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PULP-Dronet V2

The project's structure is the following:

└── pulp-dronet-v2/
    ├── dataset/
    │   ├── fine_tuning/
    │   ├── himax/
    │   ├── testing/
    │   ├── training/
    │   └── validation/
    ├── gapflow/
    ├── imgs/
    │   └── PULP_drone.png
    ├── model/
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├── dronet_v2_gapflow_original.pth
    │   ├── dronet_v2_gapflow_original_himax.pth
    │   ├── dronet_v2_nemo_dory_original.pth
    │   └── dronet_v2_nemo_dory_original_himax.pth
    ├── nemo-dory/
    │   └──
    ├── conda_deps.yml
    ├── LICENSE


Python dependences

Install all the python dependences (for CNN training and testing):

conda env create -f conda_deps.yml

Install NEMO (quantization tool)

NEMO can be installed with pip install pytorch-nemo and it is already included in the python dependences conda_deps.yml. Therefore, no further actions required.

Clone DORY (deployment tool)

DORY is the automatic tool for deploying DNNs on low-cost MCUs with typically less than 1MB of on-chip SRAM memory.

git clone
cd dory/
git clone
git clone```

Tested on this commit: a98227263db3f9fd4ba7eca85d4210acee3a4af3

Install the GAP sdk

Full GWT guide can be found at:

We provide some basic instructions at the end of the README: (Go to GAP sdk setup)

Download and prepare the dataset

The PULP-DroNet dataset is composed by the following three sub-sets:

The original Udacity and Zurich Bicycle datasets were previously released in their respective open-source projects.

The Udacity dataset and the Zurich Bicycle dataset must be pre-processed to match out HIMAX configuration, and the hierarchy of the files must be re-arranged.

Udacity dataset: download and reorganize:

Please follow the step-by-step guide of the original DroNet repository for downloading and extracting the Udacity and Zurich bicycle datasets.

Our summary:

  • Download the three torrent files from here: Ch2_001.tar.gz.torrent, Ch2_002.tar.gz.torrent, HMB_3.bag.tar.gz.torrent
  • Once downloaded, you get:
Ch2_001.tar.gz   (4.4 GB)-> includes the training set HMB_1 HMB_2 HMB_4 HMB_5 HMB_6
Ch2_002.tar.gz   (456 MB)-> includes the testing set HMB_3 (no labels!) -> discard
HMB_3.bag.tar.gz (896 MB)-> testing set HMB_3 (with labels!)
  • untar all files: tar -xvf file_name.tar.gz
Ch2_001 and HMB_3.bag.tar.gz, once extracted:
HMB.txt	  	  -> info on dataset, discard
HMB_1.bag 	  -> bag file to be extracted with udacity-driving-reader
HMB_2.bag 	  -> bag file to be extracted with udacity-driving-reader
HMB_3.bag 	  -> bag file to be extracted with udacity-driving-reader
HMB_4.bag 	  -> bag file to be extracted with udacity-driving-reader
HMB_5.bag 	  -> bag file to be extracted with udacity-driving-reader
HMB_6.bag 	  -> bag file to be extracted with udacity-driving-reader
  • Create a directory for each file: mkdir -p ./extract/HMB_1 ./extract/HMB_2 ./extract/HMB_3 ./extract/HMB_4 ./extract/HMB_5 ./extract/HMB_6
  • Extract the .bag files with udacity-driving-reader in these separate folders (then we will merge them). for example:
mv Ch2_002/HMB_1.bag  extract/HMB_1/
cd udacity-driving-reader/
./ -i /<absolute_path_to>/extract/HMB_1/ -o /<absolute_path_to>/extract/HMB_1/ -- -f png

How to use ./ -i [absolute dir with folders containing bag files] -o [absolute output dir] -- [args to pass to python script]

  • Clean unecessary files
cd extract/HMB_1/
rm -r brake.csv camera.csv gear.csv gps.csv HMB_2.bag HMB_2.yaml imu.csv steering.csv throttle.csv left/ right/
  • We are left wit only center/ folder and interpolated.csv

  • Rename the center/ folder to `images/

  • As explained in DroNet, process the interpolated.csv labels file with this script.

  • Process the images to convert them to the HIMAX format:cropping (center bottom) to 200x200 pixels format, conversion to grapyscale colormap, conversion to jpeg format

Zurich Bicycles dataset: download and reorganize

  • download from here.
  • Process the images to convert them to the HIMAX format:cropping (center bottom) to 200x200 pixels format, conversion to grapyscale colormap, conversion to jpeg format

The final hierarchy of the dataset files:

├── fine_tuning/
│   ├── DSCN2561/ # Zurich_Bicycle_Dataset
│   ├── ...
│   ├── DSCN2697/
│   ├── GOPR0201/
│   ├── ...
│   ├── GOPR0387/
│   ├── HMB_1_3900/ # Udacity_Dataset
│   ├── ...
│   ├── HMB_6/
│   ├── test_01/ # Himax_Dataset
│   ├── ...
│   └── test_24/
├── himax/
│   └── jpg/
│       └── testing/
│           ├── test_02/ # Himax_Dataset
│           ├── ...
│           └── test_23/
├── testing/
│   ├── DSCN2571/ # Zurich_Bicycle_Dataset
│   ├── GOPR0200/
│   ├── ...
│   ├── GOPR0386/
|   |
│   └── HMB_3/ # Udacity_Dataset
├── training/
│   ├── DSCN2561/ # Zurich_Bicycle_Dataset
│   ├── ...
│   ├── DSCN2697/
│   ├── GOPR0201/
│   ├── ...
│   ├── GOPR0387/
│   ├── HMB_1_3900/ # Udacity_Dataset
│   ├── ...
│   ├── HMB_6/
│   ├── test_01/ # Himax_Dataset
│   ├── ...
│   └── test_24/
└── validation/
    ├── DSCN2682/ # Zurich_Bicycle_Dataset
    ├── GOPR0227/
    └── HMB_1_501# Zurich_Bicycle_Dataset

Important note

The himax dataset folders (test_*) must be named with 2 figures, for example: test_01 and not test_1.

