, Lin M, Lu H, et al. Preference, context and communities: a multi-faceted approach to predicting smartphone app usage patterns[C]//Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Wearable Computers. ACM, 2013: 69-76.
5 Driving Behavior Analysis for Smartphone-based Insurance Telematics 通过手机来判断车内的用户行为 加速度计、陀螺仪 WPA 2015 Wahlstr?m J, Skog I, H?ndel P. Driving Behavior Analysis for Smartphone-based Insurance Telematics[C]//Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Workshop on Physical Analytics. ACM, 2015: 19-24.
6 My Smartphone Knows I am Hungry 在手机上装studentlife应用来收集用户的信息,通过推测的用户购买行为和位置行为为推测用户什么时候吃饭 加速度计、距离感应、光感应、麦克风、位置、应用使用情况 决策树 WPA 2014 Chen F, Wang R, Zhou X, et al. My smartphone knows i am hungry[C]//Proceedings of the 2014 workshop on physical analytics. ACM, 2014: 9-14.
7 MoodScope: Building a Mood Sensor from smartphone usage patterns 通过统计应用使用情况分析用户使用手机的情绪 应用使用情况 线性回归 MobiSys 2013 LiKamWa R, Liu Y, Lane N D, et al. Moodscope: Building a mood sensor from smartphone usage patterns[C]//Proceeding of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services. ACM, 2013: 389-402.
8 A smartphone based method to enhance road pavement anomaly detection by analyzing the driver behavior 用手机的传感器识别车内用户的行为来检测行车的异常 加速度计 na ISWC 2015 SERAJ F, ZHANG K, TURKES O, MERATNIA N, HAVINGA P J M,. A smartphone based method to enhance road pavement anomaly detection by analyzing the driver behavior[C]//ACM Press, 2015: 1169�1177.
9 A smartphone-based sensing platform to model aggressive driving behaviors 用手机的传感器侦测有过激行为的开车行为 加速度计 朴素贝叶斯 CHI 2014 Jin-Hyuk Hong, Ben Margines, and Anind K. Dey. 2014. A smartphone-based sensing platform to model aggressive driving behaviors. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4047-4056
10 DOWELL: Dwell-time Based Smartphone Control Solution for People with Upper Limb Disabilities 智能手机界面辅助上肢残疾的人进行界面操作 CHI 2015 Ahn H, Yoon J, Chung G, et al. DOWELL: Dwell-time Based Smartphone Control Solution for People with Upper Limb Disabilities[C]//Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2015: 887-892.
11 Estimating heart rate variation during walking with smartphone 通过手机加速度计来判断心跳 加速度计 神经网络 Ubicomp 2013 Sumida M, Mizumoto T, Yasumoto K. Estimating heart rate variation during walking with smartphone[C]//Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing. ACM, 2013: 245-254.
12 Evaluating tooth brushing performance with smartphone sound data 用手机中的麦克风录音来分析刷牙的动作标准程度并给出预测 麦克风 HMM Ubicomp 2015 KORPELA J, MIYAJI R, MAEKAWA T, NOZAKI K, TAMAGAWA H,. Evaluating tooth brushing performance with smartphone sound data[C]//ACM Press, 2015: 109�120.
13 Oh app, where art thou?: on app launching habits of smartphone users 分析启动手机应用的习惯 MobileCHI 2013 HANG A, DE LUCA A, HARTMANN J, HUSSMANN H,. Oh app, where art thou?: on app launching habits of smartphone users[C]//ACM Press, 2013: 392.
14 Smartphone-based monitoring system for activities of daily living for elderly people and their relatives etc. 通过手机记录老人的行动log反馈给亲属 加速度计、GPS、麦克风 Ubicomp 2013 OUCHI K, DOI M,. Smartphone-based monitoring system for activities of daily living for elderly people and their relatives etc.[C]//ACM Press, 2013: 103�106.