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The repr() of the input function is absurdly long #123149




Bug report

Bug description:

>>> input
<bound method _ReadlineWrapper.input of _ReadlineWrapper(f_in=0, f_out=1, reader=ReadlineAlikeReader(console=WindowsConsole(screen=['\x1b[1;35m>>> \x1b[0minput'], height=35, width=140), buffer=['i', 'n', 'p', 'u', 't'], pos=5, ps1='>>> ', ps2='>>> ', ps3='... ', ps4='', kill_ring=[], msg='', arg=None, dirty=False, finished=True, paste_mode=False, in_bracketed_paste=False, commands={'digit_arg': <class '_pyrepl.commands.digit_arg'>, 'digit-arg': <class '_pyrepl.commands.digit_arg'>, 'clear_screen': <class '_pyrepl.commands.clear_screen'>, 'clear-screen': <class '_pyrepl.commands.clear_screen'>, 'refresh': <class '_pyrepl.commands.refresh'>, 'repaint': <class '_pyrepl.commands.repaint'>, 'kill_line': <class '_pyrepl.commands.kill_line'>, 'kill-line': <class '_pyrepl.commands.kill_line'>, 'unix_line_discard': <class '_pyrepl.commands.unix_line_discard'>, 'unix-line-discard': <class '_pyrepl.commands.unix_line_discard'>, 'unix_word_rubout': <class '_pyrepl.commands.unix_word_rubout'>, 'unix-word-rubout': <class '_pyrepl.commands.unix_word_rubout'>, 'kill_word': <class '_pyrepl.commands.kill_word'>, 'kill-word': <class '_pyrepl.commands.kill_word'>, 'backward_kill_word': <class '_pyrepl.commands.backward_kill_word'>, 'backward-kill-word': <class '_pyrepl.commands.backward_kill_word'>, 'yank': <class '_pyrepl.commands.yank'>, 'yank_pop': <class '_pyrepl.commands.yank_pop'>, 'yank-pop': <class '_pyrepl.commands.yank_pop'>, 'interrupt': <class '_pyrepl.commands.interrupt'>, 'ctrl_c': <class '_pyrepl.commands.ctrl_c'>, 'ctrl-c': <class '_pyrepl.commands.ctrl_c'>, 'suspend': <class '_pyrepl.commands.suspend'>, 'up': <class '_pyrepl.commands.up'>, 'down': <class '_pyrepl.commands.down'>, 'left': <class '_pyrepl.commands.left'>, 'right': <class '_pyrepl.commands.right'>, 'beginning_of_line': <class '_pyrepl.commands.beginning_of_line'>, 'beginning-of-line': <class '_pyrepl.commands.beginning_of_line'>, 'end_of_line': <class '_pyrepl.commands.end_of_line'>, 'end-of-line': <class '_pyrepl.commands.end_of_line'>, 'home': <class '_pyrepl.commands.home'>, 'end': <class '_pyrepl.commands.end'>, 'forward_word': <class '_pyrepl.commands.forward_word'>, 'forward-word': <class '_pyrepl.commands.forward_word'>, 'backward_word': <class '_pyrepl.commands.backward_word'>, 'backward-word': <class '_pyrepl.commands.backward_word'>, 'self_insert': <class '_pyrepl.completing_reader.self_insert'>, 'self-insert': <class '_pyrepl.completing_reader.self_insert'>, 'insert_nl': <class '_pyrepl.commands.insert_nl'>, 'insert-nl': <class '_pyrepl.commands.insert_nl'>, 'transpose_characters': <class '_pyrepl.commands.transpose_characters'>, 'transpose-characters': <class '_pyrepl.commands.transpose_characters'>, 'backspace': <class '_pyrepl.commands.backspace'>, 'delete': <class '_pyrepl.commands.delete'>, 'accept': <class '_pyrepl.commands.accept'>, 'help': <class ''>, 'invalid_key': <class '_pyrepl.commands.invalid_key'>, 'invalid-key': <class '_pyrepl.commands.invalid_key'>, 'invalid_command': <class '_pyrepl.commands.invalid_command'>, 'invalid-command': <class '_pyrepl.commands.invalid_command'>, 'show_history': <class '_pyrepl.commands.show_history'>, 'show-history': <class '_pyrepl.commands.show_history'>, 'paste_mode': <class '_pyrepl.commands.paste_mode'>, 'paste-mode': <class '_pyrepl.commands.paste_mode'>, 'enable_bracketed_paste': <class '_pyrepl.commands.enable_bracketed_paste'>, 'enable-bracketed-paste': <class '_pyrepl.commands.enable_bracketed_paste'>, 'disable_bracketed_paste': <class '_pyrepl.commands.disable_bracketed_paste'>, 'disable-bracketed-paste': <class '_pyrepl.commands.disable_bracketed_paste'>, 'complete': <class '_pyrepl.completing_reader.complete'>, 'next_history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.next_history'>, 'next-history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.next_history'>, 'previous_history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.previous_history'>, 