Import posts, pages, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a CSV file.
Advanced CSV Importer is fully unit-tested. The plugin is stable and ready to be used in large projects like enterprise applications.
$ wp csv import tests/_data/wp/sample.csv
| ID | Title | Type | Status | Author | Date |
| 1720 | CSV Import Test | post | publish | admin | 2013-09-13 00:00:00 |
| 1721 | define author test | post | publish | admin | 2014-12-27 18:44:46 |
| 1722 | define author id test | post | publish | themedemos | 2014-12-27 18:44:46 |
| 1 | Hello world! Updated! | post | publish | admin | 2014-12-27 18:44:46 |
$ wp csv log
| ID | Title | Date | Success | Failure |
| e0a66344 | Imported from WP-CLI. | 2014-12-27 18:44:46 | 4 | 0 |
| 43c47af6 | Imported from admin screen. | 2014-12-27 16:53:17 | 4 | 0 |
| df0f140b | Imported from WP-CLI. | 2014-12-27 16:21:42 | 4 | 0 |
$ wp csv log e0a66344
| ID | Title | Type | Status | Author | Date |
| 1720 | CSV Import Test | post | publish | admin | 2013-09-13 00:00:00 |
| 1721 | define author test | post | publish | admin | 2014-12-27 18:44:46 |
| 1722 | define author id test | post | publish | themedemos | 2014-12-27 18:44:46 |
| 1 | Hello world! Updated! | post | publish | admin | 2014-12-27 18:44:46 |
$ wp post delete $(wp csv log e0a66344 --format=ids)
Success: Trashed post 1720.
Success: Trashed post 1721.
Success: Trashed post 1722.
Success: Trashed post 1.
- ID
- post_content
- post_name
- post_title
- post_status
- post_type
- post_author
- ping_status
- post_parent
- menu_order
- to_ping
- pinged
- post_password
- guid
- post_content_filtered
- post_excerpt
- post_date
- post_date_gmt
- comment_status
- post_category
- tags_input
- page_template
You can change field name via acsv_post_object_keys
hook like following.
add_filter( 'acsv_post_object_keys', function( $post_object_keys ){
$post_object_keys['title'] = 'post_title';
$post_object_keys['content'] = 'post_content';
return $post_object_keys;
} );
Other columns will be saved to the custom field.
add_action( 'acsv_after_insert_post', function( $post_id, $post, $helper ){
$id = $helper->add_media( $post['post_meta']['post_thumbnail'] );
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $id );
}, 10, 3 );
CSV format should be like below.
This is my cool photo!,
add_filter( 'acsv_csv_format', function( $format ){
$format['from_charset'] = 'SJIS-win';
return $format;
} );
$ git clone
$ cd advanced-csv-importer
$ composer install
$ bin/ <db-name> <db-user> <db-pass> [db-host] [wp-version]
Then run tests.
$ phpunit