bot to anonymously swap films with other users to watch
Run on python 3.11.3
- manage roles
- embed links
- attach files
- use slash commands
- send messages
- create public threads
- send messages in threads
Create an .env
file with values like:
ALLOWED_ROLES='["filmswap-mod", "Chat Moderators"]'
git clone
cd filmswap
pyenv install 3.11.3
python3 -m virtualenv .venv -p ~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.3/bin/python
# to develop/work in environment, activate:
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
# once all is installed, to run bot
./.venv/bin/python -m filmswap run
# deprecated install method
pipenv install
pipenv run bot
This runs a swap as a singleton, adding multiple swaps per server was originally supported but it makes the commands a bit more complicated, and I don't think its worth the complication.
To create a swap, run /create
, then /set-channel
, then /send-join-message
to send a message to the channel to join the swap.
Once users have joined then can set their >letter
s telling the bot what they want to watch
Then, /set-period SWAP
will start the SWAP period, matching users up with santa/giftee pairs, users can then use /read
and >submit
to read and submit their films, and >write-giftee
to anonymously communicate with their giftee/santas
If people join late, you can use admin match-users
command to match them up with other users who joined late (Requires at least 2 late joiners)
Then, once all the films are submitted, you can use /set-period WATCH
to start the watch period, where users can watch the films they were given, and use /done-watching
to mark them as watched (or an admin can use /set-user-done-watching
to do so)
The admin/filmswap-manage
commands automatically work if a user is an admin, but can also be controlled through one or more roles