'previous-history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.previous_history'>, 'restore_history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.restore_history'>, 'restore-history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.restore_history'>, 'first_history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.first_history'>, 'first-history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.first_history'>, 'last_history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.last_history'>, 'last-history': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.last_history'>, 'yank_arg': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.yank_arg'>, 'yank-arg': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.yank_arg'>, 'forward_history_isearch': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.forward_history_isearch'>, 'forward-history-isearch': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.forward_history_isearch'>, 'reverse_history_isearch': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.reverse_history_isearch'>, 'reverse-history-isearch': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.reverse_history_isearch'>, 'isearch_end': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_end'>, 'isearch-end': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_end'>, 'isearch_add_character': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_add_character'>, 'isearch-add-character': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_add_character'>, 'isearch_cancel': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_cancel'>, 'isearch-cancel': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_cancel'>, 'isearch_backspace': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_backspace'>, 'isearch-backspace': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_backspace'>, 'isearch_forwards': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_forwards'>, 'isearch-forwards': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_forwards'>, 'isearch_backwards': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_backwards'>, 'isearch-backwards': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.isearch_backwards'>, 'operate_and_get_next': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.operate_and_get_next'>, 'operate-and-get-next': <class '_pyrepl.historical_reader.operate_and_get_next'>, 'maybe_accept': <class '_pyrepl.readline.maybe_accept'>, 'maybe-accept': <class '_pyrepl.readline.maybe_accept'>, 'backspace_dedent': <class '_pyrepl.readline.backspace_dedent'>, 'backspace-dedent': <class '_pyrepl.readline.backspace_dedent'>}, last_command=<class '_pyrepl.readline.maybe_accept'>, syntax_table={'\x00': 2, '\x01': 2, '\x02': 2, '\x03': 2, '\x04': 2, '\x05': 2, '\x06': 2, '\x07': 2, '\x08': 2, '\t': 2, '\n': 0, '\x0b': 2, '\x0c': 2, '\r': 2, '\x0e': 2, '\x0f': 2, '\x10': 2, '\x11': 2, '\x12': 2, '\x13': 2, '\x14': 2, '\x15': 2, '\x16': 2, '\x17': 2, '\x18': 2, '\x19': 2, '\x1a': 2, '\x1b': 2, '\x1c': 2, '\x1d': 2, '\x1e': 2, '\x1f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`': 2, 'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1, 'd': 1, 'e': 1, 'f': 1, 'g': 1, 'h': 1, 'i': 1, 'j': 1, 'k': 1, 'l': 1, 'm': 1, 'n': 1, 'o': 1, 'p': 1, 'q': 1, 'r': 1, 's': 1, 't': 1, 'u': 1, 'v': 1, 'w': 1, 'x': 1, 'y': 1, 'z': 1, '{': 2, '|': 2, '}': 2, '~': 2, '\x7f': 2, '\x80': 2, '\x81': 2, '\x82': 2, '\x83': 2, '\x84': 2, '\x85': 2, '\x86': 2, '\x87': 2, '\x88': 2, '\x89': 2, '\x8a': 2, '\x8b': 2, '\x8c': 2, '\x8d': 2, '\x8e': 2, '\x8f': 2, '\x90': 2, '\x91': 2, '\x92': 2, '\x93': 2, '\x94': 2, '\x95': 2, '\x96': 2, '\x97': 2, '\x98': 2, '\x99': 2, '\x9a': 2, '\x9b': 2, '\x9c': 2, '\x9d': 2, '\x9e': 2, '\x9f': 2, '\xa0': 2, '¡': 2, '¢': 2, '£': 2, '¤': 2, '¥': 2, '¦': 2, '§': 2, '¨': 2, '©': 2, 'ª': 1, '«': 2, '¬': 2, '\xad': 2, '®': 2, '¯': 2, '°': 2, '±': 2, '²': 1, '³': 1, '´': 2, 'µ': 1, '¶': 2, '·': 2, '¸': 2, '¹': 1, 'º': 1, '»': 2, '¼': 1, '½': 1, '¾': 1, '¿': 2, 'À': 1, 'Á': 1, 'Â': 1, 'Ã': 1, 'Ä': 1, 'Å': 1, 'Æ': 1, 'Ç': 1, 'È': 1, 'É': 1, 'Ê': 1, 'Ë': 1, 'Ì': 1, 'Í': 1, 'Î': 1, 'Ï': 