BPO | 38197 |
Nosy | @cfbolz, @iritkatriel |
Files |
Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.
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GitHub fields:
assignee = None
closed_at = None
created_at = <Date 2019-09-17.10:34:55.146>
labels = ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10']
title = 'Meaning of tracebacklimit differs between sys.tracebacklimit and traceback module'
updated_at = <Date 2020-11-04.19:48:39.522>
user = '' fields:
activity = <Date 2020-11-04.19:48:39.522>
actor = 'Carl.Friedrich.Bolz'
assignee = 'none'
closed = False
closed_date = None
closer = None
components = []
creation = <Date 2019-09-17.10:34:55.146>
creator = 'Carl.Friedrich.Bolz'
dependencies = []
files = ['48610']
hgrepos = []
issue_num = 38197
keywords = []
message_count = 3.0
messages = ['352628', '380352', '380355']
nosy_count = 2.0
nosy_names = ['Carl.Friedrich.Bolz', 'iritkatriel']
pr_nums = []
priority = 'normal'
resolution = None
stage = None
status = 'open'
superseder = None
type = None
url = ''
versions = ['Python 3.8', 'Python 3.9', 'Python 3.10']
Linked PRs
- gh-82378: fix sys.tracebacklimit in pyrepl #122452
- gh-82378 fix sys.tracebacklimit in pyrepl #123062
- [3.13] gh-82378 fix sys.tracebacklimit in pyrepl (GH-123062) #123252
- gh-82378: document the difference between sys.tracebacklimit and the limit arguments #123286
- [3.13] gh-82378: Document the difference between sys.tracebacklimit and the limit arguments (GH-123286) #123325
- [3.12] gh-82378: Document the difference between sys.tracebacklimit and the limit arguments (GH-123286) #123326