pyiron_experimental is based on pyiron_base to develop post processing workflows for experimental applications.
While pyiron
started as a tool for atomistic simulations (pyiron_atomistics) its scope has broadened to also include experimental applications.
Currently, this repository only contains a few show cases which we would like to develop to a level where pyiron_experimental really becomes useful for every-day analysis of experimental data (at least for some specific use cases).
However, to achieve this goal we need input/contributions from our experimental colleagues:
- if you are aware of an open source tool to analyse your data, please open an issue here and tell us about that tool!
- if you have a workflow which could be (more) automated or you are annoyed by different (open source) tools not talking to each other consider to contact/collaborate with us.
In general we aim to make workflows easier to perform and to reproduce.