1, 'Ð': 1, 'Ñ': 1, 'Ò': 1, 'Ó': 1, 'Ô': 1, 'Õ': 1, 'Ö': 1, '×': 2, 'Ø': 1, 'Ù': 1, 'Ú': 1, 'Û': 1, 'Ü': 1, 'Ý': 1, 'Þ': 1, 'ß': 1, 'à': 1, 'á': 1, 'â': 1, 'ã': 1, 'ä': 1, 'å': 1, 'æ': 1, 'ç': 1, 'è': 1, 'é': 1, 'ê': 1, 'ë': 1, 'ì': 1, 'í': 1, 'î': 1, 'ï': 1, 'ð': 1, 'ñ': 1, 'ò': 1, 'ó': 1, 'ô': 1, 'õ': 1, 'ö': 1, '÷': 2, 'ø': 1, 'ù': 1, 'ú': 1, 'û': 1, 'ü': 1, 'ý': 1, 'þ': 1, 'ÿ': 1}, keymap=(('\\C-a', 'beginning-of-line'), ('\\C-b', 'left'), ('\\C-c', 'interrupt'), ('\\C-d', 'delete'), ('\\C-e', 'end-of-line'), ('\\C-f', 'right'), ('\\C-g', 'cancel'), ('\\C-h', 'backspace'), ('\\C-j', 'accept'), ('\\<return>', 'accept'), ('\\C-k', 'kill-line'), ('\\C-l', 'clear-screen'), ('\\C-m', 'accept'), ('\\C-t', 'transpose-characters'), ('\\C-u', 'unix-line-discard'), ('\\C-w', 'unix-word-rubout'), ('\\C-x\\C-u', 'upcase-region'), ('\\C-y', 'yank'), ('\\C-z', 'suspend'), ('\\M-b', 'backward-word'), ('\\M-c', 'capitalize-word'), ('\\M-d', 'kill-word'), ('\\M-f', 'forward-word'), ('\\M-l', 'downcase-word'), ('\\M-t', 'transpose-words'), ('\\M-u', 'upcase-word'), ('\\M-y', 'yank-pop'), ('\\M--', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-0', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-1', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-2', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-3', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-4', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-5', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-6', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-7', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-8', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-9', 'digit-arg'), ('\\M-\\n', 'accept'), ('\\\\', 'self-insert'), ('\\x1b[200~', 'enable_bracketed_paste'), ('\\x1b[201~', 'disable_bracketed_paste'), ('\\x03', 'ctrl-c'), (' ', 'self-insert'), ('!', 'self-insert'), ('"', 'self-insert'), ('#', 'self-insert'), ('$', 'self-insert'), ('%', 'self-insert'), ('&', 'self-insert'), ("'", 'self-insert'), ('(', 'self-insert'), (')', 'self-insert'), ('*', 'self-insert'), ('+', 'self-insert'), (',', 'self-insert'), ('-', 'self-insert'), ('.', 'self-insert'), ('/', 'self-insert'), ('0', 'self-insert'), ('1', 'self-insert'), ('2', 'self-insert'), ('3', 'self-insert'), ('4', 'self-insert'), ('5', 'self-insert'), ('6', 'self-insert'), ('7', 'self-insert'), ('8', 'self-insert'), ('9', 'self-insert'), (':', 'self-insert'), (';', 'self-insert'), ('<', 'self-insert'), ('=', 'self-insert'), ('>', 'self-insert'), ('?', 'self-insert'), ('@', 'self-insert'), ('A', 'self-insert'), ('B', 'self-insert'), ('C', 'self-insert'), ('D', 'self-insert'), ('E', 'self-insert'), ('F', 'self-insert'), ('G', 'self-insert'), ('H', 'self-insert'), ('I', 'self-insert'), ('J', 'self-insert'), ('K', 'self-insert'), ('L', 'self-insert'), ('M', 'self-insert'), ('N', 'self-insert'), ('O', 'self-insert'), ('P', 'self-insert'), ('Q', 'self-insert'), ('R', 'self-insert'), ('S', 'self-insert'), ('T', 'self-insert'), ('U', 'self-insert'), ('V', 'self-insert'), ('W', 'self-insert'), ('X', 'self-insert'), ('Y', 'self-insert'), ('Z', 'self-insert'), ('[', 'self-insert'), (']', 'self-insert'), ('^', 'self-insert'), ('_', 'self-insert'), ('`', 'self-insert'), ('a', 'self-insert'), ('b', 'self-insert'), ('c', 'self-insert'), ('d', 'self-insert'), ('e', 'self-insert'), ('f', 'self-insert'), ('g', 'self-insert'), ('h', 'self-insert'), ('i', 'self-insert'), ('j', 'self-insert'), ('k', 'self-insert'), ('l', 'self-insert'), ('m', 'self-insert'), ('n', 'self-insert'), ('o', 'self-insert'), ('p', 'self-insert'), ('q', 'self-insert'), ('r', 'self-insert'), ('s', 'self-insert'), ('t', 'self-insert'), ('u', 'self-insert'), ('v', 'self-insert'), ('w', 'self-insert'), ('x', 'self-insert'), ('y', 'self-insert'), ('z', 'self-insert'), ('{', 'self-insert'), ('|', 'self-insert'), ('}', 'self-insert'), ('~', 'self-insert'), ('ª', 'self-insert'), ('µ', 'self-insert'), ('º', 'self-insert'), ('À', 'self-insert'), ('Á', 'self-insert'), ('Â', 'self-insert'), ('Ã', 'self-insert'), ('Ä', 'self-insert'), ('Å', 'self-insert'), ('Æ', 'self-insert'), ('Ç', 