Statuscope is a monitoring intermediary for push heartbeats via HTTP(S).
You can
- Make sure things run in the expected intervals (e.g. that a backup runs daily).
- Report failures of things (e.g. a failed backup).
- Hook up your Prometheus to statuscope (
, see the help given in the response) to know when heartbeats fail. - Hook up your monitoring/alerting to statuscope to know when heartbeats fail (deprecated, prefer Prometheus).
- Easily send heartbeats from the monitoring subjects via curl.
bundle exec rake
- Define a new version tag
(the idea is to use semantic versioning). - Change the BuildConfig named
, to use the tag you're adding in the next step (.spec.source.git.ref
). - Commit, add the tag, push it and redeploy (see below).
Create the route
cat openshift/route.yml.template | \
sed "s#HOSTNAME_PLACEHOLDER#$hostname#" | \
oc apply -f -
Create deployment
bundle exec rake secret > secret
oc create secret generic statuscope-rails --from-file=secret_key_base=secret
rm secret
oc apply -f openshift/
Tag the image from your relevant registry that the GitHub build pushed it to
oc tag statuscope:latest
Aaand it's done.
Got into statuscope Pods first container
oc exec -it $(oc get pod | grep Running | awk '{ print $1 }') bash
and use the rails tasks
rails heartbeat:add APPLICATION=my_app INTERVAL_SECONDS=16800 TEAM=puzzle
# => Added. Token: GTWSEcRz4e59dCJKa4AjLvxe
rails heartbeat:token APPLICATION=my_app
# => Token: GTWSEcRz4e59dCJKa4AjLvxe
rails heartbeat:remove APPLICATION=my_app
# => Removed.
to disable interval checks and just remember the last
reported state.
Signal a success with
curl \
http://localhost:3000/signal \
-d application=my_app \
-d token=m2x5b6vMdxtatTdGYnqyR8ee \
-d status=ok
Signal a failure with
curl \
http://localhost:3000/signal \
-d application=my_app \
-d token=m2x5b6vMdxtatTdGYnqyR8ee \
-d status=fail
curl http://localhost:3000/checks/my_app | jq .
# => {
# "application": "my_app",
# "state": "fail",
# "check_in": "2018-12-05T13:27:00.980Z",
# "interval": 16800
# }