This is the Linux version of sb3-commit translated into a Bash shell script by pumpkinhasapatch.
RokCoder's version was written for Command Prompt and relied on other Windows executables to work.
This version allows users on other operating systems to easily review changes to their Scratch projects through GitHub.
Automates the use of GitHub commits with all scripts in readable formats
1) Uses Scratch APIs to pull the project.json file and all of the asset files needed to construct an sb3 file
2) Converts all of the scripts from within the project.json file into legible text files
3) Downloads a zip file containing the project sb3, the converted-to-text scripts and a few text files used for moving the assets into the current subfolders
4) Extracts the zip file and moves the contents into the applicable folders
5) Kickstarts GitHub Desktop so all you need to do is enter a commit comment
Any Linux distribution bundled with GNU coreutils
'unzip' command, included in most distros but may need to be manually installed
GitHub Desktop Linux Fork installed from .deb, .rpm or package manager
GitHub Desktop Linux Fork can be downloaded here.
The basic folder structure is -
MyProject/ (fully commented in case you want or need to edit it)
scripts/ (used by tool to store converted Scratch scripts)
sb3 and assets folders are currently not working due to changes in the Scratch API.
1) Download the repository as a zip file and extract it to your project folder (e.g. into d:/projects/beeb-emulator). This will create several subfolders, the most important of which will be ./bin because that will contain commit.bat
2) Ensure your system is set up with "what it needs". If you're using a different platform or different tools then the bash script will need modification to match.
3) Edit the file for the project you're working on -
i) Set PROJECT to the project id of your Scratch project - set to RokCoder's Beeb Emulator by default (531881458)
ii) Set DOWNLOAD to point to the folder where your web browser saves files (Uses RokCoder's website to convert projects)
4) Create a GitHub repository for your project folder
1) Run the bash script
2) Wait for scripts to parse in sb3-to-txt, then save the output .zip to your Downloads folder
3) When GitHub Desktop opens, ensure it's using the correct repository
4) Enter your commit message and hit the commit button
If you adapt the batch file for anything other than Windows 10, 7z and GitHub Desktop then please feel free to open a pull request to have them added for others to use
If you find this useful, please comment to to bump the forum post. Doing that will mean other Scratchers might become aware of this tool and also find it useful for their projects. Thank you!