'self-insert'), ('È', 'self-insert'), ('É', 'self-insert'), ('Ê', 'self-insert'), ('Ë', 'self-insert'), ('Ì', 'self-insert'), ('Í', 'self-insert'), ('Î', 'self-insert'), ('Ï', 'self-insert'), ('Ð', 'self-insert'), ('Ñ', 'self-insert'), ('Ò', 'self-insert'), ('Ó', 'self-insert'), ('Ô', 'self-insert'), ('Õ', 'self-insert'), ('Ö', 'self-insert'), ('Ø', 'self-insert'), ('Ù', 'self-insert'), ('Ú', 'self-insert'), ('Û', 'self-insert'), ('Ü', 'self-insert'), ('Ý', 'self-insert'), ('Þ', 'self-insert'), ('ß', 'self-insert'), ('à', 'self-insert'), ('á', 'self-insert'), ('â', 'self-insert'), ('ã', 'self-insert'), ('ä', 'self-insert'), ('å', 'self-insert'), ('æ', 'self-insert'), ('ç', 'self-insert'), ('è', 'self-insert'), ('é', 'self-insert'), ('ê', 'self-insert'), ('ë', 'self-insert'), ('ì', 'self-insert'), ('í', 'self-insert'), ('î', 'self-insert'), ('ï', 'self-insert'), ('ð', 'self-insert'), ('ñ', 'self-insert'), ('ò', 'self-insert'), ('ó', 'self-insert'), ('ô', 'self-insert'), ('õ', 'self-insert'), ('ö', 'self-insert'), ('ø', 'self-insert'), ('ù', 'self-insert'), ('ú', 'self-insert'), ('û', 'self-insert'), ('ü', 'self-insert'), ('ý', 'self-insert'), ('þ', 'self-insert'), ('ÿ', 'self-insert'), ('\\<up>', 'up'), ('\\<down>', 'down'), ('\\<left>', 'left'), ('\\C-\\<left>', 'backward-word'), ('\\<right>', 'right'), ('\\C-\\<right>', 'forward-word'), ('\\<delete>', 'delete'), ('\\<backspace>', 'backspace'), ('\\M-\\<backspace>', 'backward-kill-word'), ('\\<end>', 'end-of-line'), ('\\<home>', 'beginning-of-line'), ('\\<f1>', 'help'), ('\\<f2>', 'show-history'), ('\\<f3>', 'paste-mode'), ('\\EOF', 'end'), ('\\EOH', 'home'), ('\\t', 'complete'), ('\\C-n', 'next-history'), ('\\C-p', 'previous-history'), ('\\C-o', 'operate-and-get-next'), ('\\C-r', 'reverse-history-isearch'), ('\\C-s', 'forward-history-isearch'), ('\\M-r', 'restore-history'), ('\\M-.', 'yank-arg'), ('\\<page down>', 'last-history'), ('\\<page up>', 'first-history'), ('\\n', 'maybe-accept'), ('\\<backspace>', 'backspace-dedent')), input_trans=<_pyrepl.input.KeymapTranslator object at 0x0000015EC6269400s=[], can_colorize=True, last_refresh_cache=Reader.RefreshCache(in_bracketed_paste=False, screen=['\x1b[1;35m>>> \x1b[0minput'], screeninfo=le=False, cmpltn_message_visible=False, cmpltn_menu_end=0, cmpltn_menu_choices=[], history=['vars()', 'vars().foo = 1', 'globals()', 'locals()', 'locals() is globals() is vars()', 'foo = 1', 'def fun():\n    bar = 2\n    print(vars())\n    ', 'fun()', 'def fun():\n    bar = 2\n    print(dict(globals()).update(locals()))', 'fun()', 'def fun():\n    bar = 2\n    print(dict(**globals(), **locals()))', 'fun()', 'def fun():\n    bar = 2\n    print(dict(**__builtins__, **globals(), **locals()))', 'fun()', 'def fun():\n    bar = 2\n    print(dict(**vars(__builtins__), **globals(), **locals()))', 'fun()', 'def fun():\n    bar = 2\n    print(vars(__builtins__) | globals() | locals())', 'fun()', 'bar = 1', 'fun()', 'def fun():\n    bar = 2\n    print(vars(__builtins__) | globals() | locals())', 'fun()', 'for k, v in (vars(__builtins__) | globals() | locals()).items():\n    print(f"{k}\\n{v}\\n")\n    ', 'input'], historyi=23, next_history=None, transient_history={}, isearch_term='', isearch_direction='', isearch_start=(0, 0), isearch_trans=<_pyrepl.input.KeymapTranslator object at 0x0000015EC4963ED0>, yank_arg_i=0, yank_arg_yanked='', config=ReadlineConfig(readline_completer=<bound method Completer.complete of <rlcompleter.Completer object at 0x0000015EC6269940>>, completer_delims=frozenset({'$', '{', '"', '#', ',', ')', '!', '|', '%', '+', '~', ':', '?', '@', "'", '*', '^', '-', '(', '\t', '[', '}', '=', ' ', '/', '>', '\n', ';', '\\', '&', '`', '<', ']'})), more_lines=None, last_used_indentation='    '), saved_history_length=-1, startup_hook=None, config=ReadlineConfig(readline_completer=<bound method Completer.complete of <rlcompleter.Completer object at 0x0000015EC6269940>>, completer_delims=frozenset({'$', '{', '"', '#', ',', ')', '!', '|', '%', '+', '~', ':', '?', '@', "'", '*', '^', '-', '(', '\t', '[', '}', '=', ' ', '/', '>', '\n', ';', '\\', '&', '`', '<', ']'})))>

