With the growing interest in artificial neural networks one might try to use a trained neural network together with Fortran code.
It is important to notice that the ANN is already trained. If you have already trained your model through Python, R or any other Tensorflow-API this cloud work for you.
Furthermore it should be noted that there's also the option to call the Fortran part of your program out of python via f2py. In some cases that might be better.
Here's how I did it.
For this to work you need to build Tensorflow from source. Unfortunately this guide does not work with just the pip package.
Here's were to start, if you don't know how to do that.
Futhermore we have to compile the modul tf2xla_pb2
With your trained Tensorflow model in the variable model
you can now save the Tensorflow graph and weights.
For this you need the following imports.
from keras import backend as K
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables
from tensorflow.python.framework.convert_to_constants import convert_variables_to_constants_v2
from tensorflow.python.tools import freeze_graph
import tf2xla_pb2
By using the tf2xla_pb2
we can save the structure of the in and outputs of the model/graph.
The structure is than saved in the file "graph.config.pbtxt".
config = tf2xla_pb2.Config()
batch_size = 1
for x in model.inputs:
x.set_shape([batch_size] + list(x.shape)[1:])
feed = config.feed.add()
feed.id.node_name = x.op.name
for x in model.outputs:
fetch = config.fetch.add()
fetch.id.node_name = x.op.name
with open('graph.config.pbtxt', 'w') as f:
Convert the still trainable model with the following code in to a function. With that all the variables are turned into constants, thus the model is not trainable anymore.
full_model = tf.function(lambda x: model(x))
full_model = full_model.get_concrete_function(
tf.TensorSpec(model.inputs[0].shape, model.inputs[0].dtype))
# Freaz function
frozen_func = convert_variables_to_constants_v2(full_model)
After that you can write the graph weights to disk via:
# Write Frozen graph to disk
Now that we have saved the structure and weights, we can compile the graph as function with the following Cpp-code.
#include "graph.h"
#include "third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor"
extern "C" void run(void *inputptr, void *outputptr, int input_size, int output_size) {
/* Basic function to compile and run the Modell defined in graph.pb and graph.config.pbtext
Eigen::ThreadPool tp(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice device(&tp, tp.NumThreads());
Graph graph;
double *input;
input=(double *)inputptr; double *output;
output=(double *)outputptr;
std::copy(input, input + input_size, graph.arg0_data());
auto ok = graph.Run();
std::copy(graph.result0_data(), graph.result0_data() + output_size, output);
All the files (graph.cc
, graph.pb
and graph.config.pbtxt
) must be in the root folder of the Tensorflow installation.
To compile the Code we modify the BUILD
File in the Tensorflow root folder.
The new BUILD
File is given through:
load('@org_tensorflow//tensorflow/compiler/aot:tfcompile.bzl', 'tf_library')
name = 'graph',
config = 'graph.config.pbtxt',
cpp_class = 'Graph',
graph = 'graph.pb',
name = "mymodel.so",
srcs = ["graph.cc"],
deps = [":graph", "//third_party/eigen3"],
linkopts = ["-lpthread"],
linkshared = 1,
copts = ["-O3 -fPIC"],
For the first compilation we have to generate graph.h
by executing:
bazel build --show_progress_rate_limit=600 @org_tensorflow//:graph
After that or for all following compilations we compile the graph via:
bazel build --show_progress_rate_limit=600 @org_tensorflow//:mymodel.so
Essentially we just have to exchange graph.pb
and graph.config.pbtxt
to compile different models after the first compilation.
The following interface defines the compiled model in the Fortran code.
SUBROUTINE model(xptr,yptr,sizex,sizey) BIND(C, name='run')
IMPORT ::c_ptr
TYPE(C_ptr), VALUE :: xptr
TYPE(C_ptr), VALUE :: yptr
We could call a model with 15 intputs and 1 output by the following.
FUNCTION localWrapper(modelInput) RESULT(modelOutput)
! INPUT/OUTPUT Variables
REAL(KIND=15), DIMENSION(1:15),INTENT(IN) :: modelInput
ReaL(KIND=15) :: modelOutput
REAL(C_double), TARGET :: x(15)
REAL(C_double), TARGET :: y(1)
INTEGER :: x_size,y_size
TYPE(C_ptr) :: xptr,yptr
x_size = 15
y_size = 1
x = modelInput
yptr = c_loc(y(1))
xptr = c_loc(x(1))
CALL model(xptr,yptr,x_size,y_size)
END FUNCTION localWrapper
It is important that we populate the input variable x
exactly in the same order as in the training of the model.
The same statement holds true for the output.
When compiling the Fortran code we have to link the compiled shared library mymodel.so
When using gfortran
this can be achieved by adding the flags:
-L. -Wl,-rpath,. mymodel.so