Work in progress extensions to the Fluid Hierarchical Task Network.
- Random Selector selects among sub-tasks randomly.
- Utility Selector selects the sub-task with the best utility. Requires sub-tasks to implement the IUtilityTask interface.
- Invert Status Selector inverts the result from its decomposition.
- Always Succeed Selector will always succeed, even when its internal decomposition fail. Useful for optional branching in a sequence.
- Repeat Sequence will repeat decomposition over its sub-tasks as many times as defined by the given world state value.
- GOAP Sequence takes a goal state set and will try to find the shortest path to that goal state through its sub-tasks. Requires sub-tasks to implement the IGOAPTask interface.
Join the discord channel to share your experience and get support on the usage of Fluid HTN.
- JSON serialization that opens up Fluid HTN to more editor possibilities.
- Documentation