Yes, this is one incredibly long line.

This is bound to trip up a new user, and provides little of value to an experienced user. Its worth pruning the repr.

CPython versions tested on:


Operating systems tested on:


Linked PRs



picnixz commented on Aug 19, 2024


The reason is that _ReadlineWrapper is a dataclass and this one is responsible for the long __repr__. I'll work on a patch.

PS: Actually all reader classes are dataclasses so all their fields are included...

self-assigned this
on Aug 19, 2024

SnoopJ commented on Aug 19, 2024


@picnixz I just submitted a patch for this issue, as follow-up to some discussion on #python on IRC

removed their assignment
on Aug 19, 2024
changed the title The repr() of the input function is absrudly long The repr() of the input function is absurdly long on Aug 19, 2024
3.13bugs and security fixes
3.14new features, bugs and security fixes
on Aug 19, 2024
added a commit that references this issue on Aug 19, 2024

gh-123149: Suppress verbose repr in new REPL (#123151)

added a commit that references this issue on Aug 19, 2024

pythongh-123149: Suppress verbose repr in new REPL (pythonGH-123151)

added a commit that references this issue on Aug 19, 2024

[3.13] gh-123149: Suppress verbose repr in new REPL (GH-123151) (#123157


2 remaining items

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    3.13bugs and security fixes3.14new features, bugs and security fixestopic-replRelated to the interactive shelltype-bugAn unexpected behavior, bug, or error


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      The repr() of the input function is absurdly long · Issue #123149 · python/cpython