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TorchServe CPP (Experimental Release)


  • C++17
  • GCC version: gcc-9
  • cmake version: 3.26.4+
  • Linux

For convenience, a docker container can be used as the development environment to build and install Torchserve CPP

cd serve/docker
# For CPU support
./ -bt dev -cpp
# For GPU support
./ -bt dev -g [-cv cu121|cu118] -cpp

Start the container and optionally bind mount a build directory into the container to persist build artifacts across container runs

# For CPU support
docker run [-v /path/to/build/dir:/serve/cpp/build] -it pytorch/torchserve:cpp-dev-cpu /bin/bash
# For GPU support
docker run --gpus all [-v /path/to/build/dir:/serve/cpp/build] -it pytorch/torchserve:cpp-dev-gpu /bin/bash

Warning: The dev docker container does not install all necessary dependencies or build Torchserve CPP. Please follow the steps below after starting the container.

Installation and Running TorchServe CPP

This installation instruction assumes that TorchServe is already installed through pip/conda/source. If this is not the case install it after the Install dependencies step through your preferred method.

Install dependencies

cd serve
python ts_scripts/ --cpp --environment dev [--cuda=cu121|cu118]

Building the backend

Don't forget to install or update TorchServe at this point if it wasn't previously installed. E.g. with:

python ts_scripts/

Then build the backend:

## Dev Build
cd cpp
mkdir build && cd build
# Optionally, you can skip building the tests by adding: -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF
cmake ..
make -j && make install
## Optionally, you can run the tests with
make test

Run TorchServe

mkdir model_store
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`python -c "import torch;from pathlib import Path;p=Path(torch.__file__);print(f\"{(p.parent / 'lib').as_posix()}:{(p.parents[1] / 'nvidia/nccl/lib').as_posix()}\")"`:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
torchserve --ncs --start --model-store model_store

Clean the build directory

To clean the build directory in order to rebuild from scratch simply delete the cpp/_build directory with

rm -rf cpp/_build


TorchServe cpp backend can run as a process, which is similar to TorchServe Python backend. By default, TorchServe supports torch scripted model in cpp backend. Other platforms such as MxNet, ONNX can be supported through custom handlers following the TorchScript example src/backends/handler/torch_scripted_handler.hh.

Custom Handler

By default, TorchServe cpp provides a handler for TorchScript src/backends/handler/torch_scripted_handler.hh. Its uses the BaseHandler which defines the APIs to customize handler.


Using TorchScriptHandler
  • set runtime as "LSP" in model archiver option --runtime
  • set handler as "TorchScriptHandler" in model archiver option --handler
 torch-model-archiver --model-name mnist_base --version 1.0 --serialized-file --handler TorchScriptHandler --runtime LSP

Here is an example of unzipped model mar file.

Using Custom Handler
  • build customized handler shared lib. For example Mnist handler.
  • set runtime as "LSP" in model archiver option --runtime
  • set handler as "libmnist_handler:MnistHandler" in model archiver option --handler
torch-model-archiver --model-name mnist_handler --version 1.0 --serialized-file --handler libmnist_handler:MnistHandler --runtime LSP

Here is an example of unzipped model mar file.


We have created a couple of examples that can get you started with the C++ backend. The examples are all located under serve/examples/cpp and each comes with a detailed description of how to set it up. The following examples are available:


When making changes to the cpp backend its inconvenient to reinstall TorchServe using ts_scripts/ after every compilation. To automatically update the model_worker_socket located in ts/cpp/bin/ we can install TorchServe once from source with the --environment dev. This will make the TorchServe installation editable and the updated cpp backend binary is automatically picked up when starting a worker (No restart of TorchServe required).

python ts_scripts/ --environment dev


Q: After running ./ TorchServe can not find model_worker_socket A:

  1. See if the binary model_worker_socket exists by running:
python -c "import ts; from pathlib import Path; print((Path(ts.__file__).parent / 'cpp/bin/model_worker_socket').exists())
  1. Look if ./ was actually successful and if the tests ran without any error at the end. If a test failed the binary will not be copied into the appropriate directory.
  2. Make sure you have the right conda/venv environment activated during building that you're also using to run TorchServe.

Q: Build on Mac fails with Library not loaded: @rpath/libomp.dylib A: Install libomp with brew and link in /usr/local/lib

brew install libomp
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib /usr/local/lib/libomp.dylib

Q: When loading a handler which uses a model exported with torch._export.aot_compile the handler dies with "error: Error in dlopen: MODEL.SO : undefined symbol: SOME_SYMBOL". A: Make sure that you are using matching libtorch and Pytorch versions for inference and export, respectively.