Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.
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GitHub fields:
assignee = None
closed_at = None
created_at = <Date 2021-04-09.15:43:50.940>
labels = ['3.10']
title = 'Implement PEP 652 -- Maintaining the Stable ABI'
updated_at = <Date 2021-12-10.23:34:50.985>
user = '' fields:
activity = <Date 2021-12-10.23:34:50.985>
actor = 'lukasz.langa'
assignee = 'none'
closed = False
closed_date = None
closer = None
components = []
creation = <Date 2021-04-09.15:43:50.940>
creator = 'petr.viktorin'
dependencies = []
files = []
hgrepos = []
issue_num = 43795
keywords = ['patch']
message_count = 26.0
messages = ['390638', '391081', '391217', '391223', '391235', '391258', '391432', '391435', '391436', '391684', '391686', '392212', '392222', '392296', '393031', '393484', '393496', '393509', '393624', '394335', '395335', '395337', '395913', '395915', '404722', '408267']
nosy_count = 9.0
nosy_names = ['orsenthil', 'vstinner', 'petr.viktorin', 'lukasz.langa', 'willingc', 'corona10', 'pablogsal', 'miss-islington', 'erlendaasland']
pr_nums = ['25312', '25315', '25482', '25483', '25668', '25716', '25920', '25925', '26034', '26101', '26123', '26241', '26353', '26354', '26479', '26603', '26740', '26753', '29148', '29956']
priority = 'normal'
resolution = None
stage = 'patch review'
status = 'open'
superseder = None
type = None
url = ''
versions = ['Python 3.10']