ID (hex) | Variant | Description | LEGO | Bricklink |
0 (0x00) | N/A | WeDo 2.0 hub (LPF2 Smart Hub 2 I/O) | 45301 | 19071c01 |
32 (0x20) | N/A | DUPLO Train Hub (?) | 28743c01 | |
64 (0x40) | N/A | BOOST Move Hub (JAJUR1) | 88006 | bb0894c01 |
65 (0x41) | N/A | Powered UP 2-port Smart Hub (Hub No. 4) | 88009 | bb0892c01 |
66 (0x42) | N/A | Powered UP Handset (Handset No. 2) | 88010 | 28739c01 |
67 (0x43) | N/A | Mario (LEAF No. 1) | 71360 | mar0007 |
68 (0x44) | N/A | Luigi (LEAF No. 2) | 71387 | mar0062 |
128 (0x80) | N/A | Technic Control+ Hub (Hub No. 2) | 88012 | bb0961c01 |
129 (0x81) | 0 | Technic Large Hub - SPIKE Prime (Hub No. 6) | 45601 | bb1142c01 |
129 (0x81) | 1 | Technic Large Hub - MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor (Hub No. 6) | 51515 | 67718c01 |
131 (0x83) | 0 | Technic Small Hub - SPIKE Essential (Hub No. 7) | 45609 |
I/O device type IDs are used to identify sensors and motors (including ones built into a programmable brick).
ID (hex) | Description | LEGO | Bricklink |
0 (0x00) | no device | N/A | N/A |
1 (0x01) | Powered Up Medium Motor | 45303 | 21980 |
2 (0x02) | Powered Up Train Motor | 88011 | bb0896c01 |
8 (0x08) | Powered Up Lights | 88005 | 22168c01 |
20 (0x14) | Powered Up Hub battery voltage | N/A | N/A |
21 (0x15) | Powered Up Hub battery current | N/A | N/A |
22 (0x16) | Powered Up Hub piezo tone | N/A | N/A |
23 (0x17) | Powered Up Hub indicator light | N/A | N/A |
29 (0x1D) | EV3 Color Sensor | 45506 (retired) | 95650 |
30 (0x1E) | EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor | 45504 (retired) | 95652 |
32 (0x20) | EV3 Gyro Sensor | 45505 (retired) | 99380 |
33 (0x21) | EV3 Infrared Sensor | 45509 (retired) | 95654 |
34 (0x22) | WeDo 2.0 Tilt Sensor | 45305 | 20841 |
35 (0x23) | WeDo 2.0 Motion Sensor | 45304 | 20844 |
36 (0x24) | WeDo 2.0 generic device | N/A | N/A |
37 (0x25) | BOOST Color and Distance Sensor | 88007 | bb0891c01 |
38 (0x26) | BOOST Interactive Motor | 88008 | bb0893c01 |
39 (0x27) | BOOST Move Hub built-in motor | N/A | N/A |
40 (0x28) | BOOST Move Hub built-in accelerometer (tilt sensor) | N/A | N/A |
41 (0x29) | DUPLO Train hub built-in motor | N/A | N/A |
42 (0x2a) | DUPLO Train hub built-in beeper | N/A | N/A |
43 (0x2b) | DUPLO Train hub built-in color sensor | N/A | N/A |
44 (0x2c) | DUPLO Train hub built-in speed | N/A | N/A |
46 (0x2e) | Technic Control+ Large Motor | 88013 | bb0959c01 |
47 (0x2f) | Technic Control+ XL Motor | 88014 | bb0960c01 |
48 (0x30) | SPIKE Prime Medium Motor | 45603 | 54696c01 |
49 (0x31) | SPIKE Prime Large Motor | 45602 | 54675c01 |
50 (0x32) | Technic Control+ Hub ? | N/A | N/A |
54 (0x36) | Powered Up hub IMU gesture | N/A | N/A |
55 (0x37) | Powered Up Handset Buttons | N/A | N/A |
56 (0x38) | Powered Up hub Bluetooth RSSI | N/A | N/A |
57 (0x39) | Powered Up hub IMU accelerometer | N/A | N/A |
58 (0x3A) | Powered Up hub IMU gyro | N/A | N/A |
59 (0x3B) | Powered Up hub IMU position | N/A | N/A |
60 (0x3C) | Powered Up hub IMU temperature | N/A | N/A |
61 (0x3D) | Technic Color Sensor | 45605 | 37308c01 |
62 (0x3E) | Technic Ultrasonic/Distance Sensor | 45604 | 37316c01 |
63 (0x3F) | Technic Force Sensor | 45606 | 37312c01 |
64 (0x40) | Technic 3x3 Color Light Matrix | 45608 | N/A |
65 (0x41) | Technic Small Angular Motor | 45607 | 68488c01 |
70 (0x46) | Mario built-in unknown | N/A | N/A |
71 (0x47) | Mario built-in IMU gesture sensor | N/A | N/A |
73 (0x49) | Mario built-in color barcode sensor | N/A | N/A |
74 (0x4A) | Mario built-in pants sensor | N/A | N/A |
