Sample code from ported to C++ and SFML.
State: In-Progress.
SFML Version: 2.4.2
Folder Structure:
- CMakeList.txt
- /deps: Any libraries required by the example (except for SFML)
- /src: Source Code.
- /res: stores any assets required by the example (e.g fonts or images).
- /build: Precompiled Windows Executable x86 File.
- /SFML-x.x.x: Current SFML Version being used by all the examples
Note 1: If you want to build any example, just run CMake on their own root folder.
Note 2: I have built all the examples on Windows with CMake; eventually will try to add Linux and OSx support, but I'll be more than happy to recieve any help with this in the meantime :)
Note 3: Example ch04-12-video-frames uses Visual Studio temporarily.