Prerequisites The following examples assume that the example dataset has been fetched. From the root of the Morpheus repo, run:
./scripts/ fetch examples
To build a pipeline via the CLI, users must first specify the type of pipeline, a source object, followed by a sequential list of stages. For each stage, options can be specified to configure the particular stage. Since stages are listed sequentially the output of one stage becomes the input to the next. Unless heavily customized, pipelines start with either:
# For NLP Pipelines
morpheus run pipeline-nlp ...
# For FIL Pipelines
morpheus run pipeline-fil ...
While each stage has configuration options, there are options that apply to the pipeline as a whole as well. Check
morpheus run --help
, morpheus run pipeline-nlp --help
and morpheus run pipeline-fil --help
for these global
Pipeline options.
All pipelines configured with the CLI need to start with a source object. Two commonly used source stages included with Morpheus are:
- Reads from a local file into the Pipeline
- Supports JSON lines format
- All lines are read at the start and queued into the pipeline at one time. Useful for performance testing.
- Refer to
for more information
- Pulls messages from a Kafka cluster into the Pipeline
- Kafka cluster can be running on the localhost or remotely
- Refer to
for more information
From this point on, any number of stages can be sequentially added to the command line from start to finish. For example, we could build a trivial pipeline that reads from a file, deserializes messages, serializes them, and then writes to a file use the following:
morpheus --log_level=DEBUG run pipeline-nlp --viz_file=.tmp/simple_identity.png \
from-file --filename=examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines \
deserialize \
serialize \
to-file --overwrite --filename .tmp/temp_out.json
The output should be similar to:
Configuring Pipeline via CLI
Parameter, 'labels_file', with relative path, 'data/labels_nlp.txt', does not exist. Using package relative location: '/home/dagardner/work/morpheus/morpheus/data/labels_nlp.txt'
Loaded labels file. Current labels: [['address', 'bank_acct', 'credit_card', 'email', 'govt_id', 'name', 'password', 'phone_num', 'secret_keys', 'user']]
Starting pipeline via CLI... Ctrl+C to Quit
"ae": null,
"class_labels": [
"debug": false,
"edge_buffer_size": 128,
"feature_length": 256,
"fil": null,
"log_config_file": null,
"log_level": 10,
"mode": "NLP",
"model_max_batch_size": 8,
"num_threads": 64,
"pipeline_batch_size": 256,
"plugins": []
CPP Enabled: True
====Registering Pipeline====
====Building Pipeline====
====Building Segment: linear_segment_0====
====Building Segment Complete!====
====Building Pipeline Complete!====
Starting! Time: 1672959248.7163541
====Registering Pipeline Complete!====
====Starting Pipeline====
====Pipeline Started====
Added source: <from-file-0; FileSourceStage(filename=examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines, iterative=False, file_type=FileTypes.Auto, repeat=1, filter_null=True, cudf_kwargs=None)>
└─> morpheus.MessageMeta
Added stage: <deserialize-1; DeserializeStage()>
└─ morpheus.MessageMeta -> morpheus.MultiMessage
Added stage: <serialize-2; SerializeStage(include=(), exclude=('^ID$', '^_ts_'), fixed_columns=True)>
└─ morpheus.MultiMessage -> morpheus.MessageMeta
Added stage: <to-file-3; WriteToFileStage(filename=.tmp/temp_out.json, overwrite=True, file_type=FileTypes.Auto, include_index_col=True)>
└─ morpheus.MessageMeta -> morpheus.MessageMeta
====Pipeline Complete====
Pipeline visualization saved to .tmp/simple_identity.png
After the ====Building Pipeline====
message, if logging is INFO
or greater, the CLI prints a list of all stages and the type transformations of each stage. To be a valid Pipeline, the output type of one stage must match the input type of the next. Many stages are flexible and determines their type at runtime but some stages require a specific input type. If your Pipeline is configured incorrectly, Morpheus reports the error. For example, if we run the same command as above but forget the serialize
morpheus --log_level=DEBUG run pipeline-nlp \
from-file --filename=examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines \
deserialize \
to-file --overwrite --filename .tmp/temp_out.json
Then the following error displays:
RuntimeError: The to-file stage cannot handle input of <class 'morpheus.messages.multi_message.MultiMessage'>. Accepted input types: (<class 'morpheus.messages.message_meta.MessageMeta'>,)
This indicates that the to-file
stage cannot accept the input type of morpheus.pipeline.messages.MultiMessage
This is because the to-file
stage has no idea how to write that class to a file; it only knows how to write instances of morpheus.messages.message_meta.MessageMeta
. To ensure you have a valid pipeline, examine the Accepted input types: (<class 'morpheus.messages.message_meta.MessageMeta'>,)
portion of the message. This indicates you need a stage that converts from the output type of the deserialize
stage, MultiMessage
, to MessageMeta
, which is exactly what the serialize
stage does.
