REstate is a library that allows you to define portable state-flows (state-machine based workflows).
A Schematic
may be defined on one server or workstation, but then used on others.
s can call arbitrary code through the connector system, provided the connector exists on the system where it is running.
Given the following REstate schematic, represented in DOT Graph:
Here is the code to build the schematic:
var schematic = REstateHost.Agent
.CreateSchematic<string, string>("LoggerMachine")
.WithState("Created", state => state
.WithState("Ready", state => state
.WithTransitionFrom("Created", "log")
.WithOnEntry("log info", onEntry => onEntry
.DescribedAs("Logs the payload as a message.")
key: "messageFormat",
value: "{schematicName}({machineId}) entered {state} on {input}. Message: {payload}")))
Schematics can be serialized into or from YML (YamlDotNet):
SchematicName: LoggerMachine
InitialState: Created
- Value: Created
- Input: log
ResultantState: Ready
- Value: Ready
- Input: log
ResultantState: Ready
Identifier: log info
messageFormat: '{schematicName}({machineId}) entered {state} on {input}. Message: {payload}'
Description: Logs the payload as a message.
As well as JSON or any other format really.