75 (0x4B) | Technic Medium Angular Motor, gray | 88018 | 54696c01 |
76 (0x4C) | Technic Large Angular motor, gray | 88017 | 54675c02 |
85 (0x55) | Mario built-in unknown | N/A | N/A |
OUI | Vendor | Devices |
00:16:53 | LEGO System A/S | NXT, EV3, BOOST |
90:84:2B | LEGO System A/S | Powered Up |
38:0B:3C | Texas Instruments | Inventor |
F4:84:4C | Texas Instruments | Prime |
LEGO-specific UUIDs:
16-bit | 128-bit | Description |
1523 | 00001523-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 hub service |
1524 | 00001524-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 name characteristic |
1526 | 00001526-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 button state characteristic |
1527 | 00001527-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 attached I/O characteristic |
1528 | 00001528-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 low voltage alert characteristic |
1529 | 00001529-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 high current alert characteristic |
152A | 0000152a-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 low signal alert characteristic |
152B | 0000152b-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 power off characteristic |
152C | 0000152c-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 port vcc control characteristic |
152D | 0000152d-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 battery type characteristic |
152E | 0000152e-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 disconnect characteristic |
1560 | 00001560-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 input value characteristic |
1561 | 00001561-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 input format characteristic |
1563 | 00001563-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 input command characteristic |
1565 | 00001565-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 output command characteristic |
4F0E | 00004f0e-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 | WeDo 2.0 input service |
1623 | 00001623-1212-efde-1623-785feabcd123 | Powered Up LWP3 hub service |
1624 | 00001624-1212-efde-1623-785feabcd123 | Powered Up LWP3 hub characteristic |
1625 | 00001625-1212-efde-1623-785feabcd123 | Powered Up LWP3 bootloader service |
1626 | 00001626-1212-efde-1623-785feabcd123 | Powered Up LWP3 bootloader characteristic |
Pybricks-specific UUIDs:
16-bit | 128-bit | Description |
0001 | c5f50001-8280-46da-89f4-6d8051e4aeef | Pybricks service |
0002 | c5f50002-8280-46da-89f4-6d8051e4aeef | Pybricks command/event characteristic |
0003 | c5f50003-8280-46da-89f4-6d8051e4aeef | Pybricks hub capabilities characteristic |
Company ID: 919 (0x0397) - LEGO System A/S
VID | PID | Description |
0x0694 | 0x0001 | LEGO MINDSTORMS RCX IR Tower |
0x0694 | 0x0002 | LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT |
0x03eb | 0x6124 | LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT in firmware update mode (Atmel SAM-BA mode) |
0x0694 | 0x0003 | LEGO WeDo 1.0 USB Hub |
0x0694 | 0x0005 | LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 |
0x0694 | 0x0006 | LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 in firmware update mode |
0x0694 | 0x0008 | LEGO Technic Large Hub in DFU mode (SPIKE Prime) |
0x0694 | 0x0009 | LEGO Technic Large Hub (SPIKE Prime) |
0x0694 | 0x000C | LEGO Technic Small Hub in DFU mode (SPIKE Essential) |
0x0694 | 0x000D | LEGO Technic Small Hub (SPIKE Essential) |
0x0694 | 0x0010 | LEGO Technic Large Hub (MINDSTORMS Inventor) |
0x0694 | 0x0011 | LEGO Technic Large Hub in DFU mode (MINDSTORMS Inventor) |