The above example essentially just copies a file. However, it is an important to note that most Morpheus pipelines are similar in structure, in that they begin with a source stage (from-file
) followed by a deserialize
stage, end with a serialize
stage followed by a sink stage (to-file
), with the actual training or inference logic occurring in between.
We could also easily swap out the source or sink stages in the above example without any impact to the pipeline as a whole. For example, to read from a Kafka topic, simply replace the from-file
stage with from-kafka
Note: This assumes a Kafka broker running on the localhost listening to port 9092. For testing Morpheus with Kafka follow steps 1-8 in Quick Launch Kafka Cluster section of, creating a topic named
then replace port9092
with the port your Kafka instance is listening on.
morpheus --log_level=DEBUG run pipeline-nlp \
from-kafka --input_topic test_pcap --bootstrap_servers localhost:9092 \
deserialize \
serialize \
to-file --filename .tmp/temp_out.json
For a complete list of available stages, use the CLI help commands. The available stages can also be queried from the CLI using morpheus run pipeline-nlp --help
or morpheus run pipeline-fil --help
This example only copies the fields 'timestamp', 'src_ip' and 'dest_ip' from examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines
morpheus run pipeline-nlp --viz_file=.tmp/remove_fields_from_json_objects.png \
from-file --filename examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines \
deserialize \
serialize --include 'timestamp' --include 'src_ip' --include 'dest_ip' \
to-file --overwrite --filename out.jsonlines
This example reports the throughput on the command line.
morpheus run pipeline-nlp --viz_file=.tmp/monitor_throughput.png \
from-file --filename examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines \
deserialize \
monitor --description "Lines Throughput" --smoothing 0.1 --unit "lines" \
serialize \
to-file --overwrite --filename out.jsonlines
Configuring Pipeline via CLI
Starting pipeline via CLI... Ctrl+C to Quit
Lines Throughput[Complete]: 93085 lines [00:03, 29446.18 lines/s]
Pipeline visualization saved to .tmp/monitor_throughput.png
This example reports the throughput for each stage independently.
morpheus run pipeline-nlp --viz_file=.tmp/multi_monitor_throughput.png \
from-file --filename examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines \
monitor --description "From File Throughput" \
deserialize \
monitor --description "Deserialize Throughput" \
serialize \
monitor --description "Serialize Throughput" \
to-file --filename out.jsonlines --overwrite
Configuring Pipeline via CLI
Starting pipeline via CLI... Ctrl+C to Quit
From File Throughput[Complete]: 93085 messages [00:00, 168118.35 messages/s]
Deserialize Throughput[Complete]: 93085 messages [00:04, 22584.37 messages/s]
Serialize Throughput[Complete]: 93085 messages [00:06, 14095.36 messages/s]
Pipeline visualization saved to .tmp/multi_monitor_throughput.png
This example shows an NLP Pipeline which uses several stages available in Morpheus. This example utilizes the Triton Inference Server to perform inference, and writes the output to a Kafka topic named inference_output
. Both of which need to be started prior to launching Morpheus.
From the Morpheus repo root directory, run the following to launch Triton and load the sid-minibert
docker run --rm -ti --gpus=all -p8000:8000 -p8001:8001 -p8002:8002 -v $PWD/models:/models tritonserver --model-repository=/models/triton-model-repo --exit-on-error=false --model-control-mode=explicit --load-model sid-minibert-onnx
Follow steps 1-8 in Quick Launch Kafka Cluster section of, creating a topic named inference_output
then replace port 9092
with the port your Kafka instance is listening on.
morpheus run --num_threads=8 --pipeline_batch_size=1024 --model_max_batch_size=32 \
pipeline-nlp --viz_file=.tmp/nlp_kitchen_sink.png \
from-file --filename examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines \
deserialize \
preprocess \
inf-triton --model_name=sid-minibert-onnx --server_url=localhost:8001 \
monitor --description "Inference Rate" --smoothing=0.001 --unit "inf" \
add-class \
filter --threshold=0.8 \
serialize --include 'timestamp' --exclude '^_ts_' \
to-kafka --bootstrap_servers localhost:9092 --output_topic "inference_output" \
monitor --description "ToKafka Rate" --smoothing=0.001 --unit "msg"
Configuring Pipeline via CLI
Starting pipeline via CLI... Ctrl+C to Quit
Inference Rate[Complete]: 93085 inf [00:07, 12334.49 inf/s]
ToKafka Rate[Complete]: 93085 msg [00:07, 13297.85 msg/s]
Pipeline visualization saved to .tmp/nlp_kitchen_sink.png