How to use

All the python scripts (,,, take default values of variables from the file. Each argument added by command line will override default values.


python --data_path=/path/to/pulp_dronet_dataset --dataset=original_and_himax --flow=nemo_dory --gpu=0 --batch_size=32

Evaluating all the weights of a training session

When the "--early_stopping" is disabled, the training script will save the weights of the network after each epoch (by default in the "checkpoints/pulp_dronet_v2" folder) script provides a way to test (default:validation dataset) all these weights saved for each training session. After this, you can manually select the best performing set of weights.

python --data_path=/path/to/pulp_dronet_dataset --dataset=validation --flow=nemo_dory --gpu=0 --batch_size=32 --cherry_picking_path=checkpoints/pulp_dronet_v2/


Testing on the original dataset only (Udacity and Zurich bicycle datasets) will provide performances of both Accuracy (collision) and RMSE (steering angle)

python --data_path=/path/to/pulp_dronet_dataset --dataset=original --flow=nemo_dory --gpu=0 --batch_size=32

Testing on the HIMAX dataset only will provide performances of Accuracy only (kust "collision" labels, no "steering angle" labels)

python --data_path=/path/to/pulp_dronet_dataset --dataset=himax --flow=nemo_dory --gpu=0 --batch_size=32

Deployment flow: NEMO/DORY and GAP8 (GVSoC) flow: quickstart

How to run PULP-DroNet on GAP8 or GVSoC in three steps, starting from a pretrained model.

NEMO (quantization):

  • Input: model definition (pytorch format, can be found in "models/") + pre-trained weights (".pth file", can be found in "models/dronet_v2_dory.pth" )
  • Output: ONNX graph model (including weights) + golden activations (".txt" files, used by DORY for checksums)

DORY (generation of optimized C code):

  • Input: ONNX graph model + golden activations (".txt" files)
  • Output: optimized C code for deployment on GAP8, generated in the "dory_examples/application/" folder

GAP8 (run on platform):

  • Input: optimized C code generated by DORY (dory_examples/application/" folder)

Detailed steps:

1. Generate the onnx model with nemo script

conda activate your_env
python --data_path=/path/to/your/pulpdronet/dataset  --export_path=./nemo_output/

2. Use DORY to generate the C code

DORY generates the deployment C code under the "dory_examples/application/" folder:

cd /dory/dory_example/
conda activate your_env
python --network_dir ../nemo_output/ --verbose_level Check_all+Perf_final --Bn_Relu_Bits 64 --l2_buffer_size 420000 --sdk=gap_sdk

3. Build and run on GAP8 (or GVSoC)

remember: open a new terminal, source your sdk and export the cfg for your debugger

remember: your gap sdk (or pulp sdk) must be correctly installed before you try to run on GAP8 (Go to GAP sdk setup)

source gap_sdk/configs/
export GAPY_OPENOCD_CABLE=$HOME/work/gap_sdk/tools/gap8-openocd/tcl/interface/ftdi/olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h.cfg

then run PULP-DroNet on GAP8 : )

cd dory/dory_example/application
make clean all run CORE=8 platform=gvsoc  (GVSoC)
make clean all run CORE=8 platform=board  (GAP8)

Bonus: Install GAP SDK

Tested versions of the sdk are: 3.8.1

You must install the GAP sdk (or the PULP sdk) to use GVSoC or to run code on GAP8 SoC. Here you can find the basic steps to install the GAP sdk.

Full GWT guide can be found at:


sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git libftdi-dev libftdi1 doxygen python3-pip libsdl2-dev curl cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev scons gtkwave libsndfile1-dev rsync autoconf automake texinfo libtool pkg-config libsdl2-ttf-dev

Tip: create also a conda environment (and call it gap_sdk) to install all the packets needed by the sdk

conda create --name gap_sdk python numpy cython
conda activate gap_sdk


git clone
cd ~/gap_riscv_toolchain_ubuntu_18

TIP: if you chose a custom path for install, add this to your .bashrc file:

export GAP_RISCV_GCC_TOOLCHAIN="custom/path/that/you/chose"


git clone
cd gap_sdk
git submodule update --init --recursive
source configs/
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r tools/nntool/requirements.txt
make sdk

IMPORTANT: always run the in a fresh new terminal. Never source this file two times in the same terminal (might have issues)

TEST: To check everything works

Test on GVSoC

cd examples/pmsis/helloworld
make clean all run platform=gvsoc

Test on the board

export GAPY_OPENOCD_CABLE=interface/ftdi/olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h.cfg
cd examples/pmsis/helloworld
make clean all run platform=board

There are different cables setup by default for each board (here the list of defices supported). In case you want to use a different cable, you can define this environment variable:


How can I use the GAP sdk a second time?:

after installing, the only commands you need to run on a fresh new terminal in order to use the gap sdk are:

cd gap_sdk
source configs/