In both 3.10 and 3.11, hashing a small fraction is 20x slower than for a decimal. For fractions with large denominators, it is slower still.
We could sacrifice the space for one slot to cache the hash value:
__slots__ = ('_numerator', '_denominator', '_hash')
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash
except AttributeError:
self.hash = ... # current code goes here
return self._hash
Another approach would be to have a single, size limited cache for the computation:
def __hash__(self):
@lru_cache(maxsize=1 << 16)
def current_code(numerator, denominator):
dinv = pow(denominator, -1, _PyHASH_MODULUS)
except ValueError:
# ValueError means there is no modular inverse.
hash_ = _PyHASH_INF
hash_ = hash(hash(abs(numerator)) * dinv)
result = hash_ if numerator >= 0 else -hash_
return -2 if result == -1 else result
return current_code(self._numerator, self._denominator)
Example of code that would benefit:
def pabs(n: Fraction | int) -> Fraction:
"P-adic absolute value"
for x, y in product(pool, repeat=2): # pool is a set of fractions used as test values
assert (pabs(x)==0) == (x==0) # |x|=0 if and only if x=0
assert pabs(x * y) == pabs(x) * pabs(y) # |xy| = |x||y|
assert pabs(x + y) <= pabs(x) + pabs(y) # |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y| (Triangle Inequality)
assert pabs(x + y) <= max(pabs(x), pabs(y)) # Strong triangle inequality
assert pabs(x) == pabs(y) or pabs(x + y) == max(pabs(x), pabs(y)) # Lemma 2.1: If |x| ≠ |y|, |x+y| = max{|x|, |y|}